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The Medal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck


Obverse.—Bust of Her Majesty Queen Victoria; beneath, in minute letters, " L. C. Wyon." Double legeud, " Royal National Life-boat Institution. Founded in 1824. Incorporated 1860. Victoria, Patroness." Reverse.—Three sailors In a Life-boat,—one of whom is in the act of rescuing an exhausted mariner from the waves on a fragment of the wreck. " W. Wyon, Mint." Inscription, " Let not the deep swallow me up." THE beautiful obverse of this medal, executed by L. C. WTON, Esq., represents the bust of QUEEN VICTORIA, Her Majesty's locks gracefully waving and gathered in a knot behind, from which- issues a wreath of oak clustering over the forehead. This life-like portrait of the QUEEN, in high relief, conveys a truly pleasing and faithful likeness of HEB MAJESTY, combining dignity of aspect and benevolence of nature; and represented by Mr. WYON with the most exquisite finish, delicacy, and beauty of workmanship.

The reverse, representing the Life-boat, in which there are three Sailors, rescuing a fourth from the sea, is a work of superlative merit. Two of the Sailors are steadying the boat, while the other, stooping, draws in the Shipwrecked Sailor, whose figure is given so as to show the form in the most natural and beautiful manner; and the expression thrown into his countenance looking up to his preserver is unrivalled by anything that we have ever seen, while the easy flowing lines of this sailor are finely contrasted by those of his companions: the whole displaying the most perfect knowledge of the human frame, the finest taste to arrange it, and a command of the graver to embody to us what the artist's bright genius had shadowed out to himself.

But there is another pleasing motive for our admiration of this beautiful Medal, as the figure who is so humanely extending his relief to the drowning Mariner is a portrait of the Artist (the late WILLIAM WION, Esq., E. A.) himself.

The following is a LIST of the GOLD and SILVER MEDALS that have been voted by the Committee of the Institution, since its establishment in 1824, to persons whose humane and intrepid exertions in saving Life from Shipwreck on our Coasts lave been deemed sufficiently conspicuous to merit that honourable distinction. The Cases will be found recorded in detail in the several Annual Reports of the Institution.

The number of Medals granted by the Institution in to the present time is as follows :— Gold Medals Silver Medals 91 S48 Total .Yofe.—The asterisk (*) after the name denotes the recc-ptioh of a Gold Medal.

The figure after the name signifies the number of honorary distinctions receive'! from the Institution.

Abbreviations.—C'. G"1.—Coast Guard.

R. C.—Revenue Cruiser.

M. M.—Master Mariner.

Acraman, Mr. John, Fish- guard.

Adair, Mr. W., ?. Ga., Dun- ; drum.

Adam, Mr. J., C . G"., New- castle. (2) Adams, Mr. Thomas, M. M.

Agar, J., O. G !., Morris Castle.

Agnes, Samuel, Seaman, Wivenhoe.

Ahern, John, Kilmore.

Aikin, J, C'. G"., Cushendall.

Alexander, W., Coxswain of the Thorpeness Life-boat.

Allan, Jas., Pilot at Holy island, Allen, Mr. Luke Jas., M. M., Wivenhoe.

Amis, Edward, late Coxswain . of the Palling Life-boat.

Anderson, Mr. John G., RX.

Annis, Mr. M., O. Gd. (2) Anthony, Mr. Owen, M.M., Holyhead.

Armstrong, R., Newbiggin.

Armstrong, Mr. W., Pilot, Blyth. • Armstrong, W., Newbiggin.

Askln, J., C'. Gd. Boatman.

Atkins, T., O. Ga., Wainfleet.

Autridge, Lieut., R.N., Doon- bcg.

Avlsse, Mr. J. N., M. M., Boulogne.

Bacon, Henry, Harwich.

Bacon, Mr. James, M. AI, Bailey, Jas., Boatman, Deal.

Baillie, Lieut. Henry, R.N.

Baillie, Lieut. H., R.N, Caister.

Bain, Alex., Seaman, Skerries.

