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On the 9th De- j cember, at 11 P.M., the ship Stralsund, of Stralsund, was driven on a ledge of rocks east of Kimeridge. A heavy storm and dark night did not prevent the crew of the Mary Heape Life-boat, which is one of the smallest on the coast, from launch- ing her to the assistance of the wrecked ship. Their efforts, however, proved futile, and after a desperate struggle she was forced back on the beach. Daylight, however, brought a moderation of the storm, and the Life-boat was again launched, and at length reached the wreck. As she did so the coastguard sncceeded in throwing a line over her with the rocket apparatus. Using this line for hauling to and fro, the Life-boat, in two trips, landed the whole of the crew of 15 persons from the perishing vesseJ..