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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY., 1st Jan., 1874: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., F.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the. Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspon- dence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Also the Report of Capt. J. R. WARD, R.N., Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to Dungeness, Rye, Winchelsea, Hastings, Eastbourne, and New-haven.

Also the Report of Capt. D. ROBERTSON, R.H., Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats to the Society, on his recent visits to Hornsea, Withernsea, Flamborough, Filey, Bridlington, Scarborough, Manchester, and Seaton Carew.

The Special Contributions and Legacies re- ceived by the Institution during the month of December are given in the Annual Report, pub- lished on the 1st May, 1874.] Produced extracts from the following wills containing legacies to the Institution : — of Edinburgh 1,000 0 t The late PETER PONSOSBY METGB, Esq of Athlumney, Navan . . 200 0 C The late E. DEWAR, Bstj., of Leith . 100 0 t Decided to form a Life-boat Station at Lydd Dungeness, near the scene of the fearful cata- strophe which overtook the ship North-fleet in January 1873.

Also to appropriate the station to Mr. DAVID HULETT, of High Holborn, who had presented t( the Institution the cost of the Establishment.

Also to place a Life-boat at Brancaster, on tin Norfolk coast, and to name the boat the Joseph and Mary, at the request of Mrs. BOETEFEUR widow of ALEXANDER BOETEFEUR, Esq., of Bayswater, who had presented to the Institution the cost of the Life-boat Station.

Read letter from S.AMUEL J. WII.DE, Esq., o Sergeants' Inn, Fleet Street, of the 18th Dec.

forwarding a cheque for 5002., being the amount which his late aunt, Miss MARGARET RYDE WILDE, by an informal document, had desired him, as the residuary legatee, to pay to the Institution to establish a Life-boat to be called the Charlotte Mary.—To be thanked.

Reported the transmission to their stations o the Skerries and Seaton Carew new Life-boats. The British and Irish Steam Packet Company, had kindly granted a free conveyance on boar one of their steamers, to the Skerries boat from the old boat to London free of charge. — To 6e thanked , The Seaton Carew Life-boat had been exhibited at Manchester on the 19th Dee.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to Mr. W. LLEWELLYN, in acknowledgment of his kind co- I operation during the period he occupied the office of Honorary Secretary of the Porthcawl Branch. The Committee expressed their condolence with Mrs. DRAKE and members of her family on the occasion of the lamented death of the Rev. C. MACKWORTH DRAKE, who had been the Honorary Secretary of the Portloe Branch of the Institution from its formation. j Paid 2,1 02J. Os. 6d. for sundry charges on various I Life-boat Establishments. j Voted 497. 12s. to pay the expenses of the | Thurso, North Deal, and Appledore Life-boats in going off during heavy gates and saving the crews, consisting of 19 persons, of the following wrecked vessels : — Schooner JJalkeith, of Stornoway, 4 men saved.

Brig,Rem«n6ra»ce, JfMiddle8boro', 8 „ Brigantine Spec, of Plymouth, 7 „ la addition, the Walmer, Southwold, and Lland- dwyn Life-boats had rendered the following services : — •Brig Flossie, of Guernsey, assisted to save vessel and 8 men; Prussian schooner David, saved vessel and 0 men; schooner Thomas if Son, of Carnarvon, remained alongside.

[The particulars of these various Life-boat services will be found detailed in the last Annual Report of the Institution J Voted SSI. 19s. 0«. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats stationed at Selsey, North Sunderland, Hew Brighton, and Broadstairs, in either assemb- ling the crews or putting off in reply to signals of distress from various vessels, which did not ultimately require the aid of the Life-boats.

The Ramsgate and Duncannon Life-boats had also been taken out with the view of rendering I assistance to distressed vessels, but their services were not ultimately needed. I Voted 101. to 8 men for putting off in the yawl j Bravo, of Yarmouth, during a strong gale from the W. on the 29th Nov., and saving the crew of 1 6 men of the stranded brig Erve, of Sunderland. Also 21. 10s. to 5 men belonging to Valentia for rescuing, during a strong breeze from the N.W. on the 21st Nov., 3 men from the boat of the wrecked ship Clyde, of Liverpool. Also 10s. to PATRICK LOONEY, who, by signalling, had skilfully piloted the ship's boat as far as Burnt Island.

