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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded In 1874

Jan. 1.—Voted 81. to 8 men for putting off in the yawl Bravo, of Yarmouth, during a strong gale from the W. on the 29th Nov., and saving the crew of 6 men of the brig Erae, of Sunderland. The vessel had stranded on the Scroby Sand, and her crew had taken to their boat and were rapidly drifting into broken water when they were rescued by the crew of the yawl. 21. -were also granted to the men who were employed in, launching the yawl.

Jan. 1.—Also 21. 10*. to 5 men belonging to Valentia for rescuing, during a strong breeze from the N.W. on the 21st Nov., 3 men from the boat of the wrecked ship Clyde, of Liverpool. 10s.

was also voted to PATRICK LOONEY, who, by sig- nalling, had skilfully piloted the ship's boat as far as Burnt Island.

Jan. 9,—Some fishermen belonging to Craster, Northumberland, put off in two boats and rescued 9 of the crew of the s.s. Rarensieorth Castle, which was wrecked off CiaatCT Han en. during a strong 8.E. breeZe.—Reward, 51.

Jan. 9.—The chief boatman of H.M. Coastguard at Shaldon, near Teignmouth, and other men, put off in a boat and saved a fisherman whose boat had capsized on the Bar.—Reward, 2Z.

Jan. 18.—Four men put off in a boat from Groomsport, Ireland, and saved 2 other men. whose boat had been capsized off that place, in a westerly gale.—Reward, 51.

Feb. 12.—Five men forming the crew of a. Coast- guard boat at Cahirmore, Ireland, put off at great risk and saved 2 of the crew of the barque Card- rout, of Greenock, which was wrecked near the Cahirmore Coastguard station during stormy wea- ther, in a very heavy sea.—Reward, 101.

Feb. 20.—A man named JOHN DILLON assisted to save life on the occasion of the wreck of the smack Xaami and June, of Ramsey, Isle of Man, ,off Ballycotton.— Reward, 10*.

Feb. 24.—Six fishermen put off in a boat and laved 5 other men from a boat which had been capsized near Malm Head, Donegal, in a westerly gale—Reward, 71.

'Feb. 26.—A man named EDWARD PORTEOUS Masted the crew of the trawler Oxford Eight, of Hull, which was wrecked near Donna Nook, on the Lincolnshire coast.—Reward, M.

Mar. 2.—Two men rendered their services in rescuing a man whose boat bad been capsized off Levaneep, Shetland.—Reward, 11.

Mar. 9.—The crew of the yawl Dart, of Palling, rescued 9 men belonging to the brig Exzelxior, of Guernsey, who had taken to their boat on that vessel stranding on the Hasborough Sands while it was Wowing strongly from the N.N.E.— Reward, 51.

Mar. 18.—The crew of the fishing-smack Eben- ezer, of Southport, saved 2 men whose boat had been blown out to sea from Amlwch.—Reward, 5/, Mar. 19.—Six men went out in the pilot-boat Priife, of Greencastle, and brought ashore the crew, 7 in number, of the schooner yacht JSmerald, of Belfast, which, during a whole gale from the N.W., had drifted ashore while entering Carling- ford Lough, Co. Down.—Reward, 5

April 2.—Voted the second-service clasp of the Institution to Mr. WILLIAM TAYLOR, chief officer of H.M. Coastguard of Dunny Cove, Co. Cork, in acknowledgment of his gallant services in patting off in the Coastguard gig, and assisting to save the crew of 7 men of the wrecked brigantine Harriet Williams, of Llanelly, on the Hth Feb.

April 2.—Also the thanks of the Society to Mr. Z. GRANGER, chief officer of Coastguard at Court- maesherry, and to the Rev. T. MCCARTHY, to- gether with 31. 10». to 7 other men, for bringing ashore the crew, 4 in number, of the cutter St. Jo'm, of Cork, which was in distress in Broad Strand Bay during a strong S.W. gale on the 26th Feb.

April 2. —Also the thanks of the Institution to Mr. JOHN Nicaoisotr, farmer, Kidsdale, B.B., and Ilia son, and to Captains THORBURN and McQuEES, for their services in assisting to save the crew of 5 men. of the stranded schooner Scot- titfi. Lass, of Holyhead, on the i!6th Feb.

April 3 —Four fishermen, of Youghal, Ireland, saved 3 of the crew of the fishing-boat Ellen, which was capsized in a squall outside Youghal Bar.—Reward, M.

