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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 1st June, 1876 : THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., Chairman of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and "Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of Rear-Admiral J. B. WARD, Chief Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to Cemlyn, Cemaes, Bull Bay, Aberystwith, Pembrey, Cardigan, Torquay, Dart- mouth, and Teignmouth.

Also the Reports of Rear-Admiral DAVID ROBERTSON, Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on Ms visits to Hartlepool, West Hartlepool, "Withern- sea, Hornsea, Bridlington Quay, Flamborough, Dover, and Hythe.

Also the Report of Captain C. GRAY JONES, R,N., Second Assistant-Inspector, on his recent visits to Chapel, Skegness, Satton, and Theddle- thorpe.

Reported the receipt of 420?. from the Jewish Scholars' Life-boat Fund, to place a Life-boat on the coast, to be named the Michael Henry.

Decided that the Committee of the fund be thanked, and that a Life-boat be appropriated to the gift as early as practicable.

.Reported the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £. s. d.

" Plimsoll" Life-boat Fund, per Mr. J.

FiTZpATKiCK, Liverpool .... 198 8 11 Miss ELIZABETH RAWSON . . . . 100 0 0 Nottingham Amateur Christy Min- strels, per Nottingham Branch . . 50 0 0 Collected on board the 8. S. St. Osyth, per Capt. R. McNAB 11 0 0 Collected after Sermons in Trinity Church, Weston-super-Mare, per Kev. J. BARTUETT 1100 Collected after Sermons an Adderley Church, Market Drayton, per Rev.

ATHELSTAN COBBET, M.A. ... 2 16 0 — To be severally thanked.

Also that the following legacies had been be- queathed to the Institution:— £. s. d, The late Miss MARYKERR, of Dumfries 50 0 0 The late Miss ELIZABETH EVE DAY, of Beading 10 10 0 The late Mrs. CAKOI.INE FAUCET, of Clifton 19 19 0 Reported the transmission to their Stations of the Torquay, Hartlepool No. 1, Aberystwith, Chapel, and Sutton new Life-boats.

The two first Life-boat Stations had been publicly inaugurated, under the superintendence, respectively, of the Inspector and the Assistant- Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution.

Decided to re-establish the Life-boat Station at Cemlyn, on the coast of Anglesey, on the invita- tion of the local residents; and that the gift by the Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds of a Life-boat, to be named the Good Shepherd be appropriated to that Station.

Read letter from Capt. G RAKAH, R.N., of H.M.S.

Britannia, of the 19th May, stating that 2501. had been subscribed by the Naval Cadets of that ship, and their friends, in aid of the cost of a Life-boat, to be named the Royal Naval Cadet, tie proposed to hand that amount to the Institution, on the understanding that it would furnish the necessary funds to complete the cost of a Life-boat. He would thereupon guarantee a sufficient sum yearly for the maintenance of the Life-boat.

To be thanked, and informed that while the Committee fully appreciated that kind offer, they would prefer if he would persevere until the whole of the first cost of the Life-boat, carriage, and equipment, about 500/., bad been raised, when a Station would probably be available for the boat.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to Mr. J. K.

TOOMEY, in acknowledgment of his kind co- operation during the period he occupied the office of Honorary Secretary of the Wicklow branch of the Society. Paid 2,303J. 7s. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted IS/. 18s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Lydd and Whitby Life-boats in performing the following services:— Lives saved.

Russian Barque Ilmatar, of Finland . . .15 Four Fishing Cobles 12 [The details of these services will be found on page 593 of the last Number of this Journal.] Voted also 321. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Penarth and Walmer in putting off, in reply to signals of distress, to the aid of vessels not ultimately needing assistance.

The Berwick Life-boat had also been launched to the aid of several fishing-boats, which had been caught in a sudden gale; but all of them for- tunately got safely into port.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution to Mr. R. J. BARTHOLOMEW, and its thanks, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. C. O'NEILL, JOHN BELL, and PETER McKiNNON, for patting off in a boat from the steamer Argyll, of Bothesay, in a gale of wind and heavy sea, at great risk, and rescuing one of the crew of the Russian barque Taotrnus, which had been run into while at anchor, and had sunk on Skelmorlie Bank, in the Clyde, on the 23rd Dec. The thanks of the Institution, in- scribed on vellum, were also voted to Capt.

