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Alabama, of Goole

HUNSTANTON.—Early on the 14th April the schooner Alabama, of Goole, while on a voyage from Cliff Creek to Hull was wrecked on the Woolpack Sands, during a gale at E.N.E., accompanied by a heavy fall of snow. The Life-boat Licensed Victualler was conveyed by road to Shornham, 4 miles from her station, and launched off the beach through a heavy surf about 10 A.M. At noon she succeeded in reaching the Alabama, which vessel had already sunk. One man alone remained clinging to the rigging, who was taken off only just in time, being greatly exhausted. A second had been washed off, and was rescued from the sea with the greatest difficulty. The other portion of the crew, 2 in number, had succumbed to the severity of the cold, let go their hold, and were washed off and drowned before the Life-boat arrived. The Lifeboat regained the shore, with the 2 men who had so narrowly escaped, at 1.30 P.M..