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Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck

For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck.


PATRONESS — Her Majesty the Queen.

List of the Two Hundred and Forty-two Life-Boat Stations under the Management of the Institution.


Kirkcudbright—Kirkcudbright ENGLAND. , South Devon — Sidmouth—Eimonth— RAt-wf fc Tworf JTeJtgwnontli—Brixh&m—Salcomb*—Plymouth bStt sorth fertiwtena p comwaii— - 15™y •~£*!S*£!27 ith —Sansley—CreflFwell— Poritoe—Fahafmth — Porthooaodc—Cadgwlth Isle of Arran—KUdonan Argyllshire—Gampbeltown—fiontoeod Caithness-shire—Thorw Orkney Islands—Txmghope—8trom a Elginshire—txurtenaonth jSanffahire—Bnekie—Banff Aberdeenshire—Frawrbtirgn—Fetetbe Kincardineshiro—Stonehaveo i Porfar—Moiitroae (two boata)~Arbroiift I Buddon K«« and Brought? Parry (Dundee) ; Pifeehire—St. Andrew*—Austratber Haddingtonshire — North Banrfck I onhar ! IRELAND.

Co. Londonderry—Qreencutt* Antrim—Portntsh Down—Groomsport—Rallywalter— Tyrt —Newcastle (Dandrom Bay) XjOUth—£ nndal}[—Drogbeda {two boat*) Dublin—Sfrwrie*—Eog«r»town.— Howth Poolbeg—Kingstown "Wio Wow—Grey atones—Wicldow— A rkUi Wexford —Coarttnm — Oshore— Werto (two boats)—Carnsore—I tUQcam»ott Waterford — Tramoro—Z oogBrran—At Cork—Yougnal—BaUyootton — ~ — »™ —« (four iNew aay— Pftdtrtow—Port laaac—Bnde boTt ham—W 'HArtlepoolTtwy boats)— I, Worth Devon—Clorelly—Appledore (two Beaton Carew boats) — branuton—Horte Bay — Ilfracombe— Torkshire — MMdl&borongh — Redcar — * "" Somerset—Watohet—Bwuham * lew Brighton—do. Tabular SBltburn,—Runswick— Bpgang—-Whltby (two beats) — Scarborough — Filev — FJawborougb Dfftita} — ocaruoruugu — cuoy — -rwwuiiurumsu (two bo»te —Bridlingtoia—Hom»ea—Withera- H —ClaetbOTpwi — Donna Nook —'p001 — — — Theddlethorpe— Sntton— Chapel— Skegness Cumberland— WbltehaTOtt — Man-port— jsie of Man— Samaey— Donahwitwoboafai • Norfolk—HnMtantoB-Brancaster— Wells ' SJHoth — Blafceaey— Sheringbam — Croroer — Mnarlee- -Haahoroneh— Palling rtwo boats) tt' — Caiater (two boate) — Yarmouth WALES.

land ftwo boat6 ~-8onthwoW (two boftta — i ~ttWftU9** Dniroich— ThorpeneM— Aldborong-h / Carmarthenehire— Pewbrey — Carroar- Pembrofceshire— Tenby— ]U)for$— Solv* '— (two boate) Kent — Miw ate— Kingssate— Broadstaira— IiAtQMK»te— North Ceal— WaJinw— Eia ovrne — Dovtor— New Bomnej— Dnngeneas Sussex — Rye — Wfnchelsea — Hastings— f (Sircti anshire — Cardigan — tfewqnay — East! o time — Newbaren -Brig-Jilon — Shorebam j AnerysfrWilh Merionethshire—Abardowy—Bannooth Carnarvonshire •—Poytmadoo—Aiwraoch —Porthdinllften—Orma's Head t — Llandowyo — RhoanPiplr — Rhoaoolyn — Holybead — Cemaes—Boil Bay- •Worthing—Seise?—Chichester Barbonr Hampshire—Hftyliog Island Isle of "Wiglit—Bembridge— Orange—Brooke Alderney—St. Anne Guernsey—3t Sanwon'a l orset—F x ta— ridge—Weymoutfa—Lyme Kliyl (Tnbol»r Kerry— Valentta Total, 242 tufa-boat, Services of the Life-boats of the Institution in 1873.

Fottvnn, barque, of Gothen- lnug«- aflaisted to sayfe i easel and 16 JFwnMM, brig, of Portoeairl ... 8 franfoite Ma*4«, brig, of Caen —saved vessel and ,.,., 7 , Gem, scbooaer, of Wexford .... 6 j Qeorg und Lowiw, brig, of Boe- toci—remained by reseat.

George TV., schooner, of Amlweh —$A?«*l boat end 2 (?fJd Finder, schooner, of Bel- last—tendered a3»i»tance, 8att k, gcbooner. of Chepatow— . brig, - | assisted to aav& vessel and...

