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About 2 A.M. on the 23rd October the j information reached this station that a j ship was ashore on the Tay Banks. It ' was blowing a strong gale from S.E. ! The Life-boat Mary Hartley being quickly j launched, pulled out of the river, and > descried the brig Vidar, of Drammen, j ashore in the midst of a heavy sea, her \ masts gone. The tide being at the time i very low, the Life-boat was unable to j close the wreck at once on account of there being insufficient water over the j intervening shoals. Waiting at the edge i of the bank till towards 4 A.M., she then j plunged into the broken water and sue-1 ceeded in getting alongside, and with some j difficulty removed from the wreck the j whole of the crew of 8 men, who were ; landed in safety by 6 A.M. The wreck of the Vidar soon crumbled to pieces..