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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 5th October, 1876: THOMAS CHAPMAN Esq., F.R.S., V.P., Chairman of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of Rear-Admiral J R. 'WARD, Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to Broadstairs, Ramsgate .Margate, and Kingsgate.

Also the Report of Rear-Admiral I . ROBERTSON- MACDONALD, Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his visits to Harwich, Dunbar, Holy Island, Eyemoutb, Cruden, Peterhead, Redcar, Saltburn, Middlesborough, Seaton Carew, Whitby, and Upgang.

Also the Report of Captain C. GRAY JONES, R.N., Second Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Rhosneigir, Holyhead, Penmon, Llanddwyn, Llanduduo, Colwyn, and Rhyl.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last Meeting: — £. s. d.

Proceeds of a Bazaar at Bangor, Ire- land, per WM. H. HAMILTON, Esq.. 185 7 8 S. W. CARET. Esq., of Hew York (100 dollars) 18 16 4 Thank-offerings for Harvest, 1876, from the parish of Hype, Sussex, per Rev. R. S. SUTTON .... 4 6 10 Portion of Harvest Thank-offering from the parish of Newton-by-Sud- bury, Suffolk, per Rev. REGINALD SMITH 2 12 0 Collection in Church, Melton Mowbray, on Sunday, 3rd Sept., per Rev. M. O. NORMAN ... 11811 — To be severally thanked.

Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £. s. d.

The late Mr. CHARLES ROBERSON, of Long Acre 500 0 0 The late Mrs. M. D. PARKER, of Whippingham, Isle of Wight (duty free). ..." 300 0 0 The late Dr. HENRY LONSDALE, of Carlisle 100 0 0 Mr. LEWIS, the Secretary, reported that he had, during the months of August and September, visited some of the Life-boat Stations on the coasts of Devon and Cornwall. • He found all the Life-boat Stations in excellent order, and the crews of the boats continued to ex press their entire satisfaction with their qualities.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the new Life-boats for Portrush (Ireland), and Eyemouth, N.B.

The Portrush boat had been conveyed free of charge from Dublin to its station by the Great Northern (Ireland) and the Belfast and Northern Counties Railway Companies.— Tote thanked.

Decided that various works be carried out at the Morte and Southend (Cantyre) Life-boat Stations, at an expense of 1152. 10s.

Decided that Vice-Admiral Sir WALTER TARLETOS, K.C.B., Admiral Superintendent of Naval Reserves, be requested to do the Institu- tion the important service to instruct the officers of Her Majesty's Coastguard to give their opinion as to the necessity of additional Life-boats being placed in their several districts.

Also that a similar favour he asked, through the Committee of Lloyd's, of Lloyd's Agents on the coasts of the United Kingdom.

Paid 2,9457. 2s. 5d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 58/. 12s. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Seaton Carew, Drogheda, Swanage, and Douglas, in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

A West Hartlepool boat 3 Brigantine Jtfoztm, of St. John's, N.B.. . . 8 Yacht Dragon, of Swanage ..'... 2 Brig Mary Ann, of Whitehaven 10 The Swanage and Redcar Life-boats had also rendered the following services :•— Schooner Maid of Kent, of London, assisted to save vessel and f); three-masted schooner Psyche, of Swansea, assisted to save vessel and 7; and fishing lugger Morning Star, of Redcar, 3 ; other Redcar fishing cobles, rendered assistance.

Voted 1511, 4s. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Peterhead, St. Andrew's, Penarth, Newhaven, Rhyl, Wicklow, Whitby, Wexford, Urogheda, Greystones, Looe, Brixham, Torquay, Howth, Dunwich, and Dunbar, in assembling their crews or going off to the aid of vessels not ultimately requiring their assistance.

The Ramsgate and Cullercoats Life-boats had also been out to the aid of distressed vessels.