5th Feb., THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., j J.K.S., V.P., in the Chair. j Read and approved the Minutes of the previous t Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Corn- mittees. Appointed Capt. C. GRAY JONES, K.N., to Toe 1 the Second Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats to : the Institution. Read and approved the Report of the Inspector | at Life-boats on his recent visit to Southport on I the occasion of the launch of the new Life-host f JB*t sent to that Station.

I Also the Report of the Assistants-Inspector of life-boats on his recent visits to St. Mary's (Scilly faUnda), Senneu Cove, Penzance, St. Ives, Hayle,.

Porthleven, and Porthoustock.

(The Special Contributions and Legacies re- oanred by the Institution during the month of January are given in the Annual Report, pub- Blished on the 1st May, 1874.] Reported that the late Mrs, F. S. KIKBT, of Dublin, had bequeathed a legacy of 200/. to the Institution.

Bead letter from the President of the Russian Association for the Rescue of Shipwrecked Crews, of the 23rd January, expressing the thanks of Her Imperial Highness the GRAND DUCHESS CESARE- VISA, Patroness of the Association, to the NA- TIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, for the assistance which it had afforded to the Russian Society.

On the occasion of the marriage of H.R.H. the DUKE of EDINBURGH, the British residents at St. Petersburg had opened subscription lists to raise a sufficient sum to purchase two Life-boats, one to be called the Alfred, and the other the Marie, •which their Royal Highnesses had decided to pre- sent to the Russian Life-boat Institution.

The boats were to be built in England, and two models of them were to be presented to their Royal Highnesses.

Every assistance would be afforded to the Institution in regard to the construction of the two boats and models.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to the fol-lowing gentlemen in acknowledgment of their past valuable co-operation in the management of different branches of the Society:—G. A.

MAIN, Esq., Isle of Whithorn; ALFRED STERRY, Esq., Swansea; L. R. CooKE,Esq., Clovelly; and the Rev. 3. GRIFFITHS, Newquay (Cardiganshire).

Paid 1,752?. 5«. Bd, for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 1W. 4s, to pay the expenses of the Holy- head Life-boat in putting off, during & heavy gale from the S."W., and bringing safely ashore the crew of 5 men of the schooner John and Jenefer, of Fowey, which was »t anchor in a very dangerous position jnside the Clipera Rocks on the 1st Jan. The rescued men were found quite exhausted, as the seas had been beating com- pletely over the vessel.

Also 1H. 16s. to pay the expenses of the Theddlethorpe Life-boat Dorinda and Barbara in going off while it was blowing strongly from the S.S.E. and a heavy sea was running on the 8th Jan., and saving 5 of the crew of the sunken smack Mary, of Grimsby. One of those rescued, a boy, was almost lifeless from exposure and cold, as the sea had been breaking heavily over the wreck.

Also 231.19». to pay the expenses of the Banff Life-boat in putting off in a fresh gale and high sea on the 18th Jan., and saving the crew of 6 men from the brig JStsex, of Sunderland, -which was in distress in Banff Bay, Owing to the force and direction of the gale, the Life-boat was unable then to return to her station, but had to run for Macduff, after shipping several seas.

Also 12i. 14s. to pay the expenses of the Kes- singland No. 1 Life-boat in going out in a fresh gale and heavy sea and rescuing the crew of 6 men of the schooner Jessie, of Blyth, which vessel had foundered on the Newcome Sands on the 18th Jan., the crew being obliged to take to their small boat, and keep under the lee of the wreck until the Life-boat reached them.

Also 162. to pay the expenses of the Pakefield No. 1 Life-boat in patting off to the same wreck.

Reported that the Yarmouth. Ho. 1 Life-boat had gone off on the 18th Jan. to the assistance of the barque Fria, of Blyth, which had run foul of the South Buoy on the Scroby Sands, and was in a very leaky state. The Life-boat men re- mained all night by the ship, and assisted at the pumps, and eventually she was got safely into Lowestoft Harbour, with her crew of 11 men.

