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Services of the Lifeboats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution From 1st January to 16th April, 1874


John and Jenefer, fchooner, of Fowey 5 Mary, smack, of Grtmsby 6 Jessie, schooner, of Blylh 6 /Via, barqne, of Blyth— Saved vessel and crew 11 EXKX. brig, of Snnderland 6 Mrona, barqne, of Hoganag—As- sisted to save vessel and crew .. 12 lady Hatelock, barque, of Liver- pool 1» Henry, brigantine, of Youghal .... 5 Forest, nhip, of Windsor, N.S.— Remained by vessel fakn Bartour, ship, St. Johns X.B.

—Rendered assistance.

Marie Elisabeth, French sloop .... 4 Pott, schooner, of Youghal 4 ffelene, schooner, of Cranz 4 J/arrift Julia, brigantine, of Mary- port—Remained by vessel.

Marie, schooner, of St, Valery-en- Caux 5 Bamborough, screw steamer, of North Shields 11 TnUiutry, schooner, of Girvan 3 Eliza Cornish, schooner of Sonder- land—Assisted to save vessel and crew 5 New Eaglt, bllliboy, of Grimsby— Rendered assistance.

Alma, Norwegian ship 13 ! Mnnie, ketch, of Bkleford 4 Linda f ar, brigantine, of Ipswich —Rendered assistance.

J. T. S., schooner, of Barrow 5 Gem, schooner, of Padstow 4 Lerry, smack, of Aberdovey 3 Gottentmrg, ship, of Hamburg 20 Squirrel, schooner, of Aberystwith —Saved vessel and crew 4 Whitby fishing cobles 15 Total Lives saved by Life-boats, in addition to 4 vessels UL 88 THE LIFE-BOAT.

[MAT 1, 1874.




Hon. Secretary— CHARLES DIBDIN, Esq., F.R.G.S.

Treasurer— MALCOI.M J. BBOWN, Esq.

Annual Swoseripttons of 2s. 6cZ. have teen promised in aid of the alxtve FunH, by 1420 gtntlemm in thefottoai- ing Government Departments:— Admiralty 117 Board of Trade 12 British Museum 20 Chatham Dockyard 16 Colonial Office 11 Court of Bankruptcy 1 Ecclesiastical Commission ... — 47 Education Department 44 Exchequer and Audit Office .... 30 Foreign Office 36 General Post Office 331 Home Office 55 House of Lords 20 IndiaOffice 82 Inland Revenue 124 Local Government Board ... 42 National Debt Office 18 Office of Woods, &c 32 I Offlce of Works 54 Paymaster-General's Office 45 Portsmouth Dockyard 1 Privy Council Offlce ... .. 8 Public Record Office 33 Queen's Bench Offlce 23 Record Office of Seamen 32 Registrar-General's Office .". 12 Royal Chelsea Hospital 8 Treasury ".. 11 War Offlce 95 Total 1420 THE "FORESTER" AND "FORESTERS' PRIDE" LIFE-BOATS FUND.

List of Voluntary Contributions re- ceived for the Fund from the following DISTBICTS and COOTTS of the ABCIEHT ORDER OF FORESTERS, from January 31st, 1873, to January 31st, 1874, per SAMDEL SHAWCEOSS, l£sq., P.S.

£. s. d.

Amount previously pub- lished in Foresters' He- ports from 1863 to Jan.

31st»1873 1,966 310 DISTRICTS.

