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Vittoriso G., of Venice

At 9 A.M.

on the 19th January, the Life-boat Richard and Anne Warner was summoned to the assistance of the Vittorioso G, a brig belong- ing to Venice, which was wrecked in Ban- now Bay, on the Selskar rocks, during a moderate S.W. gale. The Life-boat had to be conveyed a distance of seven miles by land, through miry lanes and soft roads, at first only by men hauling on the drag- ropes, though by-and-by, as she pushed on her way, horses came galloping in by ones and twos, and were promptly at- tached to the boat carriage. It was not till after noon, however, that the panting horses were pulled up on the brink of the sea, at Fethard Strand, the launching- place nearest to the wreck. Amidst the cheers of a large concourse of people the Life-boat was then launched through the surf, and after two hours' hard work with the oars her crew had the satisfaction of landing with the whole of the crew of the wrecked vessel, consisting of 9 persons..