Summary of the Meetings of the Committee
THURSDAY, 7th October, 1875 : THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., Chairman of thelnstitutim, in the Chair.
Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those 'of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.
Also the Report of Captain 3. R. "WARD, R.N., Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to Swanage and Torquay.
Also the Report of Captain D. ROBERTSON, R.N., Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his visits to Brighton and Shoreham.
Also the report of Captain C. GRAY JONES, R.N., Second Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Dunbar, North Berwick, Anstruther, St. Andrews, Broughty Ferry, Bnddon Ness, Longhope, Stromness, Thurso,Lossiemouth, Buckie, Banff, Fraserburgh, Peterhead, Stone- haven, Montrose, and ArDroath.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last Meeting;— £. s. d.
The Misses HEWITT, of Lytham, per Lytham Branch, additional . . . 100 0 0 Clevedon Life-boat Fund, per Mrs. E.
LAVINGTON, including 201. 18s. ~d.
collected by her Pupils during the half-year ending 30th June, 1875 . 22 2 2 " A Gift, in the event of being lost at sea, by the late Mr. JOHN BEVEKLEY FILLET, of Boston, Lincolnshire, who perished in a Cyclone in the Gulf of Mexico,with all hands, in the schooner Cltalleagtr, on his passage from New Orleans to Jamaica, October, 1873" 26 5 0 Amount collected on board R.M.S.
Raman during her late voyage, per Lieut. ALFRED "W. BROOKE-SMITH, R.N.R 15 10 0 Offertory at the Church of St. Peter's in the East, Oxford, on Sunday, 29th August, per Rev. J. R. KISG, M.A. 6 15 5 — To be severally thanked.
Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £. « d The late JOHN Surra, Esq., of Hull . 200 0 0 The late W. H. ROBERTS, Esq., of Swansea 100 0 0 £. s. d.
The late HENRY LIDDFU, Esq., of Hull 100 0 0 The late Mrs. DOROTHY KAYMENT, of Dartmouth 100 0 0 The late Mr. W. D. HOOPER, of llfra- combe 45 0 0 Mr, LEWIS, the Secretary, reported that he had, during the months of August and September, visited some of the Life-boat Stations on the coasts of Dorset, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall, and some Inland Branches of the Institution.
He found all the Life-boat Stations in excellent order, and the crews of the boats continued to express their entire satisfaction with their qualities.
Reported the transmission to its station of the Swanage Life-boat.
The Station was publicly inaugurated, and the Boat launched on the 16th September, Captain WARD,' R.N., the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, being present on the occasion.
Decided, on the application of the local resi- dents, and the recommendation of the Inspector of Life-boats, to form a Life-boat Station at Torquay.
Paid 5,282/. 9s. lOrf. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.
Voted 5il. Is. to pay the expenses of the Carnsore, Broughty Ferry, Padstow, and Wexford Life-boats in performing the following services;— Lives saved.
Brigautine Paqnete de Terra Nova ... 10 Schooner Cathrina, of liiga 8 Brigantine fmmacolata, of Naples .... 8 Steamer Montagu, of Liverpool .... 32 The Ramsgate Life-boat had also succeeded, in conjunction with the Harbour steam-tug Vulcan, in saving the barque Bucephalus, of Shields, and her crew of 20 men, when that vessel was in a dangerous position near the Goodwin Sands on the 22nd September.
[The particulars ot these various Life-boat ! services will be found detailed in pages 414-6 of ! the last Number of this Journal, for the 1st 1 November, 1875.] - | The Committee expressed their deep sympathy j with the families of the 3 Life-boatmen who | perished on the 27th September from tie i Liverpool Tubular Life-boat, which belongs to the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. It will be remembered that the boat had capsized, after taking off the crew of the wrecked ship Ellen Southard, of Richmond, Maine, U.S., when the New Brighton Tubular Life-boat of the Institu- tion, went to its assistance, and saved 19 f persons from the water, while 12 were unfor- : tunately lost. The Committee voted 10W. in aid of the local subscription on behalf of the families of the 3 men, besides granting SOI. to the crew of ! the New Brighton Lite-boat in acknowledgment { of their prompt and humane conduct and special 1 exertions on the occasion.
Voted 26Z. 15s. 3d. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Llanddwyn, Broadstairs, Arklow, and Newhaven, in either assembling the crews, or putting off with the view of rendering aid to 1 distressed vessels, which did not ultimately re- ' quire the services of the Life-boats.
Voted 61. to 6 men who put off in a boat from the steamer Bohemian, of Liverpool, and assisted to save 5 men from another boat, which was cap- sized in St. Mary's Roads, Scilly Islands, on the 10th July.