Ashton-under-Lyne 1 4 0 Bacnp - 7 7 Bath 1 2 11 Beverley..... 100 Bradford 150 Brighton... 1 19 9 Bristol United 2 5 8 Bucks and Middlesex 1 2 S Carlisle City 101 Dalfceith -10 3 Durham United - 5 6 Failsworth, &c 2 0 8 Greenwich, &c... 155 Hyde - 6 g Ipswich. 2 16 4 London United 16 0 8 £. s. d. ' Maidstone -10 0 Monmouthshire 1 9 3| North Staffordshire 100; South London 9 8! Stalybridge - 16 11 Stockport 311 6 Warwickshire Central 1 14 4 j Wragby - IS 0 j Sums under 5s. - 7 10 i COURTS. j 6 Oldhara - 5 9 j 58Colne - 8 6 94 Ashtou-under-Lyne - 5 0 ; 100 Thornton 150 277Eainford - JO 0 284 Barnsley - 8 0; 321 Manchester -10 6 363 Skipton - 6 8 i 1 425Rawclifle -10 Oi 448 Northwich .'. - 5 1 i • 469 Stockton-on-Tees - 8 3| 495 Liverpool - 8 Oi 1 600 York - 5 0 1 562 Porlsnxratb-in-Clivegar. - 10 0 664Penritb -15 6 757Hesket - 7 3 i 760 Monk Fryston - 14 0 ; 801 Liverpool -11 0 !. 854Keelby -10 6 i 888 Boston - 1 9 i 977 Doncaster - 7 6 [ 1057 Long Sutton - 8 0 1 1069 Stainforth - 5 4 • 1084 Stamford - 5 0 , 1119 Bristol 110 : 1142 Whitby -11 9 1157 Grantham - 5 6 1193 Werrington - 10 0 1275Greenock 217 1389 Birmingham - 5 4 I 1391 Ashton-on-Mersey — 19 0 I 1415 St. Neots - 6 0 i 1436 North Muskham - 6 0 1439 Gosberton - 17 0 1442 Sandyford - 5 0 1471Welton -13 6 ' 1544 Greenock - 7 0 I 1548 Derby 110 ! 1556Crewe... 100 I 1618 Soutbport - 18 9 1701 Derby -10 0 1709Ke!so - 5 0 1745 Battersea - 7 7 | 1763Stepney 220 i 1791 London - 5 0 1814 Bristol I 3 8 1852 Bristol - 9 0 ! lS78Hadfleld. - 8 4 1881 Ringwood -11 0 1895 Canterbury - 9 ' 1899 Fakenham - 5 1922 Trowbridge - 5 10 , l»52Hul -10 0 ' 1968 Sydenham - 5 6 1 2073 Hawnes - 5 2 i 2083Hastings 187 I 2105 Ipswich -JO a i 2168 Manchester 1 0 0 2287 Burnley - 5 0 2300Rhodes -12 4 2357Portsea -50 ZSerCardiff -11 0 2378Wrotnam ,. - 8 6 2413 Landport - 11 3 2459Rugby - 5 0 2505 Shepton Mallet - 5 6 2515 Gorton - 8 1 2554 Oldbury - 10 6 2560Batiey 112 » 2562 Lewes -50 2579 Newcflureh - 7 7 2611 Norwich -10 0 2624 Fletton - 8 0 • - -2 2630 London.

100 0 £. 8. d.