Voted 16/. to pay the expenses of the Filey Life-boat in putting off on the 16th Jan. to the assistance of the crew of the fishing coble Unit, of that place, which had been struck by a heavy sea and swamped. Unhappily the 3 poor fellows forming the crew disappeared before the Life-boat could reach the spot.

It should be mentioned to the credit of the Life-boat men that they undertook to devote the reward of the Institution to the relief of the widows and orphans of the deceased men.

Also 272. 5*. to pay the expenses of the Ramsey Life-boat in putting off twice, on the 18th and 19th Jan., to the assistance of a smack, or lugger, reported in distress near the Bahama Bank, during a whole gale from the W., and in a tremend- ous sea. The boat was out eight hours in the night the first time, and six hours on the next day; but no trace of the ill-fated vessel, or her crew, could be found.

Also 123/, 3s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Holy Island, Teignmouth, Wex- ford, Duncannon, New Brighton, Bye, Carnsore, Cemaes, and Queenstown, in either assembling distress from various vessels, which "did not ultimately require the aid of the Life-boats.

The Anstruther and Isle of Arran Life-boats had also been taken, out with the view of render- ing assistance to distressed vessels, but their services were not eventually needed.

Voted 21. to the chief boatman of H.M. Coast- guard at Shaldon, near Teignmouth, and 3 other men, for putting off in a boat on the 9th Jan., and saving a fisherman whose boat had capsized on the Bar.

the crews or putting off in reply to signals of 1 NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, of the"21stFeb., j.-.. f —..... ,. _i.-.i. j_.j __.. I gating that the Society had appointed a com- mission to inquire fully into the circumstances connected with Shipwrecks, with the view to the mitigation of the sufferings arising therefrom, and soliciting from the Institution any co-opera- tion which it could render to the French Society in the matter.

Decided that the Society be informed that the services of the officers of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION will cordially be given in any way within the sphere of operations of the Institution.

THURSDAY, 5th March: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.K.S., V.F., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous, Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre-spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Douglas, Castletown, and Approved of a draft of the Report to be sub- mitted to the forthcoming Jubilee Meeting of the Society.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to DAVID (., the Rev. R, D. FOWEM, and ALFRED sq., in acknowledgment of their past valuable co-operation as the Honorary Secretaries, respectively, of the Irvine, Liverpool and New Brighton, and Ipswich Branches of the Institu- tion. .

Paid 1,815Z. 7«. 24. for sundry charges on various Lite-boat Establishments.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Mullkm, Cadg- with, Lizard, Falmouth, Rogerstown, Skerries, Poolbeg, Greystones, Drogheda, Dundalk, and Giles's Quay.

Also the Report of Capt. C. GRAY JONES, H.N., the Second Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his -visits to Rogerstown, Drogheda, Dundalk, Newcastle (Dundrum), Tyrella, and Ballywalter.

The Special Contributions and Legacies re- ceived during the month of February are given in the Annual Report, published on the 1st May last. Reported that the. following Legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £.

The late ALEXANDER BARKER, Esq., of Piccadilly 2,000 The late JOHM REEVE, Esq., of Reading (duty free) 1,000 The Committee expressed their deep sympathy with the relatives of the 4 poor men who perished by the upsetting of the Stonehaven Life-boat OB the 27th Feb. She had gone out to the help of the barque Grace Darling, of Blyth, which had a signal of distress flying; but which, on the ap- proach of the Life-boat, was unaccountably taken down. The ship was ultimately lost some mile* northwards, and 14 of her crew perished—1 man only being saved. The Committee voted 251)!. ia aid of the local subscription raised on behalf of the Life-boat men's families, besides granting 3C to each man who went off in the boat on the occasion.

i. d.

0 0 0 0 more than a year having elapsed since the last Decided, on the application of the local resi- i fatal accident; while in. twenty-two years there have only been fourteen such casualties,'with the loss altogether of 34 men.

