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Scott, of Sunderland

On the 22nd Oct., in consequence of a telegram from Broadstairs, this invaluable boat proceeded in tow of the harbour steamer to the Kentish Knock Lightship, twenty-six miles from Ramsgate, which was reached an hour before midnight. Hailing the Lightship, she learned the bearings of a wreck on the Kentish Knock Sand, and at daybreak made out the barque Scott, of Sun- derland, which was nearly on her beam-ends and half sunk. The crew were in the main- top, where they had been for twenty-six hours exposed to the full fury of the storm. The Life-boat, having anchored, veered down to the -wreck, and the crew, climbing out on the bowsprit, dropped one by one into the Life-boat, whence they were conveyed to the steam-tug, which, with the boat in tow, and the rescued seamen, regained Ramsgate about 11 A.M., after' a seventeen-hours' absence.