2634 Snodland 8 10 4 2653 Birmingham - 11 0 2685 London - 5 0 27UO Malvern - 9 1 2732 Putney - 6 0 2796 Kernel Hempstead - 6 8 2797 Walworth - 5 0 2815Halifax - 6 6 2836Daventry 1 3 « 2858 Derby - 16 9 2885 Nottingham - 9 9 2918 Bristol -14 0 2932 Northampton - 10 0 2940 Lincoln - 6 2 2942 Bath - 8 8 2965 Sheerness _ 15 11 2980 Middlesbro' - 5 6 2985 Barton - 5 0 2991 Oxford f. - 9 6 2992 Cambridge - 6 5 3000 Malmesbury -10 9 3031 Bridgend -JO 7 3057 Longhope - 7 9 3067 Sutton - 8 6 307lFarcet -10 3 3083 Ijondon -13 8 3111 Exeter 5 0 ft 3132 Wellington.' - 7 6 3257 Salford - 5 (J 3272 Briton Ferry - 10 0 3344 Ross l 12 0 3370 Worcester - 5 0 3440 South Shields - 7 6 8450 London - 5 0 3468 Shaftesbnry - )3 10 3491 Plumstead -it) 8 3614 Kawraarsh -10 0 3618 Ashby-de-la-Zonch -50 3715 South Ashford - 8 1 3829 Wadebridga - 16 10 387S Cambridge - 7 6 3991 Port Chalmers 1 10 0 4039St.Neots - 6 0 4050 Bnrton-on-Trent - 5 0 4863 Walker Colliery -80 4087 Plympton - 8 0 4232Bristol - 5 « 4313 Broadstairs - 7 0 4329 Cowpen - 7 0 43380xford -12 7 437«Cl«pham - 7 s 4566 London - 5 6 4683 Jarrow - J2 6 4723Bilston - 1 6 4747Lydney - 6 3 4981 Leith - 5 S 5042 Llanelly - 5 6 5043Leeds - 5 2 5154 Gibraltar - 12 3 5179 Eastbourne -69 6183 Iffiey - 5 0 5205 Cork - 7 6 6222P»isley - 1 6 5319 Bermuda 1 9 6 5389 Constantinople 0 fl 6379Minehead - 5 0 5452 Long Framlington - 5 5476 Edinburgh - 11 10 5522 Edinburgh - 14 0 5549 Hunton - 5 0 5550 New Treifegar - 9 3 5552 & 5699 Cleveland 1 16 0 5652 Bermuda - « 5 5668 Tacolnestone - 711 Jenks, W - 5 I) Year's Dividend on £150 New 3 per Cents 4 10 0 Sums under 5s 9 12 0 Total £2,118 3 0 MAY 1,1874.] THE LIFE-BOAT.

89 £. s. cl.

Mott, Miss, per Mrs. W. J.

Clarke - 10 0 Murray, Miss, per Mrs. W. J.

Clnte -12 6 Neale, Mr. Newark - 10 0 Nevile, Master, J. C. Stabton Hall - 13 S Newall, Mrs. H. Littleborough 200 Ouzman, Mrs. Lincoln - 10 0 Owen, Miss, Falkingham 2 0 Peters, Mr. Manchester - 10 0 Folding, Mi™ M. Bury ..,'...- 10 0 I'ratt.Mrs.perMre.W.J. Clarke-10 0 Quibell, Miss - 10 11 Kamsdea, Hies, per Mrs. W. J.

Clarke - 10 0 Reynolds, Mrs. per Miss Owen - 10 0 Richardson, Mr. Juniper Hall 300 Rimington, Miss E........... 19 0 Roberts, Miss W. Norton Dis- ney. .., - 10 0 Rogers,Mr. Smithy Bridge... - 10 0 Rogers, Mr. G. Smithy Bridge - 10 0 founders, Miss, per "Queen" newspaper - 10 Sewell, Rev. Opel, Grantham 3 0 Shaw, Miss, Broughton 1 0 Shaw, Miss L. South well 1 0 Sherwin, Mre. per Mrs. W. J.

Ctofee - 10 Simmons, Mr, Newark .1, 0 Simmons, Mary and Fanny, Newark -11 3 Simpson, Mr. H. and tamiiy, Nottingham - 10 0 Smithers, Mrs. E. York 1 0 0 Smithers, Miss, collected prin- cipally in railway carriages, shops, and amongst strangers 4 la 0 Smithers, Miss M. A. Newark - 10 0 Sqmtes, Miss, per Miss Glover - 10 0 Statiiam, Mr. Smithy Bridge . - lu 0 Stevenson, Miss, Littleborough- 18 0 Stott, Mr. Rochdale 210 0 Swann, Miss M. per Miss Good - 10 0 Swann, Miss J. per Miss Good - 10 0 Tanner, Master, London - 10 3 Taylor, Miss L.M.Newark.. 100 Taylor, Miss, Eagle -16 0 Townsend, Miss, Glasgow 10 0 Trelfa, Mrs. Burnley 1 0 0 Trivett, Miss, Nottingham ... - 10 0 Turner, Miss M. per MissCapps- 10 0 Turner, Miss, per Mrs. W, J.

