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Palestine, of Whitby

The new boat, presented by the Free- masons of "Warwickshire, and named the Lady Leigh, soon inaugurated its mission of mercy, it having been called out on service on the evening of Sunday the 10th Nov. The brig Palestine, of Whitby, was endeavouring to enter Scarborough Harbour, during a. very heavy gale from the N.E., when she struck on a reef of rocks called Ilamsden Scar, it being low water at the time. The Life-boat was quickly launched, and was successful in saving the crew of 5 men and a boy from what would, in all human probability, have been an inevitable death in the absence of the Life-boat, for the weather was such that no other boat could possibly have gone to the rescue; and the brig was in such a position that she could hardly have been reached by the rocket apparatus, had she held together long enough for it to have beea used, which, however, was not the case, for the vessel broke up almost immediately..