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Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck

For tlie Preservation of Life from Shipwreck.


Services of the Life-boats of the Institution in 1875.

A tice, cu tter, of Yarmon th—as- sisted to save vessel and 6 Altona, s.s., of Haiobwrg., 14 Amity, schooner, of Beaumaris— rendered assistance*.

Anna, barque, of Bremen 16 Arrow Belle schooner, of Aberyst- wytfa 4 Augusta Louise,schooner, ot'Nantes —assisted to save vessel.

AulA JJeeJcie, schooner, of Middles- borough » 8 SeJ/oyt brig, of Rochette—assisted to save vessel and 9 .BlcmciLe Marguerite, barque 10 Britannia, barque, of North Shields 14 $rvtomua, steamer, of Leith 35 Britannia, smack, of Belfast 3 JSucepJwxiuSi barque, of Shields— assisted to save vessel and 20 Brodrenes Haab, brig, of Tonsberg —assisted to save vessel and.... 6 Broughton, barque, of Liverpool— rendered assistance.

Cairndiina, schooner, of Thurso .. 4 Caseo, barque, of Bargo—assisted to save vessel and 15 Cathrina, schooner, of Riga 8 China, ship, of South Shields—as- sisted to save vessel and 22 Crane, smack, of Beaumaris—as- ' sisted to save vessel aad .,,.«.. 2 Cruiskeen Lawn, yacht, of Wexford 2 Cuba,, brig, of Abo—saved vessel and 8 £e£»'em£ C STKTW, ship, of St.

Thomas', U.S 5 Ellen tft.atriix schooner, of Aber- yst with—rendered assistance.

Elten ii"3ttiJftt£?* Z. sfcup, of Richmond, U.S 19 Elinor znd Mary, sch., of Milford. 3 Elizabeth, schooner, of Carlisle 3 Emilia Russian schooner—saved vessel and 9 Emily Baym&rul, brig, of St. John's, N.B 9 Ernestine, ship, of Amsterdam— assisted to save vessel.

Fanny, schooner, or Salcombe ,... 7 Fishing boat of Teignmouth 2 Fleetwinff, barque, of Newcastle— assisted to save vessel and..,,., 9 Florence, brigantine, of Annapolis, assisted to save vessel.

Fortwna, schooner, of Nykjobing, I emaatU— assisted to save "vessel and 5 Friends, schooner, of Kill yleigh . 4 Gleaner, lugger, of Sheringham.. 2 Hannah schooner, of Liverpool , 2 Jfarkaway, cntter, of Yarmuuth . 6 Sarmston, schooner, of Newcastle 7 Helen, sloop, of Stornoway 2 Henrietta, schooner, of Truro— as- sisted to save vessel and ....... 5 Jfestfr, flat, of Con way,,., 2 Ida, brigantine, of Dundalk 7 Immacolata, brigantine, of Naples 8 Independence, schooner, of Carnar- von 4 Invincible, smack, of Port Elsie... 5 Island Belle, brig, of Guernsey.... 7 James* smack, of Mandel ,... 4 Jessie Brown, schooner, of Yar- mouth—assisted to save vessel and 5 Johanna, Antoinette, schooner, of Grav&nhage 5 Jo&ie, schooner, of New York—as- sisted to save vessel and 8 Laura,, smack, of Carnarvon 4 Lass tfJJoon, schooner, of Montrose 35 Lauton, sloop, of Arbroath 2 Leopold, schooner, of Riga 6 Lisbon, brig, of London 2 Lizzie Bovill, barque, of Newcastle —assisted to save vessel and.... 9 Lord Strathnairn, ship, of Liver- pool—assisted to save vessel.

Lucinde, schooner, of Whitstablc.. 6 Lucy, barque, of Antwerp—assisted to save vessel.

