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On. the 1st January the Life-boat Sisters' Memorial succeeded in saving the crew of the flat Hester, of Conway, bound from that place to Bun- corn. The Life-boat was afloat on this service from half-past two in the afternoon to nine o'clock at night, in a heavj gtde at S S.E. HUGH Josras, the coxswain, and the rest of the crew deserve great credit for their persevering and determined | efforts to reach the distressed vessel, which, ; with distress signals flying, leaking badly, and plunging bows under, was riding to her anchors on the lee shore of Penmaen- mawr. It took them nearly five hours to '• pull against the gale to the wreck. The strain on nerre, pluck, and strength for such protracted periods tells heavily even , on the hardiest boatmen. The crew of the Hester was composed of 2 men..