The Lizzie Morton, of St. Ives (1)
LTNMOUTH AND ILFRACOMBE, DEVON.— On the 19th March the Lizzie Morton, of St. Ives, encountered a heavy squall, when off Lynmouth, which carried away her foremast, bowsprit, and bulwarks; in a helpless state she subsequently drifted before a strong breeze at E.N.E., till she came into dangerous proximity to the rocky coast off Highveer Point, where she let go both anchors, and hoisted signals of distress, which were promptly answered by the Lynmouth Life-boat Henry, which, after a hard pull of one hour and a half, succeeded in getting near her about 11.30 A.M., and in safely landing from her all on board, consisting of 5 persons. Great difficulty was experienced in getting the men out of the disabled vessel, as, on account of the heavy sea, the Life-boat could not go alongside, and all the crew had to be hauled on board by a line and life-buoy. The colours, Union down, were left flying, and a passing vessel arriving at Ilfracombe having reported that a vessel with that distress signal up was riding to her anchors in a dangerous position, the Ilfracombe Life-boat Broadwater put to sea, and later in the day succeeded in boarding the deserted Lizzie Morton, and the weather having moderated for the time, succeeded, after great labour, in carrying her safely into Ilfracombe Harbour on the morning of the day following..