HOWTH.—At 4A.M. on Sunday morning the 26th March, the barque Eva, of Dublin, was stranded on Baldoyle strand, when it was blowing a strong gale from the S.E.
The Life-boat Clara Baker was speedily manned, and proceeded to the vessel, over which the sea was making a clean breach.Part of the crew, 5 in number, had taken to their own boat before the ship had struck, but three others, who had preferred the chance of being saved by sticking to the wreck, were now lashed in the mizzen rigging to prevent being washed away.
The Life-boat, after filling several times from the heavy seas, -was with difficulty got near enough to the wreck to save these men, and being unable to regain her station bore up for Baldoyle when the rescue was effected.
The Eva belonged to Dublin, and was bound to Ardrossan. She became a total wreck..