The silver medal of the Institution was voted to Capt. C, GBAT JONES, H.N., recently appointed its Second Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, im acknowledgment of his gallant services in the Newcastle Life-boat, when she saved 4 out of 5 of the crew of the schooner .Rose, of Youghal, wrecked in Dundrum Bay, during a S.E. gate and in a heavy sea, on the i6th Feb.

The Society's medal was also presented to Mr.

dents, to form a Life-boat station at Longhope, in the Orkney Islands.

Also to appropriate the station to DICKINSON EDLESTON, Esq., of West Koyd, Sowerby Bridge, who bad presented 8002. tu the Institution to defray the cost of the Establishment, the boat being named after himself.

J. G. MOODIE HXBDIJS, Esq., the landed pro- prietor of the district, had promised not only to grant a site of ground on which to erect the Life-boat house, but also to subscribe liberally When we consider the fearfully dangerous cha- racter of these gallant Life-boat services, and are reminded that upwards of 10,000 persons go afloat in these boats every year, it cannot but because for congratulation that the loss of life is so small-JAHKJ HILL, coxswain of the same Life-boat, in j NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION took place this acknowledgment of his long and brave services ; day at the London Tavern, His Grace the Dake 5n the boat, and particularly on the dangerous j of NORTHUMBF.RLASD, P.C., D.C.L., President of ----- „__ .- ------ „.__ the Institution, in the Chair.

The President having opened the Meeting with some suitable observations on the great and national character of the operations of the Institu- tion, its officers for the current year were chosen.

The Secretary then read the Annual Report.

The Meeting was then addressed by Commander Sir JOHOT SWINBURSK, Bart., K.N. ; the Rev, E.

Voted HI. to pay the expenses of the Bun- HEB-LETT, M.A.; W. R. PBESTOS, Esq.; T. B.

guvan Life-boat in putting off, during a whole SMITHIES, Esq.; Vice- Admiral Sir J. WALTER gate from theS.E- on the 10th Feb., and saving TARLETON, K.C.B.; GEORGE LTAU, Esq., V.P., the crew of 5 men from the brigantine Henry, of | Depuj,y Chairman; JOBS GELLJBRAM. BUBBAKD, Toughal, which was wrecked on the rocks at •• Ksq_f M P . sir LU EM,™ TOBSEB, Vice-Com- B«lliaacourty Point. . raodore of the Royal Welsh Yacht dob ; the Also 101. to pay the expenses of the Exmouth j BftroD Gumif, Vice-President of the French Life- Life-boat in going off, while it was blowing a mo- at Society ; GEORGE WELLS, Esq., R.V.Y.C., derate gale from the E.S.E., on the 25th February, THOMAS CHAS-WAJI, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., Chairman.

and rescuing 4 men from the sloop Marie hhza- and sir E»WAKT G. L. PERBOTT, Bart., V. P.

ArtA, of Honfleur, which had stranded on the Pole i Sands. ! Also 11. HJ. to pay the expenses of the Seaham i renewed exertions on behalf of the benevolent and national objects of the Institution, The Report and Resolutions will be found in Life-boat Journal." Various Resolutions were moved, seconded, and carried unanimously, pledging the Meeting to Life-boat iu putting out, during a strong S.S.E.

wind, and bringing safely ashore the crew of 10 J i.... men from the brig Gdena, which had stranded off the May number of the that place on the 2nd March.

THURSDAY, 2nd April: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.K.S., V.P., in the Chair., Bead and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting1, and those of the finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Elected the Members of the Sub-Committees for the ensuing year.

Read and approved the Report of the Inspector Also 161. lOt. to pay the expenses of the Kings- downe Life-boat in going off, on the 7th February, in a fresh, breeze from the TS.W., and remaining alongside the snip Forest, of Windsor, N.S., which had gone on the South Goodwin Sands, the boot remaining there until the vessel was out of danger.

Reported that the Ramsgate Life-boat had gone vS, during a gate from the E.N.E., on the 10th February, and rescued 17 persons from the barque Lady Maeeloct, of Liverpool, which was wrecked on the Goodwin Sands.

