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On the 20th October, at 11.30 A.M., the Russian brig- antine Porthan, of Aland, bound from Oruskjoldsrik to Antwerp, being water- logged, and in danger of foundering at her anchors outside the entrance of the River Tees, slipped her cables and bore up for the land north of the river. She struck the ground a long way off shore, the tide being out, and a hard gale at S.E. setting up a heavy sea on the beach. The vessel began to break up soon after striking.

The Seaton Carew Life-boat Job Hindley had been taken to the beach on first ob- serving the brigantine slip her cables, and was now launched, with some difficulty, owing to the heavy surf on the shore, and after a hard row succeeded in removing from the wreck the crew of 9 men. The Life-boat's crew are reported as having "behaved nobly" on this occasion.