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Emily, of North Shields

WEST HARTLEPOOL AND REDCAR.—At 11.15 P.M. on the 5th February night signals of distress were observed from the direction of the South Gare, at the entrance of the Kiver Tees. It was blowing a gale from E.N.E., with snow, and a heavy sea was running. As soon as the crew could be got together, the No. 1 Life-boat, the James Davidson Shaw, was launched from West Hartlepool, and proceeded in tow of the North-Eastern Kailway Company's steam-tug Freedom to render assistance. Having approached to within a mile of the wreck, the Life-boat was cast off, and she proceeded through a heavy sea to board her. The vessel proved to be the barque Emily, of North Shields, bound from that place to Carthagena.

She had a crew of 17 men, 13 of whom were landed by the Life-boat, which, unable to regain the steam-tug, beached near Coatham. The master of the Emily and 3 others remained by their vessel, which held together till the next day.

At 6 A.M. on the 6th the Eedcar Lifeboat Burton-on-Trent landed the remaining 4 persons, the gale continuing, accompanied by a heavy sea..