Bake, Lieut., P..S., C'. G ffAT 1, 1874] LIST OF GOLD AKD SILYEB MEDALS — «— ™— — — §1 taker, Lt. 6. 8., H.X, ?. Ga. Calteway, W., Seaman, Lyjne, Comat ig, Mr. J., Coxswain i Ftolay, G., C'. G1'., Latnbay taker, Lt.W. H., R.S., O, G*, Campbell, James, Leestone. of the ArWow Life-boat. : Island, taker, Mr. T,CM»«, Brooke, Campbeii, Miss J., Drogheda. Cazmingham, Mr. J., Hew- FJnlay, William, Mootrose. knyard, Mr, John, ?, 6*., Campbdi, Mr, Angna, Cutter «stle. Fish, Cfeas,, Coxswain of the Hornsea, Pri»»e» Xayetl, Cnniow, Mr. Paul, Coxswain .S&oosgate l ife-boat. Sarlacb, Mr. Henry, M. M. Candiish, J,, Coxswain of the of the St. iTes Life-boat, Fish, John, South wold. Sarnard, A, 0. G*, 3) Lytham Life-boat. Curtete, Mr, W,, {?. G*. Fisher, Mr, S., Horseferry-rtl. James, George, Christcfcureh. Cannell, T,, Isto of Man. Curtis, Steph., Christdmreh. Wisher, Mrs,, North Feroe iarrett, Mr. J, ?. G , Carberry, Patrick, Wexford. Islands. Gsrasore. (2) Carbis, Thos., Coxswain of DOAm, Lieut- EJT., (?. G*. ' Fit ames, Mr. KH, Eu- Sarrett, W., ?. (K, Bal- the Penzance Life-boat. {2} Band, M. H., EsJ., Hanxtey. : phrates Expedition, briggart. Carey, H., Esq., Shrove Head. (2) i FitzpaWcfc, J.,C', G ., Malin iarrett, W, Jan., ditto. Carr.C A.Gnnner B.C. Sylcia. Dart, Mr. WflHam, M, M., : Head. iarroa, E. N, Esq., Ban- 'Carr, John, G*.G«*,DHnmanns. Padgtow, j Ftan, Wm., Portland. garvan, Carriasctoo, Lieut,, R.N. Darling, Win., Light-house • FJenjing, George, Gorieston. tarry, Lt G, E.H., Kiniate. Carrington, W. H., Esq., keeper, Fern Islands, Dur- Fletcher, T., CCCK, Eosslare. tate, Samuel, Second Cox- Dougl&s. ham, i Flynn, P., O. G«,, Kilrash. swain of Padstow Life-boat. Carter, Mr, J., C*. CK, 1M- Darling, Grace, his daughter, I Foiey, Mr, M, M. Sates, Mr. Thos., ?. G«. bri gan. Darrsgh, H., ?. G4., innis i Fotey, Mr. J, Port Talbot. latist, J,, C*. G*. Boatman. Casey, M.,lSewcastle, Ireland. Bofin. ; Forbes, Mr. A, PeterheaiJ. Watson, G. B. M., Esq,,'C», S*. Oastel, 9. BoatBJan, Broad- Davieg, Capt.Geo,,E.N. (4)» ! Formby, Joseph, Fonaby. (2) stairs, Dttvles, Capt. Thomas, B.S. i Forward, Mr. T. B,, Com- teanclerk. The late Lord Cay, C«pt, B, B,, K.ST,, Coast DaTies, George, Hoyiake. ' mander B. C, Sylvia.* Charles. Gaard, Penmnce. Bavisoa, W Sonderland. • Foster, J,, C1., G"1., Aldboro', teok, Eobert, Point of Ayr. CbMdock, J., ?, ad, Stone- Dawsoo, Mr. T., Hartlepool. Found, Mr. W, M. M, Pad- leddoe, D, Fisbgmard. ha-ren. Day, Clir, iSeaman, Middles- stow, ledwell, Mr. Wm, M, M., €3)SBUn,Mr,,M.M. borough. : Fowell, John, Seaman. Freswiek, N.B. Ctappell, Mr. T., BMeitod. Day, Mr. Thomas, Bideford. ; Fowler, Mr. Jaaiea, M. M., •egg, Mr., M. M. ChappeU, Capt. W., Blflrford. 1 Deane, Mr. Henry, O. G«. ' Searboroagh. lennett, Capfc C, C,, R.Sf .* Chard, 3,, Boatman, Thorpe. Delpierra, Jean A., Boulogne, Fox, Mr, John, Fleetwood, Eerrimasj, Mr. Jataes, M,M. Chittendeii, E., Broadstalre. Dent, J., Fisherman, Sew- • Fo#, Thomas, Bossgiass. levin, Mr, John, M. M, Clark, George, Seaman. biggin. FranMah, T. H,, Bridliagtoa Aberavon. Cterk, Lie& Josenh. R.K.* Desmond, John, Limerick. } Qaay. teghsra, Mr. Wra,, Bell- [ Ckybarn, T., Scarboro'. (2) Da St. Croix, Mr, R, Je»iy.* Fraoklin, U. E., JOT, How. moltett, Clayton, Lt, B.N, C'. Oft. De St. Croix, Mr. J,, Jersey.* ' Fraakiya, Lieut. S,, B.S. Hack, A, ?. & *., Strangford. CleaveMr JL,M,M.,Wivenhoe De St. Crots, Mr. P., Jersey,* j .Freeman, Heary, WMtby, Bactanore, Mr, Wm, Chief Cloke, W, Pilot, Mevagtesey. DevereHX, M Master Pilot, : Freeman, John, Seaman, QflfeerofCXG'1,, Pensanoe. i-Cobb, Kw. C,, M,A., IJym- Eosslsre. (3) ' Freeman, James, Heiston. (3) church.* Billon, Jas., ?. &., ArMaw, • FreenmnHe, Capt- C. W., ilair,Lt, Homtio, KJS, 0.04, C6okrom,W., St«w»nJ,H.M& Dobson, T, Coxswain of the ; B.H.* tenpied, Mr. C., Jersey. Etgle. DOQCA Nook Life-boat. | Freeney, John, Killiney, Co. iiance, John, Shetland. Coff«y,P,,T;raiiora,Watert'ord Donltln, A., Cuilereoats. (2.) ; .Dublin. ilieuendon, William M. Coiby.J&thaniel, Cosswain of Bonofan, (Jennia, 0. GO. (S) ; French, Mr. Charles, 0, G . Hois, Capt. J, E,, E.N.* the PakefteH Life-boat, Boaovan, J,, O.G4. Boatman, } Fulton, Mr. Robert, E.S. tolitbo, Simon, ?.G Bode. Cole, J., Seaman, WivenSHie. Dwtey, Lt. D., BJZ , ?. fl*. i Farlong, A., Fishgnard. ton# m-d,H,PHot, Guernsey, Coltard, Mr. 8., Pilot. Dougiss, Alexander, C*, G*. ! kmner, G., ?. G*., ColHeston.

tonchard, John, St. Martin's, Coilka, Mr. J., Maater of She American ship Sosctaj,* Dower, Capt. A., Bungarvan. | Downing, tficholas B, Esq., | Galbraith, Mrs. E., Whitney.

