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Vale of Nith, of Liverpool

On the morning of the 16th Nov., the services of the tubular Life-boat were re- quired by a large barque ashore on the West Middle Line. She proceeded out at once, and, at the request of the master, remained alongside the stranded vessel, which was striking heavily, to see if she would beat over the bank on the flowing tide, the ship's crew coming into the Life- boat during that time. Fortunately, as the tide made, the barque floated, when the crew were put on board again, and with the aid of the Life-boat men, some of whom went on board and assisted at the pumps, she was towed back iato the Mersey. She was the barque Yah of Nith, of Liverpool, bound thence to Valparaiso with a general cargo, and having a crew of 21 men. Before the arrival of the Life-boat, the crew had launched their own long-boat, bat as goon as it was in the water, it broke adrift, and was knocked to pieces by the very heavy seas. The first mate had a narrow escape of his life, for he was nearly washed overboard, only saving himself by catching at the main- brace.