Clarke - 10 6 Water, Miss, Asbby-de-la- Zouche. - 14 Walton, Miss A. Newark - 15 Websdale, Miss, Newark 10 Websdale, Miss M. Newark . - 10 Whiteley, Mr. Ripponden. ..10 , . . ..

Whiteley, Mr. B. Hipponden 10 Whiteley, Mr. J. Ripponden - 18 Wilson, Miss, Arlacedon ---- - 10 Wolfenden, Miss, Smithy Bridge- 10 0 Woolley, Miss, Hall ......... - 10 0 Wo»Uey,Beginald, Collingham- 11 0 Subscription (2ards returned with less than 10s. collected 9 12 3 Things sold by Mrs. Smithers 11 10 2 Collected by Miss Glover and her friends — • A Friend, Oldham. . . - TO 0 Baldwin, Miss A., Halifax .......... - 10 0 Batty,Mfss,Birkennead- 10 0 Boyle, Miss, Asforby Rectory .......... - 10 0 Boyle, Miss E ....... 106 Bradshaw, Miss, Hud- dersfleld .......... - 13 0 Brwneld, Miss, Leeds - 10 0 Briggs,Miss, Balderton - II 0 THE "GOOD TEMPLAR" LIFE-BOAT FUND.

Voluntary Contributions received for the Fund from I/OJIGES and MEMBERS of the INDEPENDENT ORDEK OK GOOD TEKPLAIUS in England, per Rev. JAKES Y&ures, Editor of The femglar.


Hon. Secretary— Miss SMITHESS, "Newark.



Ackroyd, Mr. Bolton. 1 0 0 Actnroyd, Mrs. Bolton 1 0 0 Acteroyd, Miss, Southport.... 1 0 3 Atnsworth, Mr. Bolton - 10 0 A lady's contribution to the "Ladles'Own" 10 0 0 Allen, Miss, Newark 2 0 0 Angrave, Mr. Cossington 1 0 0 " A triae to assist the Life- boat Contribution " 1 5 10 Barnes, Miss, London. - 1.0 0 Bazaar held at Newark. Tables taken by Mrs. Smith, Miss Cubley, Mias Good, fee., net proceeds after deducting £71 fis. ftd. of fund money spent to supply materials 147 9 0 Beastall, Miss, Winthorps - 10 0 Beck, Miss -12 0 Belcher, Mrs. Tharlby 2 5 0 Belcher, Miss, Liverpool 210 0 Belcher, Miss F. Burton 3 5 0 Beswicke-Bryds, Mrs. Little- borough ,. -10 0 Birks, Miss Lucy, Mansfield . - 10 0 Bland, Mrs. Burnley - 10 0 Blow, Mr. Newark - 10 0 BIyton, Miss, Mariborongh... 1 15 0 Bonner, Miss M. per Miss Good - 50 0 Booth, Miss, per Miss Belcher - 10 0 Bowett, Miss, per Miss Shaw . - 10 0 Bowler, Miss - 10 o Bowman, Mfss, per Miss AUen -10, 0 Brackenbury, Mr. Woolwich. - 10 0 Brietowe,Mrs.BeesthorpeHall- 10 0 Bromky, Lady,Stokt Hall... 500 Brown, Miss, Langford - 10 0 8rown, Miss C. Newark - 10 0 Burgess, Miss,per Miss Alien - 10 0 Jurton, Miss, Cossington 100 Japarn, Mrs. Newark - 10 0 iipps, Miss, Newark 2 13 0 3ater, Mre. per "Queen "news- | paper...... 3 0 0 ' aadwick,Miss, Uttteborough - 10 0 Chambers, Mrs. per Miss Owen - 10 0 Jhouler, Miss Grace, Muskham 100 Christopher, Miss, Farndtm... - 10 0 /Tarke, Mrs. W. J. Swinderby 300 toke, Miss F. M. Swinderby - 10 0 Ilarke, Miss i. H. Swinderby - 10 0 -Oarlce, Miss E. M. (the late) per "Queen" newspaper... t 5 10 larke, i). M. and C. C. Swin- derby 1 W 0 larfce, Mary and Percy, Swin- derby 1 0 0 larke, Nellie and Atthur, Swiuderby 1 0 0 Jarke, Mr. F. S. London 110 0 larke, Walter, London - 10 0 toghian, Mrs. per Mrs. W. J.

