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Antegua, of Greenock

On the 16th October a vessel was observed from this station riding out a gale in Cardigan Bay, with main and mizenmasts and top- masts gone, and a signal of distress flying.

The Life-boat Nelson was soon launched ; but, after pulling for many hours through darkness, wind, and rain, was unable to find the distressed ship; and about 9.30 P.M. returned to the shore with her crew fagged out. After half an hour of rest, and having obtained a fresh " departure " to guide them on their course, they again sallied forth; and shortly before mid- night succeeded in Hading the vessel, which proved to be the ship Antigua, of Greenock, leaking, and otherwise in dis- tress. The gale being somewhat abated, the master hoped to save Ms vessel if steam assistance could be afforded promptly, and the Life-boat immedi- ately returned to the shore, and de- spatched a telegram for a steam-tug; and then again returning to the Antigua, remained by her at the request of the master till she v?as conveyed safely into port. The master in his certificate to the coxswain rendered high praise 'to the crew of the Life-boat .for their conti- nued efforts to reach his vessel on the night of the 16th through such terrific weather, and their subsequent strenuous and successful efforts to save his ship..