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Emerald and Aristides

BROUGHTY FERRY.—On the 4th of September two vessels were reported to be ashore at the mouth of the River Tay. A severe south-easterly "gale was blowing at the time, and a heavy sea was breaking on the Tay Bar. The English Mechanic Lifeboat went out in tow of the North British Railway Company's steamer, and, observing a ship's boat in the vicinity of one of the wrecks, made for it, and found that it contained the crew, consisting of 6 men, of the brig Emerald, of Montrose. These men were taken into the Life-boat, and afterwards put on board the steamer. The Life-boat then made repeated efforts to reach the other vessel, the . schooner Aristides, of Drammen, but could not succeed, owing to the heavy surf and tide, four oars being broken in the attempt.

While still using every effort to get alongside, the schooner broke up, and part of the wreck floated into the river, with the crew clinging to it, when one of the Broughty Ferry fishing-boats, which was in the vicinity, rescued the crew. The Life-boat would have done this, but the yawl, being in the way of the wreck, was the first to reach it..