CAMPBELL, Master of the Argyll, for his co-opera- tion on the occasion.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution, and I/., to Mr. RICHARD BILLETT, Chief Boatman of H.M. Coastguard, and Coxswain of the Institu- tion's Life-boat at Lydd, and ]/. each to 4 other Coastguard-men, for putting off in their boat, and taking off the master and his wife from the barque Ilmatar, of Finland, which had stranded off Dungeness on the 8th May. Great risk was incurred in performing this service, the boat being once capsized in launching.

Also 21. 10«. to 5 men of Holy Island, for rescuing the master and one of the crew from the rigging of the steamer Calcium, of Kirkcaldy, which had sunk on the Goldstone Rock during foggy weather, on the night of the 3rd May.

THURSDAY, 6th July: The Chairman of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting,'and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Dartmouth, Harwich, and Brussels.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector, on his visits to Bridlington Quay, Filey, Scarborough, Broughty Ferry, Thurso, Stromness, Longhope, Kirkcudbright, Whithorn, Port Logan, Ballan- trae, Girvan, Isle of Arran, and Ardrossan.

Also the Report of the Second Assistant-In- spector on his recent visits to Ashton-under- Lyne, Balbriggan, Howth, Greystones, Wicklow, Arklow, Courtown, Cahore, Wexford, Carnsore, Duncannon, Tramore, Dungarvan, Ardmore, Toughal, Queenstown, Ballycotton, Courtmac- sherry, and Valentia.

Repotted the receipt of the foHowing special contributions since the last meeting:—• £. ». d.

Anonymous, per Messrs. BARCLAY, BEVAN, & Co 100 0 £. s. d.

Miss GAINSFORD, Brighton .... 60 0 0 BRISTOL HISTRIONIC CLUB, in aid of the support of their Life-boat at LOSSIE- MOUTH, N.B 50 0 0 Collected at the Glasgow Custom House, per D. Williams, Esq., and Mr. M.

O'HALLOHAN 31 0 0 Collected on board the Cape Mail steamship African, Captain COAT- HOPE, after sermons by Rev. E. B.

PRINCE, of Cape Town 12 15 0 Part proceeds of Odd Fellows' and Foresters' Fete at Ipswich, on Whit- Monday, per W. B. Jeffries, Esq. 500 — To be severally tlumhed.

Also that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £. *. d.

The late W. J. RIDEOUT, Esq., of Charles Street, Berkeley Square (duty free) 1,000 0 0 The late GEORGE IRLAM, Esq., of North Row, Park Lane (duty free) 1,000 0 0 The late Miss M. A. BIRTWHISTLE, of Cheltenham 1,000 0 0 The late Mrs. ANNE TAYLOR, of Bol- ton (duty free) 50 0 0 The late Miss MARGABET JOHNSTON, of Chichester (duty free) ... 50 0 0 The late Mr. THOMAS CRACKLES, of Hull 19 19 0 Reported the transmission to its station of the Broughty Ferry (Dundee) Life-boat.

" Also that the Good Shepherd Life-boat, which had been presented to the Institution by the Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds, had been publicly exhibited and launched at Ashton-under- Lyne on the 3rd and 5th Jane, on the occasion of the Jubilee of the Order.

A fine specimen of the Life-boat and Carriage of the Society, fully equipped, together with models, drawings, &c., had, on invitation of the Committee of the Brussels International Exhibition, been forwarded to that Building. The KING and QUEEN of the BELGIANS took special notice of the Life- boat. The King examined it minutely, and re- mained about five minutes in conversation with Admiral Sir W. H. HALL, K.C.B., Mr. LEWIS, and Admiral WAKD. He expressed his high ad- miration of the great and national work accom- plished every year by the Institution, which he earnestly hoped would continue to prosper.