Clarke -10 0 onsterdine, Mrs. J. Little- bpronifh ................. — JO 0 onsterdine,Mi88,Littteborough- 10 0 onsterdine, Mr. B. Little- borough ..., - 10 0 ooper, Mrs. Liverpool 1 0 0 orbett, Miss - 10 0 ordingly, Miss, per Mrs. E.

Bmithers -10 0 £. s. d.

Crawford, Mies, Swinderby... - 10 0 Crosby, T. per Miss Farmer.. 100 Beacon,Miss J. per Miss Capps - W 0 Peux Amis, 'per Miss Morris, Gosberton - 10 0 Dickenson, Miss, per Miss Latham 110 0 Dixon, Miss A. per Mrs. W. J.

Clarke 1 0 0 Drewry, Miss, per Miss Good. - 10 0 Drewry, Miss E. per Miss Good - 1» 0 Drewry, Miss M. A, per Miss Good - 10 0 Dnckett, Miss, Burnley - 10 0 Baffin, Miss, Nottingham 10 0 Buncombe, Miss E. S. Win- thorpeHall 1 13 1 Dyer, Mrs. C. Yarmouth - 10 0 Eager, Miss, per Mrs. W. J.

Clarke 100 Elliott, Miss, per Miss Good. .100 Ellis, Miss B. Newton, Lin- colnshire. - 10 0 Ellis, Miss A. Newton, Ua- cotnshire...... - 10 0 Farmer, Miss A. Nottingham. 1 10 0 Farmer, Miss, Nottingham... - 10 0 Paulconbridge, Miss, Notting- ham 1 10 0 Fawn, Miss, per Miss Rimmg- ton 1 10 0 Fellowes, Mrs. Gosport - 11 8 Feliowes, Miss, Gosport 1 0 0 Fletcher, Miss, Smithy Bridge - !fl 0 Fletcher, Miss S. Uttleboroujh - 10 0 Fountain, Miss, Newark - 10 0 Gale, Miss, Newark -JO 0 Gibson, Mies, Uberall 2 0 0 Gibson, Miss L. Andover - 10 0 Gilby, Miss A. London - 10 0 Good, Miss, Newark 11 0 0 Goodacre, Miss, per Miss Allen - 10 0 Goodacre, Miss C. Nottingham - 10 0 Grant, Mrs. Bridge of Earn... 100 Grubb, Miss, Eagle 1 0 o Grundy, Mr. per Miss Kershaw 100 Hare, Miss, Swinderby - 10 0 Hardwicke, Miss, Lincolnshire - 10 0 Harrison, Mrs................ 10 0 Harvey aud Quibell, Messrs.

Newark 100 Harvey, Mr. G. Newark - 10 0 Heap, Mr. Joshua, Rochdale., - 10 0 Heap, Miss Lizzie, Little- borough 100 Hogg, Miss, Cossington - IS 1 Holt, Miss, Milnrow - 10 0 Hooton, Miss, Soutiiweil - JO 0 Howard, Miss, Fledborough .. - 10 0 Howell, Miss A. Rochdale 10 0 Interest from Borneo Cymn... It 0 6 Interest from Notts. Banking Company 4 9 8 Julius, Mr. per Mrs. W. J, Clarke - 10 0 Kershaw, Miss. LittMwrough is 0 0 Kershaw, Mr.C. Littleborougo - 10 0 Kershaw, J. H. Littleborough - Jo 0 Lambert, Miss, Eagle - 10 0 Latham, Miss, Bolton - 10 0 Law.Mr. A. tittleboroiigi!... 500 Law, Mr. W. Littleborough ..100 Layard, Miss, London 1 0 0 LUley, Miss M. L. - 10 0 Lomax, the Misses, Bolton ... 1 15 0 Lord, Mrs. L. Liitleborougii.. 1 0 0 Lynn, Miss, Lenton 1 0 0 Lynn, Mr. j. C. Lenton - 10 0 Lyons, Miss, Bolton -12 0 Martin, Rev. H. A. Laxton ..100 Mason, Miss M. Bath I 11 s Massingbird, Miss, Lincoln... - 10 tt Millingion, Miss, Southwell.. - 10 0 Milnes, Miss, Newark -10 0 ' Coates, Miss, Win- Moewis, Franlein - 10 0 Chester - 10 0 Moore, Mr. Halifax - 10 0 Crawford, Miss E.

