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The Screw Steamer Bebside

STAITHES, YORKSHIRE,—On the after- noon of the 15th March the Life-boat Hannah Somerstt, placed by the Institu-tion at this small town on the Yorkshire coast a few months ago, was successful in saving the lives of 15 persons from the wrecked screw steamer Bebside, of Newcastle- on-Tyne, which vessel, whilst on a voyage from that port to London, was cast away near the Con bar Steel, north of Staithes, during a N.W. gale. A heavy sea was running, and the Life-boat's crew had at one time a hard pull to reach safety. - the wreck, which was to windward of Staithes. Previous to the arrival of the Life-boat a fishing coble, which was near, had put off, and managed to embark 3 of the crew, whom she also landed in safety.