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Canada Belle

The barque Canada Belle, of Whitby, struck on the Whitburn Steel rocks during a gale of wind at S.S.W. on the night of the 23rd Nov., 1872. Fortu- nately her signals of distress were ob- served, and the Thomas Wilson Life-boat, •with infinite difficulty, was launched through the breakers to her assistance.

Nothing but the most determined courage and perseverance on the part of the crew enabled them to achieve their object on this occasion. They had got on board 2 women, 2 children, and 4 men from the wreck, when a tremendous sea filled their boat and swept them away from her.

Having, broken several oars, their efforts to regain her proved futile, and they at last bore up for the shore. Having landed the above-mentioned 8 persons, they replaced the broken oars, and having procured a few fresh men, they again launched and happily succeeded, by 2.30 A.M., in landing safely the remainder of the ship's crew, making, in all, 15 persons saved. The crew of the Tliomas Wilson were nearly six hours in wet and cold whilst performing this service..