April 7.—Twelve men put off in a boat fromPakefield, and brought ashore the crew of 3 men j of the boat Water Lily, of Lowestoft, which had j been capsized off Pakefield.—Reward, 3/.

June 4.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Insti- tution, and its thanks inscribed on vellum, to Mr. Michael LANGAN and Mr. THOMAS McCoMBiE, the first and second officers of the steamer Princess Alexandra, belonging to the Commissioners of j Irish Lighthouses, together with a reward of 20/. to twelve men who had put off with them in the steamer's gig and cutter, and saved, under perilous circumstances, 3 of the crew of the brig Hampton, of Dublin, which was wrecked ; on the Bull Sand, in Dublin Bay, during a . heavy gale from the "W.S.W., on the 13th April last.

The thanks of the Institution were also voted to Captain A. KNOX-GALWAY, the commander of the steamer, for his valuable and successful co- operation on the occasion.

June 4.—Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. W. DAISH, Inspecting i Officer of H.M. Coastguard at Ballyheige, Ireland, and 13i. to 10 Coastguard-men under his orders, for their services in assisting to save the crew of the wrecked barque Magnolia, of Christiania, on the 28th March.

June 4.—Also the thanks of the Institution in- scribed on vellum and 21. to Mr. MARTIN KEN-NEDY, Lighthouse-keeper at Ballinacourty, Ire- ] land, for saving the master of the schooner Morn- ing Star, of Dublin, which was wrecked near the ; Lighthouse on the 10th Feb. i June 4.—Also the thanks of the Institution to ' Mr. RICHARD JENKINS, chief officer of H.M. Coast- guard at Carrickfergus, for assisting to save 4, ! out of 5, of the crew of a boat belonging to the schooner Relief, of Dublin, which was capsized in Belfast Lough, during squally weather on the 5th Dec.

June 6.—The crew of a fishing-boat were suc- cessful in rescuing 2 men whose boat had been capsized during squally weather near Canower, Co. Donegal.— Reward, 51.

June 9.—JOHN COVENEY, and 3 other men of Moville, Co. Donegal, saved a Coastguard-man from a small yacht which was capsized during a strong S."W, breeze in Moville Bay. Two other Coastguard-men, who had also been on board the yacht when she capsized, were unfortunately lost j before JOHN COVENEY and his men reached her.— Reward, 21.

June 29.—One of the Tramore Life-boat-men, named JAMES KIRWAN, by swimming out in a strong sea, was the means of saving a lady who was in, imminent danger of being drowned off Tramore.—Reward, It.

July 2.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institu- tion, and its thanks inscribed on vellum, to Mr.

JOSEPH URELL, chief officer of H.M. Coastguard, at Hope Cove, and to Mr EDWIN PARKER, chief boatman in charge at the Mothecombe Coastguard station, in acknowledgment of their gallant ser- vices in taking command of the Coastguard boats when they were respectively the means, under very perilous circumstances, of saving 3 of the crew of the brigantine Iliendor, of Hamburg, and the crew of 9 men of the French steamer A.ivali, which vessels were in imminent peril near the Coastguard stations during a gale of wind from theS.W., and in a heavy sea, on the 14th Feb- ruary last.

July 3.—Four men rescued 3 others whose boat had been capsized in a squall while they were fishing off the shoals of Broom Hill, Co. Vaterford. —Reward, 21.

July 10.—The crew of a fishing-boat were in- strumental in saving 2 men from the boat of the trawler Shark, of Cardigan, which had been struck by a heavy sea and upset on Cardigan Bar.— Reward, SI. 10s.

Aug. 11.—A Yarmouth boat's crew put off and saved 3 men whose boat had been blown out to sea, and was in a dangerous position near the Barber Sand.—Reward, 21.

Aug. 30.—FRANCIS McMAHON and 2 other men, in a small shore boat, saved 2 persons who were capsized in a pleasure-boat, off Bangor, Co. Down.

Two others who were in the pleasure-boat were lost.—Reward, II. 10«, Sept. 3.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institu- tion, its thanks inscribed on vellum, and 27., to JOHN WRIGHT, in acknowledgment of his gallant services on the occasion of the barque Alceste, of Greenock, being wrecked in Portaline Bay, Co. Donegal, when he with great difficulty swam ashore with a line through a heavy »e», whereby 15 of the crew were saved from the wreck.

