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Civil Service Life-Boat Fund

THE annual meeting of the committee of this fund, of which H.R.H. the DUKE OF EDINBURGH is patron, was held on the 11th January last at the General Post Office, W. H. HAINES, Esq., 1 of the House of Lords, occupying the chair.

A most satisfactory balance-sheet was laid before the committee by the treasurer, CHARLES G.TURNER, Esq., of the Treasury; and the report  of the proceedings of the fund for 1875 was read by the honorary secretary, CHARLES DIBDIN, Esq., F.R.G.S., of the General Post Office, from which it appears that the names of the Earls of CAR- NARVON and BRADFORD, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and the Right Hon. G. SCLATER- BOOTH, M.P., have been added to the distinguished list of vice-patrons since the publication of the last report, and that the fund is now supported by almost every office and department under the Crown in the United Kingdom, having a grand I total of 2,613 subscribers, which is an increase of ; 4'i2 on that for 1871, and of 1,192 on that for 1873.

It goes on to state that during the past year the Fund has presented to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION, at a cost of £480, another first- class Life-boat, one of the finest ever built by Messrs. FORRESTT, which has been named the Charles DibDin, and placed at Tynemouth, Northumber- land, where it is thought its valuable services will be frequently required. The Life-boat Civil Service, presented to the Institution by the Fund some time since, has been the means of saving three ships, the lives of 9S persons, and been present at 18 wrecks. Both the boats are kept up by the Civil Service Life-boat Fund. The report concludes with an appeal from the committee to their brother officers for increased support, to enable them to carry on and extend the operations of the Fund, which, while rendering its noble services in saving life, will continue to reflect credit on the officers of Her Majesty's Civil Service.