Zi/iiwejr '/Voder, schooner, of Barn- staple 3 Margaret Evans, barque, ofGlasgow 21 Marie Josephine, brifc, of Cherbourg 4 arai-y Ann, fishing boat, of Scar- borough—saved boat and 9 Mary Kitkamy schooner, of &eau- tuaris 4 JMerwtaid, smack, of Grimsby 1 Jft'rre, smack—rendered assisiance, Montagu, steamer, of Liverpool ... 33 Monte Cariiielo, barque, of Malta— assisted to Pave ve.-sel and 13 Xathalia Jacottne, schooner, of Nibe, Jutland , 4 3,'ativet smack, of J'eel—assisted to save vessel and , 3 JVomwe, barque, of Grimstadt—ren- dered assistance.

Oriental ship, of North Shields- assisted to save vessel.

O&prey, sloop, of Shields 2 Paguet de Terra A'ova, brigaiitine, 10 Pike, brig, of Shoreham.......... 7 Porthan, brigantine, of Aland .... 9 Princess Jioyalt schooner, of Cardi- gan 5 Punch, schooner, of Carnarvon ... g Queen Victoria, ketcb, of Lynn... 3 Queen of India, ship, of Liverpool —rendered assistance.

Richard and £lizabeth, sloop, of Portsmouth — assisted to save vessel and ,., 4 Rosanna, fishing coble, of South Shields—saved coble and 3 Saucy Jack, schooner, of Yarmouth 4 Sensitive, schooner, of Boulogne- rendered assistance.

Shields, brig, of Cork 3 Shotton, s.s., of West Hartlepool— saved vessel and 18 Sophia, smack, of Hull—assisted to save vessel and 4 Star, barge, of Colchester ,. 3 Svadqfare, Swedish barque—saved vessel and 16 Tantivy, schooner, of Wicklow.... 4 Tantivy, schooner, of Falmouth— rendered assistance, Teazer, barque, of Whitby 9 Thirteen, brig, of Sunderland 8 Thistle, smack, of Castletown 3 Tippergraph, smack, of Scar- borough ,.... 3 Toronto, barque, of Glasgow...... 11 Tuskar, s.s., of Glasgow 21 Vidar, brig, of Drammen 8 Villager, schooner, of Inverness .. 5 Vittorioso G., brig, of Venice 9 Vixen, steam-tug, of North Shields —assisted to save vessel and.... 8 Ward Jackson, schooner, of Car- narvon 5 Waterloo, brigantine, of Cork 1 Wi$h, brig, of Plymouth—rendered assistance.

Young England, barque, of Mid- dlesborougb. 4 Zouave, schooner, of Portsmouth .. " 6 Total lives saved by Life-boats, in 1875, in addition to 30 vessels . 7£7 During the same period the Insti- tution granted rewards for saving Lives by fishing and other boats 195 Total of Lives saved in V O5»o • Twelve Months THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT have to state that during the past year (1375) the ROYAL RATIONAL LITE-BOAT INSTITUTION expended £30,241 on its 254 Life-boat Establishments on the Coasts of Ep Jand, Scotland, and Ireland, in addition to having contributed to the saving of 922 persons from various shipwrecks on our Coasts, for which services it granted 30 Silver Medals and Votes of Thsmks on Vellum, and pecuniary rewards to the amount of £3,289.

The number of Lives saved either by the Life-boats of the Society, or by special exertions for vhich it has granted rewards, since its formation, is 23,788; for which services 91 Gold Medsds, 870 Silver Medals, and £47,200 in cash have been paid in .Rewards, It is most gratifying and encouraging to know that notwithstanding the peril and exposure incurred by the gal/ant crews last year, only one life was lost from the 254 Life-boats of the Society, although about 11,000 men were out in them on all occasions during the twelve months.

The expense of a Life-boat, its equipment, transportiug-carriage, and boat-house, aveiagea £800, in addition to £70 a-year needed to keep the establishment in a state of efficiency.

Donations and Annual Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Bankers of the Institution, Messrs WILLIS, PEBCIVAL, and Co., 76 Lombard Street; by all the other Bankers in. the United Kingdom; and by the Secretary, KICHABD LEWIS, Esq., at the Institution, 14 JOH.V STJEE.EJET, I, London, W.C.—.Fe6mary ls£, 1876..