Gale, Mr.W,M.M., Barking. Jersey. Collison, Mr.S,, M. M, Stone- Penzanoe, ' GalIa ier,P., Co. Down. kwen, Lieut. C. H, BJST.* haTes. Draysojo, D, ?. Gd, Ather, • Gerrard, Mr. K,, Pilot, Fleet- toj 4, Henry, 0. 0*. Collopy, J, ?,G«.,rortacawl. field, j wood. toyd, Hn. Captain, K.N. Combe, 1*. M,, E.JJ,, Dnnge- Duffy, M., MuUaghmore. i Giles, Mr. W. M 3!., Padstow. teyteJLieat. Hon. K.F., B.N. nees. Dunn, Mr. Wifitem, M, M. • GIHespie, Andrew, Gunner. Woe, W,, C*. a*, Sreencastle. Coneys, Mr.Anthony, Clifden. Darban, John, Wafaner, Giiraer, Mr. Wm., Haadalfc. Mdte,Mr,W., M. M., Lyme. Connisfc, Mr. J, Dnndalk. Dyer, B, Seaman, Wivenhoe. ffiisoa, Lt. T. A., S JT,, ?. G*. trine, Tsos,, Esq., Douglas, triBksmead, Mr, W., if. M., Cooper, Mr. Hugh, ?. 0'., Cromaine Point. Dyer, B,, Seaman, Wi enhoe. ' Dyer, Lt. H. MetMH, K.ST. Gimar, Mr, &, Master of the French brig Ze jV»n»tm, Bideforf. Coppin, Lt. F., B.S, O. G*. Dyer, Mr. John, Stratum, Gin, if. Francois, Boulogne. trittiin, Li«at.G. S,, K.N, Corbert, W., Coxswain of the Gieeaon, B. F., Wexfort. C*, G . f2)* Ardraore Life-boat. Esrle, Lt. K. C., RJS, Eye* : Glorer, Mr. J, M.M, Gun- tritton, Mr, J., Master of the Corbet, P., Pilot, Guernsey. Sistaway,B.,Bo»tnian,C'.G '. fleet S&nd,. American Ship Uoctoter,* Corbetti W., Esq., Isle of Man. Eddy, E., Pilot at Plymouth. GoWriBft Mr. W, M.M,, iroad, W., Esq., Fahwrnth.* Cork, W., C*. G gFortGs»rge, (?) Hayltag. Jrooke, A C*. G® .Dungenese. Corfcbili, W, Coxswain of the Efflngton, Mr. Chan., 0. G3. Gogs, Capt, T., S.X, C«. G«. irown, Henry, ewbi in. Padstow Lile-btat, Edwards, Mr. D,, Montrose. (2)* Irown, James, Danbsr. Cornish, Lt. J,, B.N", Barfs. Eilis, Henry, ?. G* Bade. Gou h, J, Fisherman, Water- trown, Thos. Cresswell. ' Costello, M, Esq., Bossisre, - Elphlnstoae, Geo., Dandalfc. ford, trowne, Mr. P. E. M. (2)« Coal, Atcxudnr, Montrose. Kise, Lieut, K.N, Fowey.* Gonld, Lt. Wm, E.5T, 0. 6*. Inmton, Lt. J, K.H., C*. Sa. : Coal, Cbarlen, Montawe, Elton, Lt. W.H, KJf,, O. CA ' Graham, 6, Lt. E.H, (y.G". (2)* Cowin, J., Isle of Man.

teek,W, e, E8q,E.X,C«.W : Cox, 1*. H, E.S., 0. G«. (S)* tackett, James, Coxswain of . Cox, Joseph, Coxswain of the Elwin,Lt., B.H, Lymington.

Byard, Cbpt. J., Broadstau-s.

Errtdge, E., Boatman, Deal. Graham, Capt. Philip, B.N,* Granby, Mr. Charles, M, SI, Grandy, Mr, at the E, C, Brigbstone Grange Life- Appledore Life-boat. (3) Esseil, Lieat. Wm. F., B.N.* • Scayy, *»«• , Cox, J., jna,, Second Cox- Brans, Capt. Thomas. Srandy, Ltent S, B.H, (2)* Sadd, James, Bsq,, Tramore, swain of the Appiedore Evans, Mr. J., M, M, Fish- Grant, Mr. W, Coxswain of talfedfy, J. B., Coxswain of , Life-boat, guard. the Margate Lift-boat, Teiguiuoath Life.boat. CoX, w., Kimlore. Evans, Lient. Thomas, R.U, Siaws, Mr. X, M. M, Car- . talley, Lieut. J,, R.8T. { )•• , Cnt s, J,, ,««, Devonport. Evans, T., sen,, Sew Brigh- ' lisle. lnmby trJ.,C'.G l..CJo«lly. Cragie, J,, Coxswain of the ton. (2) Grav, A., C«..S !, Fort George. tens, Mr. J«hn, ?. &. ' Boathwold Life-boat. ETWW, T,, jna, Hew Brigh- Gray, i*, ?. G'1, Kilmore. iurnard, Mr. T,, Bideford, (2) ; Cronne, Deunia, Ballycotton.

Same, J, C«. QJ, Penance. , Cropper, Peter, LiverpooL inrne, John, Sen., Shields. Crosby, Nicholas, Dundalk. ton. ; Evans, W«n., Jfew Brightos.

Evans, Win., Pilot, Neata. Gray, Jtr.Seo. BrMiingtoc.

