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Amanda, of Coleraine

The Laura, Countess of Antrim, Life-boat, saved 7 men from the brigantine Amanda, of Cole- raine, on the morning of the 3rd October, during a heavy gale from N.W. This was a truly noble service, and tested to the utmost the endurance of the Life- boat's crew. The Amanda, at the time of the launch, -was dragging her anchors towards a dangerous lee shore, and the efforts of the Life-boat were directed towards the removal of those on board her before she should become surrounded by the more dangerous breakers. The straggle to force the boat agaiast so heavy a gale as that which prevailed was no light one, however, and at one time it seemed that the effort would fail, as the boat had to drop down under the lee of an island. The crew, however, again returned to the attack; and, after two hours' hard rowing, with difficulty got on board the distressed vessel, and even- tually safely landed all hands, to the great joy of a large crowd of the inhabit- ants of Portrnsh. Important aid was rendered on this occasion by the horses of the tramway company, which conveyed the boat on her carriage along two miles of soft sand, and so enabled the Life-boat ,to close nearer to the wreck before bunching..