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Spectacular, of St Malo

The Dr. JTatton, the Institution's boat stationed near New Eomney, was launched soon after noon on the 25th October, and proceeded through a very heavy sea and strong breeze to the assistance of a ketch embayed off Dym- ehurcb. with a signal of distress flying.

The distressed vessel was the Speculateur, of St. Malo; she had lost sails and spars, and was leaky. Her crew, utterly ex- hausted by long struggling against ad- verse gales, were able to do no more, and were in momentary expectation of their vessel parting her cables as the Life-boat was seen approaching. The boat had considerable difficulty in getting the poor Frenchmen out of their sinking vessel, as she was rolling gunwale under; and the rescue was finally effected by an- choring the Life-boat on the bow of the French vessel, and veering down close enough to haul the men on board by lines thrown from the boat. The Life- boat made good her landing at Hythe .about four o'clock, and the deserted vessel soon parted her cables, and was dashed to pieces against Dymchurch sea wall. Four lives were saved by the Life-boat on this occasion..