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Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society

THIS Society held its Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting at the City Terminus Hotel on the 10th May last. The chair was taken by His Grace the DUKE OF MABLBOROUGH, K.G., the President. Amongst those present were THOMAS BRASSEY, Esq., M.P., Admirals Sir CLAUDE BUCKLE,C.B., Hon. JOHN SPENCER, G. S. HAND, C.B., and A. BOYLE; Captain the Hon. FRANCIS MAUDE, E.N., and a number of ladies.

The Chairman, in opening the proceedings, feelingly put before the meeting the great benefit the Society conferred on seamen of all nations in distress, and their bereaved families, and said there was never a winter in which the services of the Society were not brought into requisition. They were by no means losing ground, but were increasing in prosperity and usefulness.

The Secretary, Commander W. H. SYMONS, B.N., then read the Report, -which, stated that, through the blessing of God, the more the Charity became known, the more its benevolent operations were appreciated, and especially among Fishermen and Mariners, for whose benefit it TPSS especially instituted, and of whoza 48,276 voluntarily contributed last year fee sum of 7.241Z. to its funds. The Committee, besides giving 4,918?. in annual grants to 1,626 widows, had been able to enlarge the operations of the Society during the past year by setting apart a portion of the funded property to giving small gra- tuities to a limited number of old, worn- out, and necessitous members in extreme and special cases; in addition to which there was the " Mariners' National Mutual Pension and Widows' Fund," established and guaranteed by the Society for granting pensions to disabled seamen or their widows.

Amongst the many gratifying contributions received by the Society during the past year -were the following:—The late GrEO. BALLARD, Esq., 100L; T. BLACKA.LL, Esq., M.P.. 501; Clyde Trustees, 501.; Baroness BURDETT COUTTS, 501.; and portion of the sum left for charitable purposes by the'late W. D. HOOPER, Esq., Whitby, per Rev. WM. VALENTINE, $01.

Various legacies had also been received.

The number of persons relieved last year consisted of 4,369 shipwrecked people of all nations, cast destitute on our coasts, and 6,239 widows, orphans, or aged pa- rents of the drowned, making a total of 10,608 persons, at an expense of 19,795?. 14s. 2d.; and since 1851 the Committee had voted 35 gold and 258 silver medals, and 2.228Z. for heroic exertions in rescuing 5,940 persons from drowning.

The Report was moved by the Rev. RICHARDSON, and seconded by Mr. BRASSEY, M.P.; the latter stating that he believed the Society was engaged in a most useful and benevolent work. Other resolutions having been carried, the re- tiring members of the Committee were re-elected, and a vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the proceedings of a very interesting meeting.