Also that the Palling No. 2 Life-boat had put of Life-boats on his recent visits to the "Worthing, Ramsgate, and Burnham Life-boat Stations.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Stonehaven, Aberdeen, Peterhead, Fraserburgh, Longhopc, Stromness, and Thurso.

Also the Report of the Second Assistant-in- spector of Life-boats on his visits to Court- macsherry, Groomsport, Portrvah, Greencastle, off, on the 7th February, while it was Wowing from the N., with a heavy sea, and assisted to take into Yarmouth Harbour the barque Krona, of Hog&nas, and her crew, that vessel having gone on the Hasborough Sands.

Also that the Plymouth Life-boat had -put off, in the 26th February, during a heavy gale from the S.W., and, in conjunction with a steam-tug, had rendered important assistance to the dis- | Queenstown, Valentia,' Ballycotton, Youghal tressed ship John Harbour, of St. John's, N.B. Ardmore, Dungarvan, Tramore, and Dnncannon.

Reported that the following Legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— The late JAMES RAHDCL&, Esq., of Mark Lane The late Mrs. MARGARET PHELPS, of Chichester (duty free) ....

The late Miss ELIZABETH Loir, of Russell Street, Brixton—moiety of residue.

Reported the transmission to their Stations of the Fraserburgh, Stonehaven, and Carnsore Life- boats.

Decided to station a new Life-boat at "West Hartlepool, in place of one of the boats at present stationed there, which was getting jnfit lor further service.

Ordered that various works be carried out at the Brancaster, Scilly Islands, Margate, and Skegness Life-boat Stations, at au expense of 58U. 1&.

Voted the thanks of the Institution 1o CHARM* NOKBINOTOS, Esq.., ROBERT TRAVERS, Esq., T. F.

EVANS, Esq., and the Rev. J. Jlomud, in acknow- ledgment of their moat valuable co-operation respectively in the management of the Plymouth, Courtmacsherry, Ball Bay, and Moelfre Branches of the Institution.

Paid 951?. 198.6 £ for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments. .

Voted 7Z. 7s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Wells Life-boat in putting off in a N.E. gale and heavy sea on the 6th March, and saving the crew of 5 men from the schooner Marie, of St. Valery- en-Caux, which had been wrecked at "Wells East Point.

Also 171. 2s. to pay the expenses of the Seaton Carew Life-boat in going out during a B.E. gale and bringing safely ashore 11 of the crew of the steamer Bamborough, of North Shields, which had stranded at the mouth of the Tees on the 9th March.

Also 13(. 13s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Girvan Life-boat in going off on the 17th March and rescuing the crew of 3 men of the schooner Industry, of that port, which was wrecked on the bar off that place. A shore boat had previously failed in an effort to get off through the surf to the rescue of the shipwrecked men.

THURSDAY, 7th May: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minnies of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sab-Com- mittees.

Read and approved the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Cresswell, Newbiggin, Whitby, Upgang, Runswick, Brid- lington. Piel. Wbitehaven, Seascale. Carlisle, and Silloth.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to the Stonehaven, Dun- bar, Ayr, and Girvan-Life-boat Stations.

Also the Report of the Second Assistant-In- spector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Carn- sore, Wexford, Cahore, Courtown, Arklow, Wick- low, Greystones, Howth, Kingstown, Rogerstown, Reported that the North Deal Life-boat had gone off on the 19th March to the assistance of the schooner Eliza Cornish, of Sunderland, which had been driven on the Goodwin Sands in » heavy sea. At the request of the master, the Life-boat men rendered their assistance towards getting the vessel off the Sands, and, happily, as the tide flowed, they were eventually enabled to get her clear, when she was taken to a safe anchorage in the Downs.

Also that the Skegness Life-boat had put off on the 19th March, and rendered assistance to the sloop New Eagle, of Grimsby, which had been caught in a squall and dismasted off Ingolmelds Point.

Voted 13U. 19*. 10 f. to pay the_ expenses of the Life-boats at Courtmacsherry, Bridlington, Donna Nook, Isle of "Whithorn, Fraserburgh, North Deal, Newbiggin, Palling, Wexford, Chapel, White- haven, Caister, Burnham, and Aberdovey, in and Skerries.

