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Marie Emile, of St Louis

Again, on the 2nd Feb., the same boat performed, if possible, still more meri- torious service, in saving a crew of 4 men from the wreck of the Marie Emilie, of St. Louis. The seas were rolling clean over this wreck when the Life-boat was going out, and the sea and wind were so heavy that she was twice driven back.

An additional peril was the position of the wreck among the rocks, which added much to the dangers encountered by the Life-boat's crew; but, notwithstanding that they had seven of their oars broken, by persevering with the spare set of oars, on the third attempt they succeeded in effecting the rescue.

The silver medal of the Institution was voted to Captain HOWOBTH, E.TS., and NI- CHOLAS B. DOWNING, Esq., and the Second Service Clasp to Mr. W. BLACKMOBB for their services on these occasions.

The Norwegian Government, by a royal resolution, afterwards decreed to the same persons the silver medal for civic deeds (Borgerdaad)..