' Jam&, schooner, of Arlitv&th.. 4 } Jam**, schooner, of Carnarvon 4 assisted to aave Teaael and , . 7 Littfe Q*w», ifeliiDS hooSer, of Dttogarvau 8 tfzzf'e, screw steamer, of Lon- don..., 12 Lord Bdteick, schooner, of Mai- don-saved rasseJaad 6 tot£ HetJJwHJettt schooner, of JBanff. S iewisn, Ttenish barque — as- sisted to save vessel and .... 10 Maria NVJjolin, Bnasian schooner, 9 Alcasaiuler, Danish brig—saved vessel and 8 barqne, of Gothen- Brooks, schooner, of ,,.,.. B Anna Gcti»a, Dutch galliot... 3 Belie Jdt, brig, of Shoreham .. 8 Catherine, schooner, of Amlweb 3 04*tw. Bchooner, of Oraveliuea 7 Daflteifh, schooner, of Stomo- way... 4 David, Prussian schooner — saved vessel and ....,..»...,* 6 Dit-SchteaHie, bftrqna, of Eost ock —fitted veeseV And. , 1ft IJoJIarf, echooner, of Detznm .. 7 Druid, screw steamer, of Strader- land 4 Pwmwfl, ship 10 £tft#tn Bassett, bftrquft, of Stm- derland 2 KmnaMiuI, lugger, of Hantes.. 6 SrtnU, brig, of Naples—oared vessel and U f&preu, Bchooner, of Barn- FtZofora, barqne, of Oenoa .... 10 flotm, brig, of Guernsey—as- «Uted to aave eeael and .... 9 JVanoKottt* barque, of Oreira* wald— assisted to save vessel and...., U 3fari« Bottttead, schooner, of Ftteeauul ... 7 schooner, of St.

Loois ." * Mary, schooner, of Laxey 3 Itfary ni»,flchoo»er,ofBideford 4 Mary Attmt, schooner, of Ply- moutli 0 Exeter—remained by vessel.

MSton Ladthfri, bftTOTie, of NorthShields 16 Nicomi, yacht, of Palkdy 4 AWrtfe&r, Norwegian barque.. 12 No. 4, echoonet, of Arandel... S Ofio, brig, of Moss, Norway.... 8 Pfffffff, sloop, of Cardigan .,.;. 2 Pilot coble, of Scarborough- eared coble and 6 Prineeu of Wale», barque, of Glasgow.. 16 Protptriiy, sloop, of Portroad'oc 3 Quail, steamer, of Cork 7 RamHer, Bphoonw, of Plymouth 2 fiomWer, schooner, of Wexford. S Richard ottrf Emily* BchooDer, of ffighbridge—assisted to save vessel and 4 , borongh..,...,...,. S *xna%, schooner, of Strattgford. 4 arp«borp, )flrql]e, pJ Christj»i)ia —asawed to save veaeel and, 14 ! Bcott, barque, of Stwderlftnd... : , Setfftttt&nffi of ISay, schooner, of | ChriBtiania , Skiff, of TVicklow—saved boat , flatting smack, of Aberygtwitb — aared vessel and .......................

Spec, brigantine, of Plywoctb.

8o«», scfiooner, of — teta&itv»l by veeeel, ' Torr«n«,brig,o!Ir?V»ft.......

Trtfon, Prnsaian bargne .......

, Unicorn, brigantbie, of Irvine .

Woodham, steamer, auia ! barque, rf to eare rewel I *"" ! Total Uves eav«a • boAte,lul879,iaa I irveweU.......

Daring the s the Intrtitntlo period .

tlon grftotod To- ward* for wving Urea by fishing and o&ex «*U .... V Total of Ziives saved » in Twelve Month* . . / Ta« CtnotrrrxK or MANAOKMBNT have to rtate that during the past year O873 the KOTAI, NATIOKJU, LTFB-BOAT Isffrrnmoir erpen4l X3O.780 on variona Ufe-boat EeiAWisbmente on the CoaMa of Ei glaiid, Scotla&d, and IreiaufJ, in addition io having contributed to &« esvil of 608 paraottf from varions Shipwr clts on our Ooaata, for which services it granted 33 Silver ttedAb and Votea of Thanks on Vellum, an pecuniary rewavttB to th« amount of ££,Q36.

The anmbw of Uvea saved either by the Life-boat* of the Society, or-by special esertiotn for which it has frraut d BeWArds, since t formation IB 33,563; tor which 8«rvic«a Si Gold Medftla, 855 Silver Medals, and £43,525 in cash have been paid hi Bdwaida.

The eypeneu of a Lite-boat, its equipment, trauaporting-carriage, and boat-ooaae, aventgw £7OO, in addition to £70 a-year needed 1 koep the wtabliahment irv ft etate of eDlciency.

Donations and A*mud Si&vsripiiow are earneetly solicited, and wfll be thanfcfctlly received by the Bankers of the Institution, Mew Vruas, PKROTVAJL, and Co., 76 Lombard Street; by all tba other ftmfeer* in the Dnited Kiii m ; -• - - ; and by the Secretary, BIOBAKD txwje, Sft t the Institation, H JOHS STRKKT. AD*LPHJ, London, W-O -Jfocemfeer, 1874,.