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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 3rd June, 1875 : His Grace The DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, P.C., President of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Com- mittees.

Elected Sir EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V.P., and other gentlemen, Members of the Sub-Committees for the ensuing year.

Head and approved the Report of Captain J. R.WARD, R.N., the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to the Life-boat Stations at A-berystwith, Newquay, Cardigan, Fishguard, and St. David's.

Also the Report of Captain D. ROBERTSON, R Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last Meeting:— £. a. d, Rev. ROBERT FRANCIS WILSON, M.A., additional 50 0 0 " An Old Sailor, native of Faversham, now of Canada, through Mrs. ANN JONES, of .Faversbam". . . . , 40 0 0 Collected on. hoard the steam-ship African, on a. voyage from the Cape to Southampton, per Mr. WALTER SEARLE 500 A German Governess and her Pupils . 0 14 0 — To be severally thanked.

Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £. t. d.

The late HENRY WILLIAM PICKERS- GILL, Esq., R.A., for a Life-boat to be named after himself 1,00) 0 Q The late Lady CHARLES CAVENDISH BENTINCK (Consols) 4CO 0 0 The late Miss ELIZABETH DOLLING, of Seaton Knolla, Salop, in aid of the Swansea Life-boat .... 100 0 0 Reported the transmission to their Stations of the new Life-boats for Staithes, and Hornsea, "Yorkshire. The first-named boat was publicly launched at its station on the 31st May. The other boat was exhibited and named on Wednes- day, the 26th May, at Settle, Yorkshire, where its cost was raised through the indefatigable exer- tions of CHRISTOPHER BROWN, Esq.; and three days afterwards it was launched at Hornsea.

Ordered that new Life-boat houses be built at Seaton Carew and Swanage, at a cost of C84/.

18s. 6d.

The Committee expressed their regret at the death of Mr. WILLIAM A. FORRESTT, who had for- merly been, for many years, one of the builders of the Life-boats of the Institution.

Paid 2,782?. 3». Jlrf. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Reported that the Maryport Life-boat had gone off on the 23rd May, and assisted to save the dis- tressed smack Native, of JPiel, and her crew of 3 men.

Voted 291. 17s. to pay the expenses of the Scilly Islands and Penmon Life-boats in going off with the view of rendering "assistance to distressed vessels.

On the occasion of the melancholy wreck of the German steamer Schiller, the Scilly Life-boot was promptly launched, but unfortunately the intelli- gence of the disaster did not reach the Life-boat Station in, time to allow of the boat rendering any servieein saving life. Mr. BANFIELD, the Honorary Secretary of the Scilly Islands Branch of the Institution, stated that the Life-boat was towed to the wreck by the steamer Lady of the Isles, but she was too late to save life, tie added, that if early intelligence of the wreck had been received, when the masts were standing, the Life-boat, in conjunction with the shore boats, could have saved any number, the steamer being at hand to take them on board.

THURSDAY, 1st July: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., Chairman aj the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Read and approved the Inspector's Report on his recent visits to Solva, Miltord, Tenby, Ferry- side, Pembrey, Swansea, Porthcawl, and Penarth.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to Staithes, Seascale, and Wbitebaven.

Also the Report of Capt. C. GHAT JONES, R.N., the Second Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to Cleethorpes, Donna Nook, Tyne- mouth, Sutton, Chapel, Skegness, Hunsfanton, Brancaster, Wells, Sheringham, and Blakeney.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last Meeting:— £. i. d.

The Baroness BURDETT Cotrrrs, addi- tional 100 0 0 Trustees of the late THOMAS BOYS, Esq., per G. H. WHITE, Esq., additional . 50 0 0 Bristol Histrionic Club, in aid of the support of the Bristol and Clifton Lite-boat stationed at Lossiemouth, N.B., additional DO 0 0 Part proceeds of Amateur Theatrical Entertainment at Madeira by the Officers of H.M.S. Triumph, per Lieut. KKPPEL H. FOOTE, R.N. . . 10 10 0 Collected in Middle Church, nr. Shrews- bury, on 6th June, per Rev. G. H. EGGERTON, M.A 5 13 5 Collected at the Bristol Mercantile Marine Office, per Capt. THOMAS BROOKS, additional 5 9 10 Family and Scholars of THOMAS H.

VIE, Esq., Alexander Academy, Ash- ford, additional 0 15 0 Scholars of Lee National Girls' School, additional 050 — TQ be severally thanked.

Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £. ». d.

The late Dr. H. S. MAY, of Exeter. . 200 0 0 The late Sir JOSEPH COWEN . ... 50 0 0 The late Rev. GEORGE Arssiin, M.A., of Denbigh Street, S.W 50 0 0 The late Miss MARY GIBSON, of Nor- wich 40 0 0 Reported the transmission to its Station of the Tynemouth No. 1 new Life-boat.

