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God Help Our Men at Sea!

God help our men at sea! In firelit, pictured rooms, 'mid wine and flowers, And gleesome company, The wild winds awe us, in our blithest hours, To sigh this prayer; God help our men at sea ! I had a brother once. Our love ne'er fail'd In its intensity.

Smiling on our sweet mother, as he sail'd, I saw him last.

God help our men at sea They saw him, who outlived that deathful night, In his extremity,— Kneeling, and looking, in the stormHre's light, To Heaven for grace.

And angels' glory was upon him, bright As upon Stephen's face.

God help our men at sea ! Those pilgrim fathers, who leave all to teach Their Saviour's charity.

May their prayers, like St. Paul's, in tempest reach His ears, who said, With an exceeding tenderness of speech,— "'Tisl. Be not afraid!" I' God help our men at sea! The workers, who at home can find no spheres 5 .. For work j whom poverty Drives from their birthland, strong despite those tears, ! To toil, and win ; • And then, please God, return for peaceful years ! To their own land and kin.

I : God help our men at sea ! If lust of power or of revenge assail I England's tranquillity, . Using His gracious gifts, we shall prevail, ] As oft before ; : And Israel see the proud Egyptians pale ; And " dead on tike sea-shore." !! (Rev.) S. R. HOLE..