The Committee expressed their deep sympathy with the widow and two sons of the poor man THOMAS WHITE, who was lost from the Kingstown Life-boat when returning to shore with the crew of 7 men of the brig Leonie, of Prince Edward's Island, which was in distress off Bray, during a gale of wind and in a heavy cross sea, on the 30th September. The Committee voted 150/. in aid of the local fund for the relief of the widow and children, besides granting 21. to each of the men who went off in the Life-boat on that occasion.

Voted 101. to Mr. THOMAS RAVERTY, Chief Officer of Coastguard at Ardglass. Co. Down, and his crew of 7 men, for saving, at great risk, the crew of 6 men from the fishing smack Olive Branch, of Arklow, which was wrecked near Ardglass Harbour during a strong S.S.W. gale on the 2nd of August.

THURSDAY, 2nd November: The Chairman of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Brighton, Worthing, Shore- ham, Newhaven, Eastbourne, and Hastings.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Lifeboats on his visits to the Life-boat Stations at Runswick, Staithes, Upgang, Middlesborough, lledcar, Eyemouth, and Banff.

Also the Report of the Second Assistant-In- spector on his recent visits to Kingstown, Howth, Drogheda, and Dublin.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last Meeting:— Local Government Officers' Life- £. s. d.

boat Fund, per Mr. G. C. BIMKOSE, Spalding, Lincolnshire .... 45 1 0 Mrs. ANNE GOMONDE, Pau ... 20 0 0 Proceeds of Annual Benefit at Prince of Wales's Theatre and Concert Hall, Wolverhampton, Mr. J. 5. T.

BREWSTFR, Proprietor, per Capt.

HENRY SEGKAVE 21 0 0 Contributions of Cadets of H.M.S.

Britannia and their Parents, re- ceived through Capt. GRAHAM,R.N. 7 12 2 Collected by Capt. McRrrciiiE, of the S.S. Etytia 1116 Portion of Harvest Thank-offering from Chilton, near Sudbury, Suf- folk, per Rev. HERBERT SMITH . 186 — To be severally thanked.

Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— e The late T. A. BERTIE MosTYS, Esq., of St. James's Place 100 0 0 The late Mrs. ELIZABETH KENDRICK, of Philpot Street, Commercial Road, (duty free) 100 0 0 The lafe Misses MARTHA and MAR- GARET RIGDEN, of St. Lawrence, Moumouth (duty free) .... 100 0 0 22 THE LIFE-BOAT.

[FEBRTJABY 1, 1877.

Reported that the Committee of the Life-ship Peronelle having been unable to obtain sufficient assistance from the public for her completion nnd equipment as a steam lite-ship, had presented her, with all her gear, sails, &c., to the NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION. She is 70 tons burden, and was designed by, and built for, Captain HANS BUSK, the well-known founder, in 1858, of our Volunteer Army.—To be thanked, and ordered the vessel to be sold, and the proceeds appropriated in placing a life-boat, named the Hans £usfi, on the coast at a convenient opportunity.

Paid 2,553/. 4s. 2d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 441. 11». Gd. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Harllepool, Irvine, and Stonehaven, in rendering the following services:— Lives •"5 saved.

Barque Avffredy. of Sunderland 3 Schooner Lady Mary, of Irvine 4 Prussian schooner K.aterina . . . ,J . . 4 The Arbroath and Cullercoats Life-boats had also rendered assistance to several; distressed fishing boats (vide pages 12-14, for particulars of most of these Life-boat services).

Voted also 6H. 12s. 6d. to pay the expenses of j the Harwich, Whitehaven, Greencastle, Donna Nook, and Kingsgate Life-boats, in either as- sembling their crews or putting off to the assist- ance of vessels in distress, which, did not, however, require the services of the Life-boats.

Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, and 21., to Mr. WILLIAM CAHILL, Chief Boatman in charge of H.M. Coastguard at Annalong, Co. Down, and 21. each to 5 other men, for rescuing with much difficulty, and at great risk, the crew of 4 men from the barque Troubadour, of Liverpool, which was wrecked at Annalong, during a strong wind and in a heavy sea, on the 3rd October.