A very successful demonstration had taken place on the occasion of the public naming and launching of the Life-boat at Tynemouth on tfi« 5th June.

Decided that a new Life-boat be placed at Aberystwith in lieu of the boat at present on that station. A new Life-boat house would also be erected for the boat.

The cost of the renovation of the station would be defrayed from a legacy left to the Institution by the late Lady HA.BEKFIELD, the boat being named after herself.

Decided also to replace the present Life-boat at Tyrella, which had become unfit for. service.

The new Life-boat to be named the Memorial, it» expense having been presented to the Institution by the Misses PEACH, of Derby, from the amount realised by the sale of their needle and other work.

Also that a new large sailing Life-boat he placed on the No. 1 Station at Lowestoft, in lieu of the present boat.

Read letter from the War Office, of the 23rd June, stating that the Secretary of State for War was prepared to grant the Institution a lease, at a nominal rent, of the site of ground on which the Hythe Life-boat house was to be erected.— To be thanked.

Decided, on the application of the Honorary Secretary of the Devon Central Branch, to place one of the verified barometer! of the Institution at Paignton, for the use of the seafaring popula- tion of the place.

The Committee expressed their regret at the death of Mr. G. WEAVE PENNEY, who had been for many years the Honorary Secretary of toe Poole Branch of the Institution.

Paid 1,8162. 5i. 8d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 27t 15s. to pay the expenses of the Carnsore and "Wexford No. 1 Life-boats in putting off on the 18th June to the assistance of the distressed brig Shields, of Cork.

The Carnsore boat saved 3 men from the trig'; the services of the Wexford boat Nvere not re- quired.

Also 25?. 11s. to pay the expenses of the Va- lentia, Rhoscolyn, and Tramore Life-boats in either assembling the crews or putting off in reply to signals of distress from various vessels which did not eventually require the aid of. the Life-boats.

The Ramsgate Life-boat had also gone off on the 1st June with the view of assisting the dis- tressed schooner Saint, of Runcorn.

A communication was read which had been addressed, on behalf of the Italian Government, to the EARL OF DERBY at the Foreign Office, in which it was stated that they had awarded » Silver Medal to Capt. SAMUEL, D. BART LETT, Honorary Secretary of the Duncannon (Water- ford Harbour) Branch of the Institution, in acknowledgment of the valuable services rendered by the Life-boat on that station in saving 9 lives from the brig Vittortoso (?., of Venice, wrecked near that place on the 19th Jan. last. The Italian Government also expressed their high apprecia- tion of the cordial co-operation of other members of the Branch on that occasion.

Voted If. to three men for putting off in a boat from St. Justinian, and bringing ashore 2 men from the Bitches Rock, in Ramsey Sound, Pem- brokeshire, their boat having struck on the rock, and been totally wrecked, on the 2nd May.

THURSDAY, 5th August : The Chairman of the Institution in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to Kessingland.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to Holyhead, Balbriggan, Greencastle, Portrush, Belfast, Groomsport, Bally- waiter, Tyrella, Newcastle (Dundrum), DuiJi.'aJi, Drogheda, Howth, Poolbeg, and Skerries.

Also the Report of the Second Assistant-In- spector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Sher- ingham, Cromer, Mundesley, Bacton,Hasborougb, Palling, AVinterton, Caister, Yarmouth, Gorleston, Lowestoft, Corton, Pakefield, Kessingland, and Watchet.

Reported the receipt of 2,500/. from Messrs. SAMUEL, JOHN, and JOSHUA FIELDEN, M.P., of Manchester, for the purpose of building and per- manently maintaining a Life-boat to be called the Thomas Puslden, in memory of their late uncle of that name.

Decided that the best thanks of the Institution be conveyed to Messrs. FIELDEN for their muni- ficent gift.

Also that a new Life-boat be sent to Holyhead, in place of the present boat on that station, and that it be appropriated to Messrs. FIEI*DEK. Also that a new house be built for the reception of the Life-boat.

Decided also to replace the present Life-boat at Guernsey by a new one.

The cost of the boat would be defrayed from a gift to the Institution by a lady and her daugh- ters, and at their request the boat would be named the John Lockett.