447 Also 21. each to 2 young men employed as •waiters at the Eocles Hotel, Bantry, Ireland, for putting off in a boat, and rescuing 2 of the crew of the yachtCiara, of Skibbereen, whose boat had been capsized in Bantry Bay, whilst they were going off from the shore to the yacht after mid- night on the llth August.
Also ]/. to 3 men for going off in & small punt, and saving 3 men from a Coastgnard boat belong- ing to Morris Castle (Wexford) Coastguard Station, which had been capsized off that place on the 7th September.
THURSDAY, 4th November: The Chairman of the Institution, in the Chair.
Head and approved the MVmites of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.
Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats, on bis recent visits to BtixViam, Teignmouth, Exmouth, Sidmonth, Lyme Regi?, Salcombe, Fly- mouth, Appledore, Clovelly, Braunton, Staithes, Hartlepool, Sundeiland, and Whitby.
Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his visits to'Worthing, Selsey, West Wittering, Hayling Island, Brooke, Brighstone Grange, Bembridge, Southampton, Guernsey, and Alderney.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last Meeting :— £. *. d.
" In Memoriam " 100 0 0 Proceeds of a Collection, in the Parish Church of St. Cuthbert, Lytham, on the ocasion of the Harvest festival, on the 13th October, per Kev. H. B.
HAWKINS, M.A., through Lytham Branch 21 19 10 Contents of Pillar and other Contribu- tion Boxes at Ramsgate, per Captain RICHARD BRAISE, additional . . 13 12 0 Collected on board the S.S. St. O«yth on her last voyage, per Captain R, McNAB 8 12 0 Half of Collection in Badwell Ash Church on Harvest Thanksgiving Day. 17th October, per Rev. HENRI RAT 630 Collected in Harby Church, Melton Mowbray, on Sunday, October 3rd, per Rev. M. O. NOBMAN .... 1 16 0 Part of a Collection at Harvest Festival at Chilton Church, Suffolk, on Sunday, 17th October, per Rev. HERBERT SMITH 150 The "South-East Lancashire Winter Club" 0 15 6 — To 1 e severally thanked.
Reported that the following legacy had been bequeathed to the Institution :— £. ». rf.
The late BARBWGTON GAKSHAJI, Esq., of Brighton (duty free) . . . . 50 0 0 Reported the transmission to its station of the Guernsey new Life-boat.
The boat had been publicly launched at its station on the 21st October, the donors of the Life-boat—a Liverpool lady and her. two daugh- ters—being present on the occasion.
The London and South-Western Railway Com- pany had kindly granted a free conveyance to the new Life-boat from London to Guernsey, and the old boat had' been brought back to London free of charge on board a vessel belonging to Capt.
RICHARD PEEK, a member of the Local Committee.
— To be thanked.
Voted the thanks of the Institution, to IX R. W.
POKKITT, Esq., and Mr. WU.LIAM ROBINSOS, in acknowledgment of their past valuable co-opera- tion as the Honorary Secretaries, respectively, of the Bridlingtori Quay and Donna Nook Branches of the Institution.
Also (o T. GRAY JONES, Esq., late Collector of H.M.'s Customs at Newport, Monmouthshire, in acknowledgment of his zealous co-operation in collecting contributions for the Institution while holding that office.
Decided that a new Life-boat be placed on the No. 1 Station at Sunderland, in lieu of the present boat, which was seriously injured while rescuing the crew of 14 men from the stranded s.s. Altona, of Hamburg, on the 23rd October.
[A full account of this service will he found on p. 432 of this Journal.] Ordered that different works be carried out at the Hartlepool and Staithes Life-boat Stations, at an expense of 387/. 14s.
Paid 2,44W. 2s. 9d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.
Voted 296Z. 16». 6rf. to pay the expenses of the Seaham, Scarborough, Montrose,Whitby,Broughty Ferry, Arklow, Holy Island, Caister, Seaton Carew, Sunderland No. 1, Great Yarmouth, Peter- head, Seascale, and New Romney Life-boats in performing the following services:— Lives saved.
Schooner Lucinde, of Whitstable .... 6 Fishing boat Mary Am, of Scarborough— assisted to save vessel and 9 Russian schooner Emilia; schooners Anne and Scotsman; and brig Sif— rendered as- sistance.
Schooner Hampton, of Newcastle .... 7 Barque Teazer, of Whitby « Schooner Leopold, of Riga ....'.. 6 Brig Victor, of Drammen 8 Schooner Sensitive, of Boulogne—rendered assistance.
