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Friends of Killyleigh

During the afternoon of the 26th February, the Life-boat Tyretta, in answer to signals of distress, was launched to the assistance of the schooner Friends, of Killyleigh, which vessel having had all her sails blown away while on a voyage from Girvan to Killyleigh, came to an j anchor in Dundrum Bay, in an easterly gale. The sea in the bay was much broken, and the master of the schooner, expecting his vessel to founder at her anchors, hoisted signals calling for succour. The cox- swain being absent, the Life-boat went out in charge of JOHN GOBDON, the second coxswain, who succeeded in bringing the whole of the vessel's crew, 4 in number, safely on shore. The Tyrella strand is much exposed in an easterly gale, and the task of getting the Life-boat off it in face of an on-shore gale is always one of difficulty, especially on account of the sparsity of population in tbat neighbour- hood rendering it a work of time to collect a sufficient number of launchers..