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Annie, of Padstow

ABERSOCH.—At 9 A.M. on the 30th Jan.

the schooner Annie, of Padstow, bound from Dublin to Bristol, was observed with signals of distress flying while riding at anchor in St. Tudwell's Roads. It wasblowing a hard gale from the N.W.

and a heavy sea was running. The Life-boat Mabel Louisa, was thereupon launched and proceeded to render assistance.

Great difficulty was experienced in getting the master, who was ill, on board the Life-boat, but eventually himself and crew, 5 persons in all, were transferred to it. As there seemed at that time some chance of the wind moderating, the coxswain of the Life-boat determined to remain alongside as long as possible in the hope of saving the vessel; but, while they thus lingered, she parted her cable, and, driving on the rocks, became a total wreck. The Life-boat landed the crew in safety by dark..