Steamer Britannia, of Leith 35 Barque Younff ISnoIwut, of Middlesborough . 4 Brigantine Porthan, of Aland 9 Schooner Avid Ree&ie, of Middlesborough . 8 S.S. Altona, of Hamburg 14 Schooner Saucy Jack, of Great Yarmouth . 4 Smack Nnthalin Jacob'me, of Nipe, Denmark 4 Schooner Elizabeth, ot Carlisle 3 Barque Atlantic, of Grimstadt—remained by vessel.
The Sheringham, Newbiggin,Whitby, and Bran- caster Life-boats had also rendered the following services-.—Fishing smack Gleaner, of Sheringham, and fishing smack William and Mary, of Newbig- gin, rendered assistance ; barque Svadsfare, of Portegrund, and brig Cuba, of Abo, assisted to save vessels.
[The particulars of these various services will be found detailed on pp. 427-435 of this Journal.] Voted 227;. 3s. 2rf. to meet the expenses of the Life-boits at Cemaes, Penarth, Llanddwyn, Har- tlepool, West Hartlepool, Montrose, New-biggin, St. Andrew's, Blyth, Drogheda,Winterton,Whitby, Withernse», Middlesborough, Peterhead, Poolbeg, Youghal, and Hunstanton, in either assembling the crews or going afloat to the help of vessels in distress, their services, however, not being eventu- ally needed.
Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution to Mr.
THOMAS MONGER, of H.M.'s Coastguard, and late coxswain of the Tenby Life-boat, in acknowledg- 443 THE LIFE-BOAT.
UEBBUABY 1, 1876, ! Brigantine Waterloo, of Cork . . .
! Brig Marie Josephine, of Cherbourg .
| Schooner Elinor and Mary, of Milford Smack Laura, of Carnarvon . . .
Schooner Independence, of Carnarvon .
Schooner Princest Rnyal, of Cardigan .
Smack Mermaid, of Grimsby .
Brig Emily Baymimd, of St. John's, N.B, Dutch Schooner Johanna Antoinette .
Brig Lauton, of Arbroath ....
ment of his long and intrepid services in that boat.
Also 51. to 5 men for putting off from Beati- maris in a boat, during a S.W. gale, on the 27th September, and saving the master from the rigging of the flat Monarch, of Preston, that vessel having pasted from her anchor and sunk on the Lavan Sands.
Also 21. to 6 men of Hartlepool, for going off in a pilot coble and saving 2 men from another coble, which had been swamped near the Heugh Break- wafer, on the 14th October.
Also l. to the crew, 3 in number, of the trawler Ark, of Mevagissey, for saving the crew of 2 men of the trawler Brothers, which had been struck by a sudden squall and had sunk off Mevagissey Harbour, on the 23rd October.
THURSDAY, 2nd December: The Chairman of the Institution, in the Chair.
Read and" approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.
Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Brighton, "Worthing, Has- tings, Rye, and Hythe.
Also the Keport of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to Poole, Swanage, Chap- man's Pool, Kimeridge, Weymoutb, Rhyl, Holy- head, Dandalk, and Valentia.
Also the Report of the Second Assistant-In- spector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Pe- narth, Campbeltown, Southend, Ardrossan, Arran, Irvine, Ayr, Troon, and Girvan, Reported the receipt of 2,0001. from Miss ANNE Dixos, of Holton Park, Lincolnshire, through THOMAS CRUST, Esq., of Beverley, to defray the cost and endowment of a Life-boat Station, either on the Lincolnshire or Yorkshire coast, in memory of her late brother, RICHARD ROAD LET DIXON, Esq., the station to be called after the deceased gentleman, and the boat to be named the Richard, and to have painted on it also the words " Lord save us, we perish." Decided that Miss Dixos be thanked for her munificent gift, and that her wishes in regard to the Life-boat Station be complied with as early as practicable.
Also the receipt of the following other special contributions:— *. d.
0 0 £.
Miss DA COSTA 500 " A1. K.," farther oa behalf of his Life- boat Fund 70 ALEXANDER BLACK, Esq. . . » . 50 Proceeds of Penny Readings at Grun- distorgh, Suffolk, per B. f. B. PERRY, 10 0 0 Esq. Miss ENGLISH, Matron, Officers, and Children of Licensed Victuallers' School, in aid of sapport of Licensed 330 Victualler Life-boat at H nnstanton .
Teachers and Scholars of Haverstock Congregational Sunday School, Mait- land Park, Haverstock Hill, per Mr.
268 W. H. E. BESNETT, Superintendent.
— To be severally thanked.
s, d.
0 0 Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £.