Reported the receipt of the following other spe- cial contributions since the last Meeting :~ Ancient Order of Foresters, annual sub- scription in aid of the support of their two Life-boats, per SAMUEI, SHAW- CROSS, Esq 100 0 0 AST-HOR HIITCHINSOK, Esq., and the Misses FANNY and CHARLOTTE HUTCHINSON, additional . . . , 2i 0 0 Worshipful Company of Cordwainers, additional 21 0 0 West Hartlepool Athenasum Billiard Club 11 2 6 Collected after a sermon in the camp of the 3rd Administrative Battalion Lancashire Rifle Volunteers, per Lieut.-Col. DUGDAI/E 1100 Collected on board the Messageries Maritimes steamer Meikang, on her recent voyage from Shanghai to Mar- seilles, per Capt. RICHARD GIBBON . 900 Collected per Rev. J. A. CHEESE, M.A., Gosforth, Cumberland:— Church Collections, July 18th, 1875 . . . . 4 14 I Seascale School Divine Service Collection, July 18th, 1875 .... 1 15 0 Other Collections . .0110 . 701 Amount found in Contribution Boxes at South Devon Railway Stations, per A. P. PROWSE, Esq., additional . 2 10 5 Contributions of Out-Pensionere of Second East London District in aid of the support of the Out-Pensioner Life-boat at Arklow, additional . . 1100 Ditto, Newcastle-on-Tyne District ditto 116 — To be severally thanked.

Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £. s. d.

The late Mrs. SCSANNA IRVINE, of Ge- neva 300 0 0 The late JOHN SMITHEMAN, Esq., of Bryn Alt, Hertford 100 0 0 The late Capt. W. H.DiCKMAN, R.N. . 368 16 J Reported the transmission to their stations of the Watchet and Appledore No. 2 Life-boats.

The first-named station had been publicly in- augurated on the 29th July, under the super- intendence of the Second Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats.

The COUNTESS OF EGREMONT and Mrs. JOSEPH SOMES, the donor of the Life-boat, were present on the occasion, the boat being named by the latter lady. The Bristol and Exeter Railway Company had granted the Life-boat and carriage a free conveyance from Bristol to Watchet.— To be thanked.

Ordered that different works be carried out at the Hythe and Greencastle Life-boat Stations, at an expense of 555/. 18s.

The Committee expressed their sincere condo- lence with Lady ARROW and the members of her family on the occasion of the lamented death of Sir FREDERICK ARROW, Deputy Master of the Trinity House, who had been tor many years a member of the Committee of Management of the Institution.

Also with the family of the late HENRY Lu-DULPH, of Leeds, who had rendered the Institution most valuable services in that town for many years past.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to Mr. ALEXANDER JEFFREY, in acknowledgment of his valuable co-operation during the period he occu- pied the office of Honorary Secretary of the Stir- ling Branch of the Society.

Also to Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping Society for their kind present of their Register for the current year.

Paid 1,8031. 17s. 2(1. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

The Committee expressed their deep sympathy with the family of THOMAS TRIPP, who perished "while assisting to launch the Kessingland sailing Life-boat on the 15th July, and voted 150 guineas in aid of the local subscription now being raised for their relief. The Committee also granted 48i. 10s. to the Life-boat crew and helpers, to- gether with the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Capt. CHARLES S, P. WOODRUFFE, R.N., Inspecting Commander in H.M. Coastguard Service, and Mr. THOMAS ATKINS, Coastguard Chief Officer at Kessingland, in acknowledgment of their highly praiseworthy services on the occasion.

Voted 151. 14». to pay the expenses of the Fraserburgh Life-boat in saving the crew of 5 men from the distressed schooner Villager, of Inverness, on the 30th July.

[The details of this service will be found on page 413 of this Journal.] Voted 60S. 19s. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Pakefield, Carnsore, Caister, Seaton Carew, and Middlesborough, in either assembling the crews or putting oft' in reply to signals of distress from various vessels which did not ulti- mately require the aid of the Life-boats.

Also 5t. to the crew of a pilot-boat of Gorleston, for saving the crew, 4 in number, of the schooner Shepherdess, of Lowestoft, who had taken to their boat on their vessel foundering near the Corton Sand on the 4th July.

Also -U. to JOHN A. MURPHY, Chief Boatman in charge at the Mulroy (Ireland) Coastguard Station, and 3. other coastguardmen, for putting off in their Life-boat from Mulroy Station, and rescuing the crew, consisting of 4 men, from the schooner Chrysolite, of Glasgow, which had gone ashore on the Campion Bank, during a fresh gale from the N., on the 16th June.

Also I /. to 4 men at Arklow for saving 2 men whose boat had got across the tow-rope of a vessel, and had been thereby capsized, in Arklow Bay, on the Sth June.

Also M. to 3 Mundesley men for putting off in a boat, and saving 5 persons from a pleasure boat which had been upset off Mundesley, on th« 2Srd June.