More-Molyneux, Miss, per Leeds , 100 00 " Queen " newspaper - 19 0 Denston, Miss, Liver- Morris, Miss, Gosberton -10 0 pool 2 Morris, Miss, per Mrs. E. Dewhiret, J. Esq.

Smithers - 10 0 Southwell - 90 THE LIFE-BOAT.

[MAT 1,1874.

£. * Pewlursfc, per Miss, IveridgeHall.Leeds * JO 0 Dewhirst,Mi88M.W. - 10 2 Editor of" The Qneen," per 4 11 6 Gibson,Sarah, S. John's Woo* ., 100 Glover, Miss 4 10 9 Glover, Miss K. B... 1 8 t Glover, Miss H. E... - 11 « Glover, Mies M. L... - 10 0 Glover. G. B. Esq. .. - 10 0 Grose,Miss,&am8ton - It 6 Harvey, Miss, London - 10 0 Jubb, Miss E - 10 0 Macmichael, Miss, Ripon - 10 0 Millett, Miss, Portis- head - 10 0 MulleDenx,Mi8sE... - 10 0 Spencer, Misa, New- castle - 18 6 Swinburne, Miss, London -10 0 Templeton, Miss - 10 0 Wesley,Miss,Leighton- 15 0 Sums mcter 10s,.... 51 7 2 Total £425 3 1 THE "MANCHESTER UNITY" LIFE-BOAT FUND List of Voluntary Contributions from various DISTRICTS and LODGES of IN- DEPESOENT ORDER OF 0»D FELLOWS (M. U.) FRIENDLT SOCIETY, From Feb., 1873, to Feb., 1874, per H. KAT- CLretfE, Esq., C.S.

Donations. £. S. A.

Rottmgtrau District - 10 0 Boston, Perseverance Lodge .. - 10 5 Ditto, Heart of Oak Lodge - 10 0 Bradford, Artvert Lodge - 16 0 Brampton, Tyne Side Lodge.. 133 Brighouse, FriendlyDropLodge - 10 0 Ditto,Peace Lodge -10 0 Ditto, True Brothers Lodge... ~ 10 0 Ditto.HannoDicKeviredlodge-14 3 Ditto, Village Pride Lodge ... - 10 6 BrigMoa, CliftonvilleLodge.. - 5 0 Bristol District 350 Cambridge District 230 Chesterfield District 1 1 0 Girencester District 110 Derby District 1 1 0 Durham, British Queen Lodge, Lancaster District -12 6 Ditto, Alderman Watson, P, Pr.G.M -10 0 Ditto, W. B. Walton, Cl»ver!ng Lodge *. 1 0 0 Dilto, William Briguali, Jan.

Poor Man's Friend Lodge ..-50 Ditto, Byron Lodge - 7 3 Ditto, Alderman Thos. White,.

