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Star, of Colchester

At 4.30 A.M. on the 5th December the barge Star, of Colchester, bound from Hull to Poole, was driven ashore at Winthorpe Gap, on the Lincoln- shire coast, during a fresh gale at E., with snow falling heavily. The Life-boat Henry Ingram, was conveyed a distance of 2 miles by horses, and at 6 A.M.

launched through a considerable surf, the wind being dead on to a very exposed beach. Shortly before daylight the stranded vessel was reached: she -was surrounded by broken water a few hun- dred yards from the beach, and some dif- ficulty was experienced in getting the crew out. After the rest of the men had been hauled on board the Life-boat, the master fell overboard, and being without a life-belt, and in imminent danger of being swept away, SAMUEL MOODY, fisher- man, and GEORGE CHESNUTT, Coastguard- man, leaped into the sea from the Life- boat, and, having their life-belts on, were able to support him and bring him to the side of the Life-boat, in which position the three men held on to the outside life-lines and were towed ashore, as it was found im- possible to get them on board. Fortunately, the Life-boat had only a few hundred yards to go when she drove ashore on the beach to leeward of the wreck. The whole crew of the Star, consisting of 3 men, were thus saved..