Reported the receipt of the following Special Contributions since the last Meeting:— £.

THOMAS BRADBERRY, Esq., additional. 50 Mrs. SAMUEL SENIOR, and Miss BREAS- LEY (part of the' proceeds of a small bazaar) 40 Collected by GEORGE OLIVER, Esq., and TH»MAS FAIBBBBST, Esq., in Foo- Chow-Foo, additional 25 0 0 Mrs. B. Woor , additional 20 0 0 Collected on board H.M.S. Malabar, on her last voyage, per Capt. T. B.

SULIVAN, R.N 1 13 0 Proceeds of a lecture at Welling- borough, by Mr. J.' R. WILKINSON . 1 To be severally thanked.

Reported that the late Miss C. H. A. MYTTOS, of Skelton, near Shrewsbury, had bequeathed 500i.

Consols to the Institution.

Decided to form a Life-boat Station at Cress- well, Northumberland, where a fishing-boat had recently capsized, with the loss of 4 lives..

i A. J. BAKER CRESSWELL, Esq., the Lord of the ; Manor, had agreed to grant the Institution a site '. on which to build the boat-house.— To be thanked.

I Decided to appropriate the station to THOMAS i HACKWOOD, Esq., of Sydenham, who had pre-sented 7807. to the Institution to defray the cost ! of the Establishment.

I Reported that the Skegness new Life-boat had i been transmitted to its station, and the old one ! returned to London.

either assembling the crews, or putting off in reply to signals of distress from various vessels which did not ultimately require the aid of the j Life-boats.

The Ramsgate, Peterhead, and Appledore Life- ! boats had also been taken out with the view of j rendering assistance to distressed vessels; but | their services were not eventually needed. j Voted the second-service clasp of the Institu- tion to Mr. WILLIAM TAYLOR, chief officer of II.M. Coastguard at Dunny Cove, Co. Cork, in acknowledgment of his gallant services in putting off in the Coastguard gig, and assisting to save the crew of 7 men of the wrecked brigantine Harriet Williams, of Llanelly, on the llth Feb.

Also the thanks of the Society to Mr. Z. GRANGER, chief officer of Coastguard at Court- macsherry, and to the Rev. T. MCCARTHY, to- gether with 3(. 10s. to 7 other men, for bringing ashore the crew, 4 in number, of the cutter St.

John, of Cork, which was in distress in Broad Strand Bay during a strong S.W. gale on the 26th Feb.

Also the thanks of the Institution to Mr. JOHN NICBOLSOU, farmer, Kidsdale, N.B., and his son, and to Captains TBORBCRN and MCQUEEN, for their services in assisting to save the crew of 5 men of the stranded schooner Scottish, Lass, of Holyhead, on the 26th Feb.

Also 101. to 5 men forming the crew of a Coast- guard boat at Cahirmore, Ireland, for putting off at great risk and saving 2 of the crew of the barque Cardross, of Greenock, which was Ordered that various works be carried out at ' the I/ydd and Valentia Life-boat Stations, at an expense of 288/. 10s. f d. ' Voted the thanks of the Committee to B. C. ; STEPHEKSOX, Esq., in acknowledgment of Ms kind and valuable co-operation while occupying the Secretaryship of Lloyds'. J Also to Dr. J-IxGUiBYlttACKENZiE andtheRev. ; MAUBICE DAY, M.A., for their past kind services , ss the Honorary Secretaries respectively of the j Sidtnouth and Greystones Branches of the Insti- i tution. ( Also that the deep condolence of the Committee j he conveyed to the families of the late SBIKI.E? BROOKS, Esq., and the late T. B. CHANTEK, Egg., 1 of Bideford, both deceased gentlemen having for j many years past rendered valuable services to the i Life-boat cause.

Bead letter from the Great Eastern Railway Company, of the 27th April, stating, ia reply to the application of the Institution, that the Direc- tors readily agreed to one of its Pillar Contribution Boxes being placed on their pier at Lowestoft.— To be tluinked, Bead letter from Juliet SMITHERS, of Newark, of the 17th April, stating that the people of St.