[We may add that the Jury of the Exhibition have since awarded its highest distinctions—a Gold Medal and a Diploma of Honour—to the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, in acknowledg- ment of the " perfection and remarkable charac- ter of its Life-boat and Equipment, and its other Exhibits in Class Eleven of the Exhibition." We are gratified to find that similar distinctions have been conferred on Admiral Sir WM. HALL in admiration of his untiring exertions in estab- lishing Sailors' Homes }n -Great Britain and Abroad.] Ordered that various works be carried out at the Life-boat Stations at Eyemouth, Cruden Bay, Portrush, Cromer, Yoaghal, Hythe, and Donna Nook, at an expense of 1106/. 5s.

Voted a Telescope and 201. to Mr. WILLIAM MEARSS, Senior, in acknowledgment of his long and gallant services while holding the position of Coxswain of the Montrose Life-boa*, which he was now compelled to resign, on account of ill- health.


[NOVEMBER 1,1876.

Decided to form a Life-boat Station at Dar mouth, and to appropriate thereto the legacy left to the Institution by the late H. W. PICKERS- OILL, Esq., R.A., for a Life-boat to be named after himself.

Read letters from Mr. G. A. ARMSTRONG, of Los Angeles, California, calling attention to his plan of Life-boat.— To be acknowledged.

Ordered that 1,000?. of the Funded Capital of the Institution be sold out to assist in meeting heavy payments on various Life-boat Establish- ments, which amounted altogether to 39892.2s. 5d.

Voted 187, to pay the expenses of the Caister No. 2 Life-boat in bringing ashore the captain, pilot, and 12 of the crew of the ship McNear, of Boston, U.S. The Caister No. 1 Life-boat sub- sequently assisted to save the vessel.

[The details of these services will be found on page 591 of the last Number of this Journal.] Voted 451. 3s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Broadstairs, Barmouth, Salcombe, Hunstanton, and Fraserburgh, in either assem- bling their crews or putting off to the aid of vessels not ultimately needing assistance.

Voted also II. to H. J. HART, and 2 other men, for putting off in a boat and rescuing 2 men from a Gravesend wherry which had been cap- sized off Folkestone, during a fresh N.E, breeze, on the 19th May.

THURSDAY, 3rd August: The Chairman of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Watchet, Weymouth, Guernsey, and Alderney.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector on his visits to Troon, Ayr, Irvine, Campbeltown, Southern! (Cantyre), and Mablethorpe.

Also the Report of the Second Assistant-In- spector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Grey- stones, Giles Quay, Balbriggan, and Howth.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last Meeting :— In memory of two officers, Indian £. s. d.

Army (Madras), HAWKINS and SPINES (many years deceased).

From Mrs. A. D. M., born HAIV- KINS 1,000 0 0 County Court Life-boat Fund, per Mr. J. ROBEUTS ...... 115 0 4 Ancient Order of Foresters. An- nual Subscription in aid of the support of their two Life-boats, per SAMUEL SHAWCROSS, Esq. . . ICO 0 0 ARTHUR HUTCHINSON, Esq., and the Misses FANNY and CHARLOTTE HOTCHINSON 24 0 0 Collected at Colombo, Ceylon, per 1 S. LE Coco, Esq 150 — To be severally thanked.

Reported that the late Misses AGNES and ELIZABETH FERGDSON, of Edinburgh, had left the munificent legacy of 5,000? to the Institution.

Ordered that new Life-boat houses be erected at Holyhead and Whitehaven, at an expense of 700?.

Reported that the new Life-boat sent to Camp- beltown, N.B., last month by the Institution was publicly named the Princess Louise at its station, and was afterwards launched and tried ;by the crew, under the superintendence of the Assistant- Inspector of Life-boats to the Society, his Grace the DUKE of ARGYLL and members of his family , being present on the occasion.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to W. H.