Gray, Mr. J, M. M, Peter- head. lorney, Mr. E., O. G4., Banff. Crosgweli, Mr. T., Fowey. EviBon, Lt, J. C, RJf „ ?. Gd, Gray, B. W. D, Esq., Dublin, tury, Ld.Viscoont, P.C..M.P. Croach, J, Boatjaan, Broad- Gregory, J, 0. 6s,, St. An- tutcher, Jamee, Low««toft, stairs. Farmer, David, Hoyling. drew's. iutcher, Bich., Lowestoft. Crouch, E,, Boatman, Broad- tyrne, Mr. Lawrence, C1. G4. gtairs. Farrln, Mr, tf , H.M.& jijaz.

Fellowes, Capt. T. H. B., KN. Grey, George, Hartlepooi.

Griffith, David, Beaamaris. Crowdes,Mr, J Chief-Gffl«r fasting, Lieut, E.S. Griffith, Robert, Anglesey. kihill, D. F. S., Esq., M J), ' of (?, G i, at Moctals, H.B. Festtog, Maj. F, W., R.M.A. Griffiths, Mr. B, M. M, Port- Berwick. : Cabitt, Mr. W , Baeton, fa) Field, Lietst. Wm. Geo., B.N. martoc. WE, Wm., Isle of Man, | Cuimcr, Mr., C". ()*., Mgh. Held, Mr.W,, Milford Haven, Griffiths, G, Pilot, Anglesey. 52 THE LIFE-BOAT. [MAY 1, 1874. Griffiths, T., C?.Gd, Mulbay. ' Hutchison, Lieut. W., E.N,» Large, Mr. J., Master Gun- May, W. R., C1*. Gd.', Bos- Groer, 'Win, C1. G«., Lossie- Hyde, James, Sctlly. ner, R.A. castle. mouth. : Hynds, Mr. John, Dundalk. Larkin, Thomas, Seaman. Mearns, Wm., Coxswain of G-oy, Mr. Philip, Bideford. Hvnes, B., C'. Gd., Galway. : Lavington, Lt. Thos., B.N. Montrose So. 1 Life- boat. I Lazoix, Lieut, of the French Meams, Wm. Jun., Coxswain • Hats*, Mr. E., y. G«., Aid. ; lies, The late Mr. John, Marine at Dieppe. of the Montrose No. 2 Lite- more. Scarborough. ' Lejisk, Mr. Robert, Jan., Ire- boat. Hamilton, Mr. Geo., C'. GII. i jnkster, Mr. Peter, M. M., : land, near Stromness. Mearns, Mr. B., Jan., M. M, Hamilton, H. A., Esq. (3)* Shetland. , Leese, Charles, Gunner, E.A. Montrosc. Hamono, Mr. A., M. M. : Le Geyt, Miss A. B., Bath. Metberell, Lt. R. B, B..X, Haaning, N., C1. Qa., Dingle, i James, Lieut. Horatio, R.K* '. Leggett, Edw., Gunner. ?. G ".« Hansell, P. S., Broadstairs. • James, Lieut. Wm., E.N.* i Leigh, Lt. T., E.N., C'. G . Mewse, A.. Boatmjn, Lowes- Hnnsford, John, Weymouth. ; Japp, Eobert, Montrose. I (3)** j toft. Harrington, Mr. Ja&, Brid- • Jannan, Isaac, late Coxswain ' Leslie, Mr, J., M. M., Stone- ; Middleton, John, Boatman, lington Quay. of Rainsgate Life-boat. (2) haven, N.B. Deal. Harrington, T., (?. Gd. Jeffers, Men., P. G"1., Dingle. • Lett, Lt. S. J., E.N., C*. G-1.* Milburn, John, Shields. Harris, F., Esq., Inspecting Jefferson, P., NewMggin. (2) Officer, C". Gd, Seaneld. Jellard, Mr. John. M. M.* Levett, Mr. N., late Coxswain ol the St. Ives Life-boat. Milburn, Wm., Isle of Man.