Andrews, M .B., had presented to her a.handsome brooch in acknowledgment of her exertions in collecting the coat of the new Life-boat on that • station—the Ladies? Own. The brooch was in gold, and had on one side the figure of St. Andrew, and the coat-of-arm« of the city. On the back was engraved— | " LAMES' Own LIFE-BOAT.

A laark of gratitude from St. Andrews.

Nov. 1873." Paid 3,04W. 13s. Id. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments - fusrd No. 1 Life-boat in putting off and bringing afely ashore the crews, numbering 12 men, of the ichooners J, T. S., of Barrow, and Gem, of Pad- tow, and the smack Lerry, of Aberdovey, and ; saving the distressed schooner Squirrel, of Aber- jrstwith, and her crew of 5 men, on the 14th April. | The thanks of the Institution inscribed on vel/onj j were voted to Captain W. HARRIES, Mr. W. j JBSB.INS, and Mr. J, G. AssAt, and the special i thanks to Mr. T. CABTEB, Mr. C. E. BOVEN, and Captain D. GEORGE, for their kind and valuable i co-operation on the occasion of those services. j Also 161.4s. to pay the expenses of the Newquay (Cornwall) Life-boat in going out during a strong N.N.E. gale, on the 14th. April, and, unde'r very gallant circumstances, taking off and safely land- • ing at St. Agnes' the crew of 19 men and a pilot from the dismasted ship Gutenburg, of Hamburg.

Eventually the Life-boat and a steamer assisted that vessel into Falmouth harbour.

Also 452. 7«. to pay the expenses of the Thorpe and Southwold Life-boats in putting off, while it was blowing a gale from the N.E., on the 15th April, and rescuing the crew of 12 men and a pilot from the barque Alma, of Tonsberg, which was wrecked on the Sizewell Bank, on the Suffolk eoast.

Also 121. 12*. to pay the expenses of the Clovelly Life-boat in going out, during a strong northerly gale, OB the 3*th April, and bringing safely asliors ijhe crew of 4 men of the ketch Minnie, of Bide- *rd, which was in distress off Clovelly.

1 Keportedthat the Ayr Life-boat had gone off on two occasions, and rendered assistance to the *hip Pearl of India, of Greenock, and the schooner Jerome, of Belfast, both of which vessels were in Also that the Whitby No, 2 Life-boat had put off on the Hth Feb., fend brought safely ashore the crews, consisting of 15 men, front five fishing cobles belonging to that place, which were in danger while attempting to enter the harbour.

Also that the Newbiggin Life-boat had gone out, during,* strong S.E. wind and heavy surf, and assisted two fishing-boats which were in danger off that place on the 13th April.

Also 104/. 15*. to pay the expenses of the Life- boats at Weymouth, Barmouth, Margate, Portma- doc, Newquay (Cardigan), Aberystwith, Lizard, Cadgwith, "VVexi'ord, and Courtown, in either assembling the crews, or putting off in reply to signals of distress from various vessefa which did not ultimately require the aid of the Life-boats, Also 71. to 6 fishermen for putting off in a boat and saving 5 other men from a boat which had been capsized near Malin Head, Donegal, in a westerly gale on the 24th Feb.

Also 51. to 10 fishermen belonging to Craster, Northumberland, for putting off in two boats and rescuing 9 of the crew of the s.s. Itnvensteurth Castle, which was wrecked off Craster Haven during a strong S.E. breeze on the 9th Jan.

Also 5Z. to 6 men for going off in toe pilot-boat Pride, of Greeneastle, and bringing ashore the crew, 7 in number, of the schooner yacht Emerald, of Belfast, which, during a whole gale from the N.W., had drifted ashore while entering Carling- i ford Lough, Co, Down, on the lath March.

i Also a reward, to 4 fishermen, of Youghal, ; Ireland, for saving 3 of the crew of the fishing- j boat Btlea, which was capsized in a sqaal! outside Youghal Bar on the 3rd April..