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Two Schooners and A Brig

Two days later (on the 18th October) two schooners and a brig were observed off the harbour, a " strong gale " from the S.E. blowing, with a "very heavy sea" running. These vessels were the schooner Anne, of Montrose, with a crew of 5 men; the schooner Scotsman, of Arbroath, 7 men; and the brig Stf, of Christiania, 8 men. They were on a lee shore, but with a safe harbour under their lee if they could only get in; the entrance was not very wide, and a heavy sea boiled up on the bar. The Life-boat Mincing Lane went down to the bar, and, by signals, showed the best route. So encouraged, the Anne, which belonged to the place, bore up, and " took the bar" in safety; the other two vessels, which were strangers, bore up in her wake: the Scotsman also got in without mishap, but the Swede kept too far to the south in spite of Life- boat signals, and touched the rocks, but drove over on the top of the next wave without stopping; so escaping, as it were, by the "skin of her teeth," and finally sailed up the river without material damage. The Report states, "the sig- nalling of the Life-boat undoubtedly saved the vessels.".