Miller, J., C1. Gd., Devonport. Harrison, Jacob, Shields. Jenklns,L.,Pllot,PortTalbot. Lewis, E.,Seaman, Barmonth. Miller, W., Boatman, Eams- Hayden, Mr. R, Sandown, Jenkins, Mr. W., Fislgnard, Lewis, Mr. G,, O. Gd., New- gate. Isle of Wight. Jennings, ,Mr. Wm., M. M., port, Pembroke. Miliigan, Mr. G., Yarmouth. Heal, J., Fisherman, Ather- : Harwich. Lewis, J., Seaman, Harwich. Mills, C., ?. G«., Clifden, field. ' Jennings, W., C'. &• ., Looe. Lewis, Mr. Thos., Dundalk. Galway. Heard, Rich., Esq., 7. Gd. Jesse, Commander R., E.N. Lewis, W., Seaman, Harwich. Minter, 0., Boatman, Deal. Heatlx, Mr. Joshua, Coxswain i Jinte,Mr. R.,€hief Officer of (2) Miichel, J,, Pilot, Guernsey. of the Fowey Life-boat, i Coast Guard, Cardigan. Lewis, W., Aberystwith. Mitchell, C., Port Isaac. (2) Heavy, P., Constable, Knock, i Joachim, Cspt., E.J? . (4) Ley, J., Pilot, Mevagisscy. Mittin, Philip, Wextord. Hem, Mr. F. J., Eussian, Jobson, Lt. C., R.N. (2)** Liffen, Thomas, Lowestolt. Moar, May-Stout H., Buna M. M. John, Mr. V,'., Breaksea, Likely, Henry, Limerick. Ness. Henin,P.,Boulof?ne-snr-Mer. Johns, Mr. Richard, Meva- Lindsay, Lieut. Jss., E.N.» Moody, Samuel, Skegness, (2) Hennesssy, J, C1. Gd. gissey. Lingard, Lieut. J., E.N., Moore, Gunner Jas., Coast Henry, Lieut., R.N., O. Ga. Johns, Kich., Seaman, Fowey. Whitby.» Brigade, Royal Artillery. Henslow, Lt., E.N, C«. Gd. Johns, E. O., Coxswain of the Litbaby, P., C1. G9. Boatman. Moreno, Mr., Master of the Henwood, T., C'. G1"., Fowey. Tramore Life-boat. (3) Wewrfiyn, Mr. David, C'. Ga. Austrian Barque £va. Herbert, The Hon. Auberon. Johns, Mr. W., M. M., Pad- Llewellyn, M., Fishgnard. Morgan, John, Thurso, N.B. Herrington, B., Southwold. stow. Llewellyn, Martha, ditto. Morgan, Lt. E., E.N., ?. & . (2) Johnson, Lieut. W. W. P., Lloyd, 0., C' Gd., Lnlworth Morgan, Mr. T., B.C., Stnrk. HMs, Mr. M, Scarborough. E.N.* Cove. Morris, Capt. J. Bow, E.N.* Hicks, Barnard, Scilly. Johnson, Wm., Yarmouth. Lloyd, Lt. S., E.N., C'. Gd.* Morris, E., Seaman, Holy- Hicks, Geo, C1. G*., Tyrell». Johnston, Mr. B., M. M. Lonehet, L. P. A. B., Anthie. head. Hicks, Samuel, Seaman. Jones, Capt. C. Gray, K.ff. Lougnor, Eees, Konknash. Morris, Mr. W. E., Port Higgs, S., jun., Esq., Pen- Jones, Mr., C'. Ga., Wicklow. Love, Private Eobert, 63rd Madoc. zance. (2) Jones, Mr., C1. Gd., Swords Eegiment. . Morrison, Lt., R.N., ?. G3. Higgins, W., Second Cox- District. Lovell, Patrick, BelnvaUett. Morrison, W., Pilot, BaHy- swain of the Penzauce Life- Jones, Mr. E., M. M., Port- LudJow, Mr. I., Master ofthe walter. boat. madoc. American shfp,jffanjnou A.A Morrison, Mr. Sirratet, C1. Highland, Owen, Anglesey. Jones, Henry, Penzanoe. iusk, Mr. A., Eaeberry, N.B. Gd., Senrjen Cove. Lands- Hlidebrand, H., Esq. Clifden. Jones, J., Pilot, Portbcawl. Lyons, Lieut. Wm., B.N. (2) End. (2) Jones, Owen, Anglesey. • Mortley, Mr., C1. G ., Pad- Hill,Mr. J.,Coxswain of New- J»nes, Lt. E., E.N., C1. Gd. Macalister, Mr. EoW., Wick. stow. castle (Co. Down) Life- (3)« ' Macdonald, George, C1. ?•». Moss, J., Boatman, Warmer. boat. Jones, Mr. T., M. M., Port Mackell,Mr. Patrick, C'. Gd. Mudd, Wm., Harwich. HiH, Mr. W, Mat*. Talbot. Mackintosh, Mr. Alex., M.M. Mulligan, James, Sligo. Hillary, Sir A. Wm., Bart Jones, Mr. T., M. M., Cardiff. MacMahon, Lieut H, M. M., Murphy, James, C1. Q6., St. Hillary, Sit Wm, Bt. (4)*«* Jones, Mr. Thos., Holyhead. East Clare Militia. Ives, Cornwall. Hills, W., late Coxswain of Joy, Mr. George, M. M.* Maenamara, Lt. T., E,N.. Murray, A., ?. QJ. Boatman, the Padsiow Life-boat. (2) Juniper, Wm., Mantlesley. Ct. G 1« Elie. Hipplewhite, Mr. T., M. M, McArdle, Thomas, Dundalk. Warfcworth. Kavanagh. Peter, Coxswain McCarthy, J., C'. G-1., Dun- 1 Nelson, Mr. W-.R-N-.C1. G». Hodgson, J., Carver, Sunder- of the Arklow Life-boat. I drum.' j Newnbam, Lt. N., B.N., C'. land. Kearon, Capt. Edw., Arfelow. | McCartny, J'ag., C«. Ga., Eii- 1 (3d. Hoed, Mr. F. P., M. M., of Kelly, Lieut. E., E.N., Man- i rush. Newsom, Mr. W., M. M., Netherlands ship Pheno- ritius. 1 Mc-Cnlloch, K ?. Gd., EUe. Harwich. mine* Hogben, J., late Coxswain of Kelly, J. M., Appledore.

Kendall, W., C'. G .. Ather- (2) Nicbol, Mr. J., M. M, Mon- McDonald, Mr. Wm., Irvine. trose. Bamsgate Life-boat. field. MtGenis,G., barque Albany. ; Nicholas, Matt., Coxswain of Hogg, Mr. William, C*. 6". Kennedy, lnspecttag-Lt. A., ) McGladery, Lt. J., K..S,, the Ssnnen Cove Life-boat.

