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On the 20th Feb. this Life-boat again performed most distinguished services in saving life. About 1 A.M. the usual signal of distress summoned the steam-tug GuidingStar, with the Life-boat in. tow, to the bar of the river. A gale of unusual severity was blowing from the N., and the night was dark, with thick weather. An Italian barque in a distressed condition was fallen in with about 4 A.M. off the Crosby, and having, with the aid of the Life-boat, been taken in tow by the tug, was eventually carried safely into the river, the Life-boat returning to her station under sail.

Scarcely had it landed, when news arrived that'the ship Marietta, of Liverpool, which had sailed from the port the day previously, bound for Bombay, was ashore on the bar. In a very short time the Lifeboat was again proceeding seaward in tow of theGreat Western tug, which cast off the boat when near enough to the wreck. The Marietta had lost her main and mizzen masts, and broken her back across the bar, and the crew, to the number of 25, were clinging, as best they might, to the fore rigging, and a part of the poop still above water. The Life-boat was unable to get alongside on account of the mass of wreckage; but anchoring near, she contrived to get a line thrown on board, and saved 13 persons, by hauling them through the seas to the boat; 4 others were drowned whilst making the attempt. Six persons remained clinging to the rigging, who were saved by the Liverpool Lifeboat, which now arrived. The crews of both these boats behaved in the most courageous manner; and nothing - but heroic exertions on the part of all who formed the crews could have been effectual in saving these 19 lives, under such trying circumstances..