Sept. 11.—Four men, forming the crew of the trawler Enigma, saved the smack St. Thomas, of Kingstowne and her crew of 2 men, that vessel being in a very distressed condition off Ilowth, during a strong N/W. wind.—Reward, 2J.

Oct.. 5.—Five Coastguard-men of Chapel Station, Lincolnshire, with great promptitude launched & shore boat and saved 1 man, who was clinging to the wreck of an experimental iron Life-boat, named the Rising Star, which, while on a voyage from Grimsby to Wells, had burst one of her air- cases. There were 2 men on board the Rixing Star at the time of the accident; one of whom was drowned in trying to swim ashore. It was blowing fresh at N.W., with a considerable sea on the beach, when this service was rendered.— Reward, 21. 10*.

Oct. 6.—John AUSTIN, assistant coxswain of the Shoreham Life-boat, and 2 pilots of that place, saved, by means of lines, 4 of the crew of the brigantine Dart, of Shoreham, which was wrecked to the eastward of Shoreham Harbour pier. This service was performed at some risk, as it was blowing a heavy gale at the time. Nine of the crew of the Dart perished.—Reward, 21.

Oct. 17.—THOMAS WILLIAMS and 7 other men of Aberystwith put off in a shore boat from that place on the 17th Oct., and rescued 3 men who had been blown out to sea the night before from Aberayron, and were in a very exhausted condi- tion.— Reward, 4/.

Oct. 21.—The master and crew of the Ardrossan steam-tug saved, by means of lines thrown from her, 9 of the crew of the wrecked steamer Chusun, and afterwards towed out to the wreck the Life- boat Fair Maid of Perth.—Reward, 13/.

Oct. 21.—GAVIN KEAN and 3 other men put off in. a shore boat, with the view of saving life from the wreck of the Chumn.~Reward, 41.10*.

Oct. 29.—Mr. W. H. STEVENS, chief boatman in charge of Atherfield Coastguard station, and 5 other Coastguard-men, rescued 3 persons from the smack Hanger, of Fowey, wrecked on Atherfield Ledge on the 25th Oct., during a strong breeze at S.S.W.—Reward, 31. 10*.

Oct. 27.—A man attempted to drive his horse and cart across the Strand close to the Ducks- pool in Dungarvan Bay, the tide being up at the time. Finding that he was in a perilous position, he shouted for assistance, when MICHAEL FOLEY waded out and brought him safely ashore.—Reward, 10..

Nov. 25.—The coxswains of the Sunderland Life-boat No. 1 and No. 3, and 8 other men, carried a shore boat a mile along shore, and launched through a heavy sea to the assistance of the brig Bermuda, of Portsmouth, stranded dnring a strong S.E. breeze on the 25th Nov. Thesemen had to make three trips off to the Bermuda, even- tually landing the crew of 8 men and the pilot.

It was impossible to get the Life-boats to the j to the wreck. JOHN MARSHAL!,, junior, second assistance of the Bermuda on account of the '. coxswain of the Life-boat, went oa board the shallowness of the water over the rocks on which ' "wreck at considerable personal risk, and endea- she was stranded, and all the Coastguard efforts j voured to save the master, who was entangled in to extend help by rocket-lines had failed.— ! the rigging, and from infirmity unable to save Reward, 10?. j himself. He had nearly reached the master when Dec. 3.—The crew of the Seaham Life-boat, | a heavy sea washed them both overboard, and the with the assistance of the Coast Brigade men, j master perished. were successful in saving 3 of the crew of the J Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution and schooner Laay Ann, of Wells, wrecked against ; l. to JOHN MMISHAU,, junior, in acknowledg- Seaham north pier, on the 29th Nov. These men ;ment of the above gallant service; and a reward were saved by the Life-boat's lines being thrown of 6(. among the other men.

The following is a copy of a Handbill circulated on the Coast* of the United Kingdom by the Institution, for the purpose of informing Boatmen and, others that it encourages laudable exertions to save Life from Shipwreck*:— TO BOATMEN AND OTHERS.

To encourage prompt and energetic exertions in time of Danger on the part of Boatmen and Others, by quickly putting off to save Life in CASES of WRECKS on the Coasts of the British Isles, either by SHORE BOATS OR OTHER MEANS, THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION GRANTS Rewards of Money or Medals. In all cases the Rewards are given without further delay than is necessary to obtain proof of the merits of each, ease, and to insure their being paid to the light parties.

Application to be made to the Secretary. By Order of the Committee.


May, 1875.