Holbotn, S., Broadstairs. ; E.N., (f-Cf1. Ballyheige. (21 C'. Gd. i Nicholson, M., Onstable, Holland, Lieut. John, E.N. ! Kennedy, E., C'. GJ., Dun- McKenzie, J.,O.G*,,Galway. Knock. HoYman,L.«!Ht.T., K.N. i fanaghy. McKinnon, Mr. J., M. M,, ', Nicolle, Mr. Philip. Jersey. Hood, K., Coxswain of the Kennedy, Mr. H., Belfast Greenoctc. Norcock, Capt. G. L., Seaton Carey; Life-boat. Lottgh. McMillan. J., Kantyre. Norris, Benj., Boatman, Deal. Hood, Mr. W.. Seaton Carew. Kennedy, Master J., Belfast. McNaroee, P., C'. GJ., Dun- Norris,' Mr. James, M. M. Hook, E., Coxwain of Lowes- i Kerley, T., O. 3fl., Penzance. man us. Norris, Martin, B.K.K. toft Lifeboat. (2) ' Kerrnish, Mr. John, C1. G*. McNaughten, Neil, C«. G'l. Nott, Capt. E. B., E.N. «) HougUton, H., Harttepool. KWd, D., Fisherman, Dundee. McQueen, Alex., Seaman. : Howe, E. .G11., Ballygerig. Kinch, H., Newcastlc-on- Maddick, Mr. H., M. M. O'Neil, Patrick, Scilly. Howell, Mr. J., Port Talbot. Tyne. Manby, Capt. G. W.» ! Ovr, Mr. llobt., Irvine, K.B. Howorth, Capt. Win., B.N. : King, Mr. T., M.M., Harwich. Mann, Lieut., E.N., O. Gd. I O'Sullivan, Mr. M., Here Hughes, E., Sen., Cwmerran, ' King, Lt. S., E.N., Southend. Mariole, J, Baptistc, French i Haven, Anglesey. : Kisbee, Com. Tnos., K.N. Piiot. O'Sulifvan, I?., (?. G"., Bafiy- Hughes, G., Pilot, Guernsey. ! Knight, J. T., C'. G-i., Sun- Mark, Wro., C«. G«., Dingle. castle. Hughes, Mr. John, Liverpool. ; aerlaud. | Marsh, Capt. D., E.N., C'. Owen, Capt. Wm., Holybead. Hughes, T., Pilot, Holyhead. Ga.* Owen, Mr. William, M. M* Hughes, Mv.W., Fisherman, Lake, Mr. A., Chief Offlcerof Marshall, Capt. J., Bidrford. Owen, Eichard, Anglesey. Pittenween, N.B. : C'. G ., Wick, N.B. Martin, Mr. Chas., C'. GJ., Hmnphieys, Mr. D., Lirer- Lambert, John, Harwich. St. Ives, Cornwall, Palmer, G., Esq., M.P, (2)** pool. i Lambeth, BenJ., Harwich. Mason, J., 0. G"., Boatman, ( Parker, Mr. Win., M. M.

Hurry, Mr. Stephen, M. M. Landells, Mr. Thos., Milford. Elie. Parker, Mr J., Mate, Vlam- Huss, Mr. T., H.M.S. Hover. Lane, Lt., K.N., Dartmouth. Matthews, Lt. E. B., E.N.* borough Head, Hutchinson, Mr. M., C'. GJ. ', Langton, Lieut. T. W., E.S., May, Mr. A. C., H.M.S. Parrott, Mr. E, C1. Gd., Hutchison, Lt., Kingstown. C*. (rd. .Kocer. | Tenby. (2) sta 1, 1874,] LIST OP GOLD AND SILVEB MEDALS, 53 tary, Lieut, B.N.* Ridge, Mr. J., C*. Of., Csdg- ; Stap, Mr, R., O. O4, DoBbar. Van Houten, Mr. W., Rotter- '*rry, Mr. Henry, Anglesey. with. t Stark, Lt P., E.N., ?,S . (»)« dam. (2) •arry, Mr, B., M, SI,, Port- Kioch, E C3*. CK, CelHcston. Siarke, Mr, J,, CMS*, Qa«ns- Weary, Lt, W,, S.S., Ather- madbe. RlTers, T., C'. G- ,, tydd. town. flcld.» •argons, IJeut Tims,, R.N. Roberts, Mr. Jota, Clogwyn. Steane, Lt. J., R.W, Eye.* Toady, I, Isle of Man. (S) "arsons, Meat, Rich,, H.M, Boberta, Mr, B« Carnarvon. Stephens, A., Trafflote, 35£h BetJwnt, Roberts, O., Htot, Auglesey. Stepheason, Mr. B., Coxswain Waddy, Dr.. ChnrAtown. •arsons, U. W, R.N,C«.G «. E»bert»on, apt, D., R.ff. of the Boalmer Life-boat. Wade, Mr, M, M, Padslow, Jartridge, Capt. W. L,, BJS, B«bertson, Lleot. E., E.N.* Robertson, U. J. H. M., B.IT. Steel, Mr. C, C . Gd.« Stewart, W, t*.G*, Ardmore. Wake, Mr. Baldwin Arden, Mid. SM.S, Jbresfer. ?»8eoe, Peter, Porthleven. EoWiB, Mr. J. Gnnn, &, &. St«T, J., Woltby, Wales, S,, Boatman, Broad- *Bl, Thos, C*. O*, Bade, Ewblssoa, Mr. J., Aberdeen, ' Stoae, J., (?, Q*,, Boa fle. stairs. Styntef, Cap*. Richard. Bobtnwm, Lieut., RJJ. Stragnell, tfc, S.N. Wales, J., ditto, ditto. toatei Admiral T.L.* Kobla«on, T., WMOiy. Strahan, Mr. H, Hlot ; Walker, Lieut,, E.S. eake, James, Esq., H.M. RodEdlffe, W., Soattport Strain*, Mr, J,, C«. G*. Walker, Mr. J., Brlgg. Bsefcyard, Bevonport.* Roderick, JE., ?. G4., Dnn- Strong Mr. Fran. F. M. Walker, Mr. W, I ewte, Beau- 'can*, Rich., Esq., Penzance, 'man, Ja«, Ptiot, Portheawl. maatts.

