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BOULMER, NORTHUMBERLAND.—During the night of the 27th April the ketch Bavington, of Newcastle, while on a voyage from Middlesborough to Dundee, was wrecked on the North Steel rocks. A fierce gale, with heavy rain, was blowing from the E.S.E. The wreck was observed by the Boulmer men soon after midnight, and about 2 A.M. on the 28th, after encountering great difficulty, owing to the tide being out, they succeeded in launching the Life-boat Robin Hood of Nottingham.

By 4 A.M. this Life-boat had regained the shore, having with difficulty saved 4 men from the rigging of the Bavington, which had sunk before they reached her. The Boulmer men deserve great credit for the good look-out kept, and the prompt and hearty manner in which they set about rendering assistance.

With the crew clinging to the rigging of a sunken ship in a storm at night, a few moments' delay often renders the most gallant efforts of no avail..