Star ol thft North Lodge ... - 5 0 Ditto. St. Oswald Lodge, Sliin- cliffe - 10 a Glasgow, Bobert Burns Lodge 3 16 9 liloBsop, Morning Star lodge. -45 Godalming, Pride of the Valley Lodge -15 0 Island of Guernsey District ..250 Kelso District.... - 10 0 Lancaster, British Queen Lodge - 15 1 London:— Dake of Bedford Lodge. - 14 0 Hope of Bloomsbury Lodge.., 1 1 o Pride of Clerkenwell Lodge.., - 9 0 Pride of Westmoreland Lodge - 17 0 Orphan's Home Lodge ~ 10 ' 0 Flower of Lambeth Lodge.... - 10 6 Lynn District .... ... 6 10 0 Ditto, Earl of Leicester Lodge 120 Ditto, A Friend - 10 0 e. i. a.

Newcastle-npon-Tyne, District Pic-nic Committee 330 Northampton/True BrttanLodgel 0 0 Ditto, Good Intent Lodge .... 1 0 0 Norwich, Loyal Nelson Lodge 220 Oldharo District -14 0 Over Darwen, Clarence Lodge - 6 6 Heading, Excelsior Lodge .... 4 0 0 Rugby, Lawrence Sheriff Lodge 1 3 « Ditto, Newcombe and Bougnton Lodge - 13 0 Skipton, Traveller's Friend Lodge - 8 10 S. Shields, D. Maxwell Lodge. 100 Stockton, Blooming Rose Lodge - 15 0 Ditto, Temperance Ledge .... 1 12 0 Ditto, Rifle Lodge 1 0 6 Ditto, William Barritt Lodge .-58 Slonehouse District 100 Tonbridge, Seven Oaks Lodge. 200 Ditto, Town of Tonbridge 10 0 Trowbridge, Victoria Lodge .. 1 0 0 Ditto, Ark Lodge I 1 3 Ditto, True Briton iodge .... 1 1 0 Wath, Gladstone Lodge - 10 0 Windsor, Prinee Aftert Lodge - 10 0 Worksop District -10 0 Small Sums under 5s 3 3 f Total ....£68 10 2 'MARK LANE" LIFE- BOAT FUND.

Hon. Sec.—H. KAIKS JACKSON, Esq.

Donations at Christmas, 1873-4.

£. s. d.

Aste, Son, and Ketcuevaii..,, -10 6 Bancher, Mr. B. L - 10 0 Beane, Mr. Chas. F. - 10 6 ; Bellamy, Mr. W.C.B -10 6 I Borrowman, PiiUips, & Co.

' Messrs 110 Bovill and Co. Messrs 1 1 0 Bovlll and Sons, Messrs. Benj. - 10 6 Bowyer, Messrs. S. and H. ... - 10 ' 8 Colman, Messrs. J. & J -10 6 Corder, Mr. P. J -10 0 Coventry, &Sheppard, Messrs. - 10 6 Cowan, Mr - 10 0 Denny, Messrs. C. a.wl J. .... - 10 6 Dnnkin, Mr.Jbhn - 10 e Edwards Brothers, Messrs. .. - 10 0 (Jade and Co. Messrs -10 6 1 Garford and Sons, Messrs. J.. - 10 0 ! Girdwood and Co. Messrs. 10 6 Gregory, and Co. Messrs - 10 6 Gripper and Sou, Messrs - 10 6 Harris Brothers, Messrs 1 1 0 ' Harvey and Portway, Messrs. - 10 6 6 0 0 0 6 6 Klein,Mr.Wsn ....-10 0 Ledger and Marriage, Messrs. - 10 6 Macinnes,Mr 110 Maidlow and Sons, Messrs.... - 10 0 Mendl, Ferdinand, Esq. - 10 6 Mitchiner and Lynne, Messrs. - 10 6 Mongredien, Ellerby, and Co.. 1 1 0 MuggerMge, W. * Co. Messrs. - 10 6 Nixon, Gowfir, and Co. Messrs. - 10 8 Patent Granary Company ... 1 1 0 Peek, Frean, and Co. Messrs.. - 10 6 Roberts, and Co. Messrs - 10 0 Robinson, Mr -10 6 Bobins,Mr.H -10 6 Hoffey and Son, Messrs - 10 0 ! Eutnford & Eathbone, Messrs. - 10 6 [ Euston, Watson, & Co. Messrs. 1 1 0 Schacht, Mr.T - 10 6 Skelton, Mr. T. W. & Friends 10 14 6 Smith, Mr. Walter - 10 6 Spartali a»d Co. Messrs. ..... 1 1 0 Stuckenschmldt, Mr -10 6 Sutherland, Mr -10 6 I Hastie, Hutchison, wA Co.... - 10 0 ' Hewittaon and Co. Messrs.... - 10 I Hopklnson, Mr. C. - 6 James and SOBS, Messrs,..... - 10 j Jones and Sons, Messrs. B. P. - 10 1 Judkins, Coonorton, and Son . - 10 ' Kains Jackson, Mr. H - 10 £. s.

