Launching the Life-Boat
Ho ! build the Life-boat, heart and hand ; Quick ! ake the many- voiced command ! The black-winged tempest downward dips, Like death, on night-bewildered ships.
Let wrinkled age and valiant youth Close rib it as with ribs of truth ; Send home each trusty bolt, for love Of man below and God above.
Lo ! where it stands, fine-moulded, s)eei, A thing of troth from stern to beafc ; No lie in it, but worthy Thee, O Pilot of Lake Galilee ! So bless it, eager lips and leal, Each plank and bolt from prow to keel.
And dash, O maid ! the bold bright wine, And send it on its course divine ! Ho ! man the Life-boat, while the North Whistles the bristling tempest forth : Bravely, and God will guide the keel, Ye hearts of oak and hands of steel ! Now launch it, launch it ; fling it free Into the boundless-bosomed sea : Pause not, though death pursue amain, Death is no end, but eudless gain ! WILLIAM.