DENNETT, Esq., and Capt. SPENCER P. BRETT, R.N., in acknowledgment of their past valuable co-operation as the Honorary Secretaries, re- spectively, of the Worthing and Dawlish-branches of the Society.

Also to Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign.

Shipping Society, for their kind present to the In- stitution of their Register for the current year.

The Committee expressed their deep regret at the lamented death of the Rev. CHARLES HES- KETH, M.A., who had been the Chairman of the Southport Branch of the Institution from its formation.

Sir EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V.P., called the attention of the Meeting to the gratifying fact that the respected Chairman of the Institution had been publicly entertained on the 5th July by the Committee of Lloyd's Register, and presented with a piece of plate and a portrait of himself.

The Committee expressed their high apprecia- tion of this mark of respect to Mr. CHAPMAN.

Paid 1809/. 9«. !0rf., for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 13/. 4s. to pay the expenses of the recent services rendered by the Cemaes and Llanddulas Life-boats. The former boat had brought ashore 8 men from Skerries Island, they having' ex- hausted their provisions, and the sea being too rough to allow their tender to reach the island; and the latter Life-boat had saved 5 men from a pleasure-boat belonging to Llandudno, which had been disabled off Llanddulas.

The Arklow Life-boat had also rendered assist- ance to the distressed barque Hoyeroft, of Anna- polis.

Voted 23?. 18s., to pay the expenses of the Life- boats at Wells, Wicklow, and Hunstanton, in put- ting off in reply to signals of distress exhibited by vessels not ultimately requiring the aid of the Life-boats.

THURSDAY, 7th September: GEORGE LYAIL, Esq., V.P., Deputy Chairman, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Poole, Swanage, Chapman's Pool, Kimmeridge, Brooke, Brighstone, Bern- bridge, Hayling Island, Chichester Harbour, and Selsey.

Also the Report of theSecond Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to Aberdovey, Barmouth, Abersoch, Porthdinllaen, Portmadoc, Llanddwyn, Rhoscolyn, Holyhead, Cemaes, Amlwch, Moelire, and Rhosneigir.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last Meeting: — £. ». d.

Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds.

Further in aid of the Cemlyn Life- boat Station 200 0 0 NOVEMBEB 1,1876.] THE LIFE-BOAT.

625 £. f. d.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows (Manchester Unity). Annual Sub- scription towards the support of their Life-boat at Cleethorpes . . 50 0 0 Collected by Capt. RICHARD GIBBON, of the S.S. Young Ching, in Shang- hai ......... • 26 7 11 Collected by Capt. H. BAM.ARD, of the Cape Mail S.S. Teuton, on her last voyage to and from the Cape, per G. S. COXWELL, Esq. ... 13 10 0 Part of Proceeds of Forester's Fete at Burton-on-Trent, per Mr. W.

UDAU, 10 0 0 Collected after Sermon in Burnby Church, Yorkshire, per llev. J. M.

WILUAMS 3 15 1 Collected on board the S.S. King Ermyn, per Capt. A. HAHLOW. 250 Collected on board the S.S. Lady Josyan, per Capt. T. KEMP ... 200 Coins saved for the Life-boat Fund, by a Lady, now deceased, per Miss SiMpsoN. 0 12 6 — To be severally thanked.

Also that the following legacies had been be- queathed to the Institution:— £. «. d.

The late Mr. WILLIAM 'WALLACE, of Curtain Road, Shoreditch, duty free 800 0 0 The late Mrs. Ass FAWCETT, of Nor- folk Terrace 500 0 0 The late J. M. STOTT, Esq., of Ras- trick, York, a sufficient sum (duty free) to provide a Jonathan Stott Life-boat for the Yorkshire Coast.

The late Miss MABT BROWNE, of Liverpool 250 0 0 The late J. J. STAINTON, Esq., of Lewisham 100 0 0 The late STEPHEN BRYAN, Esq., of Dalston 50 0 0 The late H. F. JILCARD, Esq., of Islington 19 19 0 Reported that the Cemaes new Life-boat had been forwarded to its station.