Sydraoam Amateur Waits... 8 8 Taytor, Mr. - 10 Tyeer, and Pechey, Messrs.... - 5 Usborne and Son, Messrs 1 1 Vokto8,Mr.W -10 Watney and Keene, Messrs.., - 10 Webster Brothers, Messrs - 10 Woodhatch, Mr •. - IB Woodley and Co. Messrs -10 Sums under 6s...... - 17 Total ..452 IT Z BOLTON BRANCH.

(FramfOffe 107.) Chairman— JEREMIAH MARSDEK, Esq., Mayor of Bolton.

Honorary Secretary— THOMAS H. WINDSB, Esq.

jSnnwol SuosmjpKons. £. t.

Abbatt,Mr.Wm ,.., -10 AJnsworth,R.H.Esq. 1 1 Arrowsmith, Mr. T. H 1 Barlow and Jones, Messrs, ... 2 Barnes & Co. Messrs. Thomas. 3 Bolton Chronicle 1 Bolton 3aardian 1 Bolton Erentog News 1 Bradshaw, Mr.

1 2 3 1 I 0 0 Bridson, Mr. Henry 3 3 Briggs, Chris.Esq. 1 1 Briggs, Mr. A. L 1 1 Butler and Murton, Messrs... 1 o Carter, ROT. Canon - 10 Cooper, Mr. Thomas 1 1 Croft, Rev. C. W, -10 Crook, Joseph, Esq 2 2 Cross, John oad Sons, Messrs, 1 1 Crowther, Mr. Samuel - 10 Crowtber, Mr. Wm - 19 Cunliffe, Mr. George 1 1 Fernihongb, Mr. Wm - 10 Freeman, Mr. K. K 1 1 Gray, Colonel, M.P. ., 1 1 Green, John, Esq 1 1 Greenhalgh,Mr.E.P. - 1,0 Hardcastle, Mr. F. 1 1 Haslam, J. and Co ,,... 1 1 Heaton, T. W. Esq 1 1 Hick, J. Esq. M.P 1 1 Holdea, C. H. Esq 1 1 HoWen, Mr. T. W., 2 2 Holden, Thos. Esq ,... 1 1 Houldsworth, Mr. J. S - 10 Hulton & Son, Messrs 1 1 Jackson, Mr. Michael 1 1 Kevan, Mr. Peter -W Knowles, Jas. Esq. 1 1 Knowles, Mr. John 1 1 Lee, Henry, Esq 1 1 Marsdea, J. & Sons, Messrs... 1 1 Martizi And Johnson, Messrs.. 1 0 Monk and Gilbert, Messrs.... 1 1 Musgrave, J. & Sons, Messrs. .11 Nicholson, Mr. Wm. 1 1 Kamwell, Wm. Esq. 1 1 Rathbone, Mr. J. T -10 Shaw, Mr. Eichard -10 Thomasson, Mr. J. P. 5 0 Walmsiey, T. Esq 1 1 Watson, Mr. John , - 10 Wilkinson, Mr. T. 1 J Winder, R. and T.H 1 1 Wink-worth, Mr, S 1 1 Wolstenholme, Mrs.. - 10 Total 8 W Donations, "AFrlend" 20 0 From " The Mayor's Fund ". .38 1» Box in Free Library I IT Total Dons 58 16 Toial Subs 61 19 JE120 15.