THURSDAY, 7th December: The Chairman of the Institution, in the Chair.

Reported the lamented death, on the 28th No- vember, of HENRY WILLIS, Esq., Banker, who had been the Treasurer of the Institution for upwards of twenty-four years.

Decided that a vote of condolence, in memoriam, on vellum, be presented to Mrs. WILLIS and mem- bers of her family on the occasion of their sad bereavement.

Alao that, a special meeting be convened for Tuesday, the 19th December, at 4 o'clock, at the offices of the Institution, for the purpose of electing a Treasurer in succession to the late Mr. WILLIS.

Also that a vote of condolence, in memoriam, be presented to Mrs. DAVIES, on the occasion of the lamented decease of her husband, Vice-Admiral GEORGE DAviES,ChiefConstableof Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire, who was officially connected with the Institution in 1851, and whose intrepid deeds in saving life from shipwreck on several occasions, had been repeatedly acknowledged by this Committee.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Winchelsea, Rye, New Romney, Lydd, Hythe, Dover, Kingsdowne, Deal, and Walmer.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to Harwich, Thorpe, Aldborough, Dunwich, Southwold, Kessingland, Pakefield, Lowestoft, Corton, Gorleston, Yarmouth, and Caister.

Also the report of the Second Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to Bude, Port Isaac, Padstow, New Quay, Hayle, St. Ives, and Sennen.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £. *. d.

" Worcester Cadet" Life-boat Fund, per Capt. J. H. SMITH .... 339 3 1 "In Memoriam" ' 50 0 0 Collected by Pupils of Mrs. L AVINOTON, Clevedon, during the half-year end- ing June Si 6, in aid of the Cievedon Life-boat Fund 10 4 9 Contributions of Out-Pensioners in the Birmingham District, on behalf of the support of the Out-Pen- sioner Life-boat at Arklow ... 7 10 0 Collected in Weston-super-Mare Parish Church on Sunday, 19th November, per Rev. PREBENDARY BUCKLE, Rector, and Capt. R. D.

CKA-H-FOHD 14 10 3 Collected in Hadnall Church, near Shrewsbury, on Sunday, 5th No- vember, per Rev. BROOKE C. MOR- TIMER 506 Roscoe Place, Leeds, Mutual Improve- ment Society, per G. V. GASKELL, Esq 500 Miss ENGLISH, and Officers and Chil- dren of Licensed Victuallers' School, in aid of support of Licensed Victualler Life-boat at Hunstanton 440 — To be severally thanked.

Also that the following legacies had been be- queathed-to the Institution:— £. s. d.

The late Mrs. EMILY DEWAR, of Vogrie, N.B., for a Life-boat 500 0 0 The late Mr. JOHN WOOD, of High Longthwaite, Cumberland ... 19 19 0 The late Miss MARIA BUCKMASTER, of Kingston-on-Thames .... 10 0 0 Read letter from the Secretary of the Llanelly and Pembrey Branch, of the 3rd Nov., stating that the EAHV, of ASHBKKSHAM had readily granted a new site on which to re-erect the Life- boat house at Pembrey.— To be thanked.

Read letter from Major-General TULLOH, R.A., C.B., of West Malvern, of the 4th and 10th Nov., stating that his adopted daughter, Miss ADA GOLDSMITH TULLOH, was about to make an effort to collect the cost of a Life-boat, to be named after her collateral ancestor, the great author, OLIVER GOLDSMITH, the General acting as treasurer of the fund. — To be thanked.

Read letter from Mr. VEKNUM CANTEEO, of the Spanish Naval Commission in London, of the 20th Nov., asking for information regarding the work of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.— To be acknowledged.

Voted the thanks of the Institution, accompanied by a Model Life-buat, to Vice-Admiral SirW ALTER TABLETON, K.C.B., late Admiral Superintendent FEBBTJARY 1, 1877.] THE LIFE-BOAT.