The cost of the Life-boat had been defrayed by GEORGE HEQINBOTTOM, Esq., of Ashton-under- Lyne and Southport, and at his request the boat is named the Ashtonian, in honour of the birth- place'of the donor.

Also that various works be carried out at the Guernsey, Cardigan, and Balbriggan Life-boat Stations.

The Committee expressed their deep regret at the lamented deaths of the following coadjutors of the Institution :— Sir HENRY GORDON, BAHT. President of the Isle of Wight Branch.

Rev. 3. S. A VERY. Formerly Honorary Secretary of the Bude Branch.

Captain C. PARKER, R.N. Formerly Honorary Secretary of the Newark Branch.

Mr. JOHN WILLIAMS. Honorary Secretary of the Llandudno Branch.

W. B. HUME, Esq. Member of Winterton Life-boat Committee.

Miss MARY BROWNE. Donor of Llandudno Life-boat.

Read letter from His Excellency Judge ED- WARDS PIERRBPOST, the Ambassador from the United States of America, of the 6th September, applying, on behalf of Mr. F. A. CONKLING, and other gentlemen of New York, for information on the work of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, they proposing to form a similar society in that city.—Decided that this request be cordially complied with.

Read letter from the Treasurer of the Anglesey Branch, of the 14th August, stating that a Bazaar had recently been held on behalf of the funds of that Branch, and had realised 1501.— To be thanked.

Also from E. ODEM,, Esq., of Dangarvan, of the 7th August, expressing his readiness to grant the Institution a site on which to erect a new Life- boat-house at Ardmore.— To be thanked.

Read letter from Mr. C. COLWELL, of Great Yarmouth, of the 9th and 29th ultimo, calling at- tention to a plan of Life-boat which he had invented.—• To be acknowledged.

Also from Miss McLEAN, of Kensington, on the subject of a portable ambulance she had in- vented for the use of injured persons.— To be acknowledger!.

Paid 1,029/. 10s. d. for sundry charges on.

various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 7i/. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Dungarvan, Forthdinllaen, Peterhead, and Broughty Ferry, in rendering the following ser- vices :— Lives saved.

Brigantine Bridget, of Dungarvan .... 8 Fishing-boat of Llanaelhaiarn 3 Fishing-boats in distress—rendered assistance.

Brig Macedonia, of BIyth 7 Brig Robert Stevenson, of North Shields. . . 9 Brig Emerald, of Montrose 6 The Scarborough, Caister, Montrose, and North Sunderland Life-boats had also rendered the fol- lowing services:— Fishing-smacks Providence, of Lowestoft, and Dawn, of Grimsby, assisted to save vessels; S. S.

Cingalese, of London, remained by vessel; fishing- boat Vivid, of Ferryden, assisted to save vessel and crew, 6 ; fishing-boat Gem, of Eyemouth, as- sisted to save vessel and crew.

[ Vide pages 617-19 for particulars of most of these services.] Voted also 73Z. 2s. to pay the expenses of the Maryport, Newbiggin, Abersoch, Brighton, Stone- haven, Sutton, Orme's Head, New Brighton, and Porthdinllaen Life-boats, in either assembling their crews or going off to the aid of vessels not eventually needing their assistance.

Voted II. to 2 men belonging to Antrim, for saving 2 other men from a boat which had been capsized on Lough Neagh on the 25th May.

Also II. to 3 Wicklow men for rescuing 4 per- sons from a boat which had been capsized near Wicklow Bar, during a fresh S.S.W. breeze, on the 10th August.

Also 2!. to 3 men belonging to Rhosneigir, Anglesey, for saving a man from a boat which had been swamped in AberfFraw Bay on the 14th August.

And 107. to 14 Caister beachmen for putting off in one of their yawls, during a strong S.S.W.

wind, and considerable sea, and, with difficulty and risk, saving 3 persons from the mast of the trawling-boat Victoria, which had stranded and sunk on the Barber Sand on the 6th September.

HOTICE.—The next mraxber of the "Life- boat Journal" will be published on the 1st of February, 1877..