The late JOHN FIXXIE, Esq., of Altrln- chum 1,030 The late Mrs. SUSAN STEAD, of Lang- downe Part, Helensburgh . . . 100 The late Mrs. BARBARA MARSHALL . 50 Reported that the new Life-boat for Penartb, near Cardiff, had been transmitted to its station, and publicly named and launched, in the presence of the donor, on the 10th November. The cost of the boat had been defrayed by the Hon. Mrs.
JOSEPH DESMAN, in memory of her late husband, Admiral the Hon. JOSEPH DEHMAS, after whom the boat had been named.— To ie thanked.
Decided to replace the present Life-boat at Campbeltown by a new one, and that the new boat be named the Princess Louise, in honour of Her Royal Highness the M*RCHIOSESS of LORNE.
Also that a new Life-boat be placed at Broughty Ferry, near Dundee, in lieu of the present boat on that station, which was getting unfit for farther service.
The cost of the new Life-boat woald be defrayed from the "English Mechanic" Life-boat Fund, which had been raised mainly through the inde- fatigable exertions of J. PASSMOBE EDWARDS, Esq., .through the columns of the " English Mechanic " Journal.
Voted the thanks of the Institution to PATRICK ASDEBSON, Esq., JOHN HOST, Esq., and the Rev.
J, PECI.EW GAZE, M.A., in acknowledgment of their past valuable co-operation, extending over many years, in the management of the Dundee, Dungarvan, and Brooke (Isle of Wight) Branches of the Institution.
Paid 2.585A 17*. 10a!. for sundry charges oo various Life-boat Establishments.
Voted 119?. 1*. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Appledore, Padstow, Fishguard, Hunstanton, Wexford, Cardigan, and North Berwick Life- boats in performing the following services:— Lives saved.
. 7 S 3 4 4 5 1 9 ft 2 The Kingsdowne, Broadstairs, North Deal, Selsey, Swansea, Newhaven, Caister, and Clee- thorpes Life-boats had »!so rendered the folioB- ing services:—Brig Wish, of Plymouth, assisted to save vessel; barque Fleetteing, of Newcastle, assisted to save vessel and 9 men; barque Monte Ca.rm.elo, of Malta, and schooner Jbsie, of New York, assisted to save vessels and crews, 21; schooner Henrietta, of Truro, assisted to save vessel and crew, 5; schooner, Ellen Beatrice, of Aberystwith, rendered assistance; barque Brough* ton, of Liverpool, rendered assistance; cutter Alice, of Great Yarmouth, and brig Brodenes JJaab, of Tonsberg, assisted to save vessels and crews, 12; and schooner Fortuna, of Nykjobing, Den- mark, saved vessel and crew, 5.
[The particulars of these Life-boat services will be found detailed on pages 433-6 of this Journal.] Voted :364Z. 16s. to pay the expenses of the Selsey, Brighton, Braucaster, Hartlepool, Lizard, Broughty Ferry, Howth, Penzance, Cardigan, St.
Ives, Margate, Padstow, Porthdinllaen, Sunder- land, North Deal, Skegness, Tynemoutb, Don- na Nook, Kingsdowne, Palling, Theddlethqrpe, Hornsea, Bnnstanton, Scarborough, WincAe/ses, Rye, and Wells Life-boats, in assembling their crews, or going afloat with the view of rendering assistance to vessels in distress.
Voted the Second Service Clasp of the Institu- j tion to Mr. JAS. WHITE, coxswain of the Fish- guard Life-boat; the thanks, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. J. G. AHNAL, chief officer of H.M. Coast- guard at Goodwick-, and thanks to Rev. J.
WILLIAMS, in acknowledgment of their kind and valuable co-operation on the occasion of the ser- vices rendered by the Fiahguard Life-boat an the 14th November.
Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to JOHN MORGAN, Esq., Hon. Sec, of the Institution's Branch at Cardigan, for his active co-operation on the occasion of-the service ren- dered by that Life-boat at the wreck of the Dutch schooner Antoinette, on the 19th November.
Also the Silver Medal of the Institution to Mr.
PHILIP GEORGE, coxswain of the Caister Life- boats, and to Mr. S. BISHOP, chief boatman of H.M. Coastguard at that place, and Wl. to 35 other coastguardmen and beachmen, for saving 3 of the crew of the schooner Wild Wave, of Sun- derland, which »'as wrecked on Caister beach, in a heavy sea, on. the 19th November.
Also 51. to 9 men of West Hartlepool for saving, y means of lines thrown from the North Pier, the crew, 9 in number, from the wreck of the brig Holden, of Brevig, on the 14th October.
Also 51. in aid of the local fund for rewarding 21 Scarborough men for going off in a yawl from that place, on the 19th November, and saving 3 men whose boat bad been caught in a squall and who were in very great danger..