23 of Naval Reserves, in acknowledgment of his'.ong and valuable cooperation, extending over many years, in aiding to'carry out the great and national objects of the Institution.

Decided that the fine new sailing Life-boat which had just been built for the No. 1 Station at Lowestoft be named the Samuel Plimsoll, its cost having been defrayed from funds raised at Derby and Liverpool for the purpose of placing a Life- boat on the coast in honour of Mr. PLIMSOLL, M.P.

Voted a telescope and 207. to Mr. NATHAMEL COLBY, in acknowledgment of his long and gallant services while holding the position of Coxswain of the Pakefield Life-boat, which he was now com- pelled to resign on account of ill-health.

Paid 2,52U. 2». 6rf. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Toted 137t 17s. Sd. to pay the expenses of the Lifeboats at Caister, Blyth, Falmouth, Swanage, Castletown, Gorleston, Hornsea, Tyrella, Aberyst- with, Berwick-on-Tweed, and Cullercoats, in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

Smack Phate, of Great Yarmouth .... 6 Brig Camilla, of Portsmouth 4 Barque J. W. Setterioall, of Stockholm—re- mained by vessel.

Smack Aries, of Cowes—rendered assistance.

Schooner Glfaner, of Preston 3 Brig Vulcan, of Whitstable .10 Ketch Germ, of Goole 4 Brigantine Sinai, of Nantes 6 Fishing boat of Llanrhystid 3 Steamer Clan Alpine, of Leith 4 Fishing coble George, of Cullercoats ... 1 The North Deal, Fraserburgh, Montrose, and Ardrossan Life-boats had also rendered the follow- ing services:—Schooner Ton Mawr, of Fowey, saved .vessel and crew, 5; barque Octavia, of Holmestrand—remained by vessel; two Ferryden fishing boats—rendered assistance; and schooner Rmer, of Wexford—rendered assistance.

[The particulars of most of these services will be found on pages 12-14 of this Journal.] Voted 233t 13s. 2d., to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Holyhead, Donna Nook, Gorleston, Margate, Penzance, Southend, Scarborough, Wex- ford, Montrose, Broughty Ferry, Holy Island, Cadgwith, Lizard, Courtown, Newcastle (Co.

Down), Winterton, Fraserburgh, Pakefield, Caister, and Weymouth, in either assembling their crews or going off to the aid of vessels not ultimately needing their assistance.

Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, and II., to Mr. JAMES BARKY, Com- missioned Boatman of H.M. Coastguard at Elie, N.B.; and It each to 4 fishermen for saving 3 men from the lugger Sea Witch, of EHe, which had capsized off that port during a strong S.W. gale and very heavy sea on the 10th October.

Also 21. 10s. to 10 men for putting off in a coble and landing 5 of the crew of the brig George and Elizabeth, of Sunderland, that vessel having been run ashore at Bridlington during an E.S.E, gale on the 12th October.

Also 2i to the crew, consisting of 3 men and a boy, of a Newbiggin coble for saving the crew of 7 men of the brig Georg, of Dragor, Denmark, who had taken to their boat on their vessel striking on the rocks near Blyth River on the 18ta November.

TUESDAY, 19th December.

A Special General Meeting of the Governors of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION was held this day at its House, John Street, Adelphi, to elect a Treasurer in succession to the late Mr. HENRY WILLIS, the Chairman of the Institution in the Chair.

Having stated the object for which this Special General Meeting of the Governors of the Institu- tion had been convened, Mr. CHAPMAN called on the Secretary to read the advertisement conven- ing the Meeting.

The same having been read, the Chairman alluded to the lamented death of the late Trea- surer, and proposed, which was seconded and carried unanimously— That Mr. HENRY WILLI?, Banker, of No. 76 Lombard Street, in the City of London, be elected Treasurer of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, in the room of his father, the late Mr. HENRY WILLIS.

A cordial vote of thanks to the Chairman closed the proceedings..