Eoderh*iJ,S Esj Ardmore, Stuart, Lfc J., R.H, 0. 8*.

Stuart, Lt. T,, B.N., O.a i. (2) marto. (2) Wallace, Mr. J, M. M. tarn, T, root, Portoeawl. Boterg, J, /iojaJ Chanter," Stabto, C., Seaman. Walsh, J, Esq., Lloyd's 'eart, John, Montfose. Boe,B.J58q,, J.P, Iiynroouth. Stubba, B., Atherfleld. Agent, DuMta. "aider, JU. W., E.K, ?, 0*. Itose,W.,lioatman,lxiwfstoft. Stuigflns, Mr. W., Second Walsh, Mr. Martto, M. M.» "Wbto, Mr. John, Irvine. Eo»«» Capt. Sir Tiros, B.N.* QHOwain of TeignmoBth Ward, J., R.C., Sylvia, Pen- »eel*»,Mr.T,M,M,li7ine, Boas, K, C«. Q*., Cnrraeloe, Life-boat. xanee. Wrson, a H,,C«.8' ,, Bally- Boss, R., ?, G ., Danmore. Sullivan, J, Seaman, Hew- Ward, Capt. J. R, R.S. ferig. Howtter, T, Werford. ha«en. Warder, D. T, ?. G*., Sal- «pper, J, 0,6s, Lyming- Ktttery, Deal. J, RJSf. Stunner, Mr. R Formby.* combe, tou. Rowe, W, ». G*., mnglti, • SnpervUH Mr,, M,M, Boar- Warn, W, sen., AlherBeld. •erttSns, Ja», ?, G«, Bade. Row*,W &Bly. (leaui. Warn, W., jan, ditto. •errott, Sir Edward ». I*, Rowe, W, Seaman, Helaton. Surry, W., Penzaace. Warren, Lt. C. D., B.N. B«rt., y,P,« BowUnda, Mr. T., M. M., SutJierlaniJ, D,, 0. 0*, Kater- Was f, Capt. E. F.H K, E,S. •etiie, Elleu, Shetland. Newport, Pembroke. lin*. CS) •hiilipn, J,, Newcastle, Ire- RowUndg, Mr. W., Covswain Satter, Mr. J,, M. M. Wifem, Wm Sonthwold. Und. e( the Holyhead IJfe-boat. Sntton, Mr. 0, Port T&lbet, Watt, A, Moiitrose. •hart, Mr. P., FHSBCB M, M. « M.M. Watts, tteut. W. S, R,N.» • ?ttl»r, W., Gunner, H.M.8, Euddocfe, J, Boatman, FJIey, Swarbridc, Mr, W., M. M, Wstts, Mr. Cliartes, M. M, •B fe. Ru8«ll,B.,Es(i.J.P,,Umerlck Symmes, Lt. H. A, S,, RJC. Watts, Mr, Willtem, M. M. m« mb, T., Pilot, Esonooth. Rutter, Mr. J,, Scarborough, C". G"1,* Waugb, E,, O. G ., Werfoni. Itt, E., C8, G«, Atherfield. Rymer, Lt. 0, R.H., 0. O*.* Synge,TheEe .A.,8aU)riggira Weblln, J, O. G«, Tramore "enieroy, H,, ?, G , Mew- Bay. gis«y. Salmon, C,, Fisherman, 0or- Tait, Hraoe, Shetland. Wedge, W., (?. »•!., Salcombe. •arter, William, Seaman. teton. Talbot, C, R. M., Esq., M JP. Weetas, Wm, Wall, Seaman. •swell, Mr. John, M. M,, Sanderson, ttait J. P, R.N, Taylor, J, O. B",, ttmdrum Welsh, Mr. M., M. M. Gunflwt San.l. (?. O*., Bridge of Don. Bay. Wfflftrook, Lieut., R.S. •tatt, 1*. Jan, BJT, &. 0*. Sa»li,Mr.R,,M.M., Bahamw, Taylor, Mr. W., C, 0., C". Gd., Wheeler, C,, Atherfleld, 'rattHit, Lieut, John, E.S.* Sarony, Mr. O., S irboroagh. Kobert'g Cow. Wheeler, J,, ditto, (2) 'rattan, Mr.,O,6*, H«wton, Suarage, Mr,, Master of Taylor, Mr. W., C. 0.,C«. 6*., Wheeler, R,, ditto. *ewel, R., C*. G*, Kttritsn.

Tfce, Toot, BoKHnarfs, French Ftehtag-boat JM- Sdfc. Dunny Cove, (2) Tea, Mr.T., M.M., Cornwall. Wheeler, W, Blot, Gra«- send. •ride, C, ?. H,ebrtetd»nreh, Sawtell, Mr. Edwin, 0. 6 », Terrett, T., Constable, Knock. White, Jamesf, Coxwaln of Wor, Lt T. tt, as, tf. O*. Scariett, R, Harwich. ThomasJ., C«,Ga.. Atberfleld. th Fishgtiard Life-boat tower, Mr. II, ?. G*. Scott, Mr. O. E,, Beethawi. Thomas, J, C*. Q*, Roctea, Whto, Joseph, Portland, •arty, H., Coast Guard, Scoti, Mr, J,, M, M, We of Wight. Whit«, J. Kearney, Esq., TyrelSa. 8Alr, W. H, ?. G« Pen- Thonas, R. J,, Coxswain of ft CM. It) lusley, H, Esi}, Dunboy zauee. (2) New Brighton Life-boat. WWtiey, Mr, Elfcss, St Mar- Castle. Sergeant, Lfc J, E.N, O. G*. Thompson, O, Thorso, N.B. * tin's, Jersey, ym, LtB. B, B.H,WMtt y,* Sewdl, Lt.H.F., R.N., C«.O*,* Thompioa, Mr.G., Anaalong. Wilkte, Mr. C, M. M., Her- ladling. Mr.B. E.CMJ'VS)* Sewell, Master John, Bel&st, Sianfcey, R., C«. GW, BaiidaUt. Thompswn, Mr. R, Kirkpat- rtek, Chief Officer of ?. fl«. mitage-street.

