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Resolutions Passed at the Annual Meeting for 1877


1.—Moved by the CHAIRMAN :— 1.—That the following Noblemen and Gentlemen be the Officers of the Institution for the current year:—(vide next page for this list.) 2.—Moved by Admiral SIR RICHARD COLLINSON, K.C.B., Deputy Master of the Trinity House.

Seconded by Admiral of the Fleet, SIR GEORGE E. SARTORIUS, K.C.B.

2.—That the Report now read be adopted, printed, and circulated.

3.—Moved by The Eight Hon. the EARL OF ERNE, K.P.

Seconded by NICHOLAS B. DOWNING, Esq., late of Penzance.

3.—That this Meeting, having learned with much satisfaction of the success which continues to mark the career of the LITE-BOAT INSTITUTION, trusts that re- newed exertions will be made to support its Committee and Officers in its great and national undertaking; and particularly so in view of the fact that the Institution has now under its management a noble Life-Saving Fleet of 256 Life-boats, which necessarily involves a large annual outlay to maintain it in that state of thorough efficiency which matured experience and management indicate.

4.—Moved by Vice-Admiral Sir J. WALTER TABLETON, K.C.B.

Seconded by Captain the Hon. FRANCIS MAUDE, B.N.

Supported by T. B. SMITHIES, Esq., Editor of the British Workman.

4.—That this Meeting has to acknow- ledge the continued brave and ever-active exertions of the Coxswains and Crews of the Life-boats, through whose laudable eiforts, which were particularly conspicu- ous last winter, the Life-boats of the Institution were the means of Saving last year 515 Lives from Shipwreck.

5.—Moved by The Eight Hon. the EARL OF COURTOWN.

Seconded by The Ven. Archdeacon of ACHONRY.

Supported by JOHN MACGREGOR, Esq., M.A. (" Bob Eoy.") 5.—That this Meeting offers its hearty thanks to THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.B.S., V.P., Chairman; to the Committee of Ma- nagement, and to the Officers of the In- stitution, for their able and indefatigable administration of its important and extensive affairs.

Also to the Honorary Local Committees and Secretaries of the several Branches of the Institution, for their continued valuable and active co-operation.

Responded to by GEORGE LLALL, Esq., V.P., Deputy Chairman, late Gover- nor of the Bank of England, and the Eev. E. HEWLETT, M.A., Honorary Secretary of the Manchester Branch of the Institution.

6.—Moved by GEORGE LYALL, Esq.

Seconded by Sir EDWARD G. L. PERROTT, Bart., V.P.

&.—That the best thanks of this Meet- ing be given to his Grace The DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, P.O., D.C.L., for SO ably presiding over the fifty-third Annual Meeting of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION, and for the continued kind interest he takes in its welfare.