THURSDAY, 2nd September: Sir EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V.P., Chairman of the Sub-Committees, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Poolbeg, Kings- town, Rogerstown, Greystones, Wicklow, Arklow, Courtown, Cahore, Carnsore, Wexford, and Bal- briggan.

Also the Report of the Second Assistant-In- spector of Life-boats, on his visits to Cresswell, Blyth, Hartlepool, Seaton Carew, Runswick, and Staithes.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last Meeting:— £. t . d.

English Mechanic Life-boat Fund, per J. PASSMORE EDWARDS, Esq., and Mr. G. Lur* 402 9 6 The late Mrs. A. I. HICKES, of Bath, per Miss HICKES, through THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S 100 0 0 Independent Order of Odd Fellows (Manchester Unity) annual subscrip- tion in aid of their Life-boat Cleethorpes SO 0 0 Contents of Contribution Boxes on board the Thames saloon steamer Albert Edward, and at the King's Arms Tavern, Lambeth, per Mr. C. BONCEY, additional 7 13 4 Collected on board the S. S. Lady Josyan, of Southampton, per Capt. A. HARLOW, additional .... 250 Half the balance of the La. PMa Relief Fund, per W. M. DEACON.

Esq 3 19 6 — To be severally thanked.

Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £.' s. d.

The late Miss SARAH LEYTHWAITE, of Bowden, Chester 500 0 0 The late Miss SARAH GODIN, of Maide Vale 100 0 0 The late GEOKGE PETERS, Esq., of Bushey, to the Margate Branch . . 20 0 0 The late F. A. WINSOR, Esq., of Lin- coln's-inn-fields 19 19 0 The late Mrs. M. A. HAV, of Hull. . 19 19 0 Reported the transmission to its station of the Cresswell (Northumberland) Life-boat.

The first launch of the boat took place at Cress- well, on the 21st Aug., under the superintendence of the Second Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats.

Ordered that various works be carried out at the Hartlepool, Runswick, Swanage, Howth, and Broadstairs Lite-boat Stations at an expense of 725/. St. 6ct.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to Mr, J. STEPHENSON for his kind services during the period he occupied the office of Honorary Se- cretary of the Runswick Branch of the Society.

Paid 607i 17s. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 33Z. Is. to pay the expenses of the Lossie- mouth and Fraserburgh Life-boats in putting off and rescuing the crews, consisting of 14 men from NOVEMBER 1,1875.] THE LIFE-BOAT.

421 the distressed sloop Helen, of Stornoway, and 3 fishing smacks.

The Gorleston Life-boat had also brought safely into harbour, on the 5th Aug., the smack So- phia, of Hufi, and 4 of the crew of a shore boat, which had taken off the vessel's crew of 4 men and a passenger, and had then broken adrift, leaving 4 of her own crew on board.

[The details of these Life-boat services will be found on pages 413-14 of this Journal.] Voted 251.7s. to pay the expenses of the"Whitby and Broadstairs Life-boat in putting off with the view of rendering assistance to distressed vessels, when the boat's services were not ultimately re- quired.

The Ramsgate life-boat had also gone off with the view of aiding a supposed distressed vessel.

Voted the thanks ot the Institution, inscribed on vellum,'and I/., to Mr. JOHN MADDEN, chief boatman in charge of the Sutton (Dublin) Coast- guard JStstion; 12. 10s. to JAMES ELLIOTT, and 10s. each to four other Coastguardmen for putting off in their boat, with the view of Tendering as- sistance to the crew of the schooner Aaron Belle, of Aberystwith, which had gone ashore near the Sutton Coastguard Station on the Wth Jan. last, during a strong gale from W.S.W.

Also the thanks of the Institution to Mr. JOHN CARR, Chief Officer of Her Majesty's Customs at Warrenpoint, Ireland, and II. to 4 other men for putting off in a boat, and saving the crew, 5 in number, of a gig belonging to the Newry Rowing Club, which had been capsized while out prac- tising off Wecrenpoint on the 27th July.

Also 10s. each to Joan and THOMAS CASS, of Whitby for rescuing 2 men from the coble Prince, of "Whitby, which had been struck by a heavy sea, and capsized while entering the harbour there on the 4th Aug.

Also the thanks of the Institution and 10s. each to 2 youths, named ALBERT and HARRY BROWN, of Weymouth, for saving a man, whose boat had been caugbt in a squall and capsized off Wey- mouth Harbour on the 6th Aug.

Also a telescope, with suitable inscription, to SAMUEL BATE, late second coxswain of the Pad- stow Life-boat, in acknowledgment of the many gallant services performed by him in the boat during the long period he held that post. He bad previously received from the Institution its Silver Medal and thanks, inscribed on vellum, for services in the Life-boat.