Willsox, J., C*. GO., Lydd. twyle, Capt E- Isle of Mae. (2) (S * WllUanjB,Mr.D, Aberdovey. (*) Shannon, P., C«. G*., EUrusb. Thompson, W., Apprentice, Williams, Mr, J., Swansea. tolgtay, Mr, W. T,, ?. 3*,, Sharrock, J. P, C*. G4., Bos- 1 Smack aafts'of SuU. Williams, Owen, Centlyn. WMttty. castle. Thorn, Mr, T, Newcastle. Williams, Bev. Owen Lloyd, julita, tt.( Esq, Doogtas. Shaw, Lt. C, R.ST., ?, 6«. Tindait, Mr, Smith, M. M,, Bodfean. » *• Shea, D, Coxswata of the Scarborough. Williams, Rev. J,, Anglesey.* ta«i Wm,, Vhitbarn. PaArtow Ltfe-boat. (3) Tlndall, The tate W Esq., Wi!iianis,MrJ., Mdefcrd.{2) Sandall, Lt. H-, ft,S,, ?. S*, Shea, D., 0. G*, Porthcawl. Scarborough. Williams, Mr, J.M., Pailstow. (2)** Shtetdon, Robt., Redcar. Toole. Capt, W., Curractoe. Williamson, Mr. R., M.M. fS) tauilte, Mr. J,, Bristol. Sinn, J,, O. G«., Drairanws, Toomey, J., Kingstown. 1 Williamson, Robert, Thureoi iawstoius, tfe, B.N, ?. Gd. Sims, Lt. And., R.S. (2) Tosrn, J., O. G1",, Folkestone. N.B. 'Ay, J, Boatman, Tenby. SKiditr. Mr. B., Thnno, N.B. (2) Williamson, W., Pilot, Wick, aye, Lieut. H. B,, R. M. Snnott»R.,C«.G , Moll h- Town, J., ?. G4, O»He. N.B. lead, Lient, J, B.M. C«, & . more. gregory. WHson,J.,Pllot,».Andrcw's, iauto, W. M., Esq., Tramore. SmaUrfdge, Mr, J. H., Corn- Tredwen, Mr. R., Fadstow. Wilson, Mr, J,, M. M., Uver. 'fiulmf, Mr, Daniel. M«!ter swain of the Braanton Tregidgo, Mr. W, H, C*. S*., pool. of Ramsgnie Bar. stin. tugs. Llfe-biMt. Newqamy. (3) Wilson, Ralph, Holy Island. jxtford, j., Cnltercoatft Smitn,F.,Boatman,Lowestoft, Trent, J., Fisherman, Ather- Wilson, T,,E«I.,:M,P.* leen Mr, A, Port Talbot. Smith, J, SiMOn, fleld. Wttean.T., Pilot, Holy Island. '*m, Mr. T. M., St Dartito. Smltt, Mr. J, Thureo. TraUian, Mr. K. WlteoD,W,PUot,Holyl8land. lets, Mr. W., Fishgnani. Smith, Mr, Owen, BMeford.: Trlpboofc, Mr. E., E. C. Wtehart, J., Wick, M.B. l««Te, Mr. J, Swansea. Smith, Peter, C«. O"1., Lydd. HiKffii&xm, Dumworldly. Wood, Mr. T. L., O. G*. (2) !eg»n, D, O, «K, KHawre. Smlta, T., (?. a*., BalUna. Trott, T, Boatman, Deal. Woodnam, Lt., R.N., Banff, tawwdei, J., O, ff*., Ding te. Smith, Mr. W., AMborongh. : TnckBeld, Mr. T., BMe&rd, N.B. Uchards, Mr. K., M . M. Smyth, H., O. Q*., Kiltnore. Tndon,Capt.J. .N,,Wlek,CZ Wordley, S, Harwfch. actanta,Mr.T,M.M.

:icli«ni8, Janire, Penanw. Snell, Lt. a, E.K ., ?. G«.» Somervllle, Lt.J.4tS.,0.a«i. Tally, W., Newcastle, [bar.

Tnrnbull,ft.,Fish ;rnwn,fton- Wright, Mr. J., M. M.

Wyatt, G., Seaman, Harwich. Jctanta, Henry, P«n»n«, (a » Tnrner, Lt. C, E.N. Wylde, Lt. S,, E.N., C , G*. actontooo, Mr. A., M, M. SonUwy, U., K.ST, O. Q*t Turpta, Mr. J., C«. O*, Sal. Wyrill, H., Boai", Scarboro'. fchaistesn, W., Esq., Cote- Spark, Mr. A., M. M, combe. raf£te. Springs, J.,8eiraan,HayUng. i Tutt, E., ?, G*., fionmanns. Young, A.,C*, » l,,Shoreham. Mgc, Capt. 0. A. E, E.S. Stables, B,, Holyhead, i Tuvrache, Mr, M. M, French. Yonng, A. H,, ?. G"1., Blateh- Mge, Mr. J., Mate of E,C. Stannard,Mr.F., M.M., South- ! iiog£oa. Kite, wold. Usher, Mr. J., BrMHngtoB. TottHg, Lt. T., R.», ?. 8*..