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The Medal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck


Obverse.—Bust of Her Majesty Queen Victoria; beneath, in minute letters, " L. C. Wyon." Double legend, " Royal National Life-boat Institution. Founded in l«24. Incorporated 1860. Victoria, Patroness." Reverse.—Three Bailors in a Lite-boat,—one of whom is in the act of rescuing an exhausted* mariner from the waves on a fragment of the wreck. " W. Wyon, Mint." Inscription, " Let not the deep swallow me up." THE beautiful obverse of this medal, executed by L. C. WYON, Ksq., represents the bust of QUEEN VICTORIA, Her Majesty's locks gracefully waving and gathered in a knot behind, from which issues a wreath of oak clustering over the forehead. This Hfe-lifce portrait of the QUEEN, In high relief, conveys a truly pleasing and faithful likeness of HEB MAJESTY, combining dignity of aspect and benevolence of nature; and represented by Mr. WYON with the most exquisite finish, delicacy, and beauty of workmanship.

The reverse, representing the Life-boat, in which there are three Sailors, rescuing a fourth from the sea, is a work of great merit. Two of the Sailors are steadying the boat, while the other, stooping, draws in the Shipwrecked Sailor, whose figure is given so as to show the form in the most natural »nd b autilul manner; and the expression thrown into his countenance looking up to his ptfservcr is supplicating in the extreme, while the easy flowing lines of this sailor are finely contrasted by those of his companions: the whole displaying a perfect knowledge of the human frame, the finest taste to arrange it, and a command of the graver to embody what his genius had shadowed out to himself.

But there is another pleasing motive for admiration of this beautiful MMal, as the figure who is so humanely extending bis relief to the drowning Mariner is a portrait of he Artist (the late WILLIAM WYON, Esq., R.A.) himself.

The following is a LIST of the GOLD and SILVER MEDALS that have been voted by the Committee of the Institution, since its establishment in 1824, to persons whose humane and intrepid exertions in saving Life from Shipwreck on our Coasts have been deemed sufficiently conspicuous to merit that honourable distinction. The Cases will be found recoided In detail in the several Annual Reports of the Institution.

The total number of Medals granted by the Institution op to the present time is 963, 92 of wbicb were in Gold, and 871 in Silver.

ftoU.—The asterisk* (*) after tbe name denotes the reception of a Gold Medal. The figure after Uie name signifies the number of honorary distinctions received from the Institution. Abbreviations.-C*.Gd.—Coast Guard. R.C.—Kvvtnue Cruiser. M. M.—Master Mariner, Acraman, Mr. John, Fish- guard.

1 Adair. Mr. W., C . Gd., Pun- drum.

Adam, Mr. ,T., C1. G«., New- castle. (2) • j Adams, Mr. Thomas, M. M.

M Agar, J.. Cf. G*., Morris Castle.

Agnes, Samuel, Seaman, Wivenhoe. A hern, John,O. Gd., Kilmore.

Aikin. J .. C1. Gd., Cushendall.

Alexander, W., Coxswain of the Thorpeness Life-boat.

Allan, Jas., Riot at Holy Island.

Allen, Mr. Luke Jas., M. M., Wivenhoe.

Amis, Kdward, late Coxswain of the Patting Life-boat.

Anderson, Mr. John G., R.N. Annis, Mr. M., O. fld. (2) Anthony, Mr. Owen, M.M., Holyhead.

Armstrong. R., Newbigpin.

Armstrong, Mr. W., Pilot, Blyth.

Armstrong, W., N'ewbiggin.

Askin.J., C'.U'1. BaUvwalUT.

Atkins, T.. O. O.-l., Wainfleet.

Antridge, Lieut., It. N., Doon- beg. Avlsse. Mr. J. N., M. M., Boulogne.

Bacon, Henry, Harwich.

Bacon, Mr. James, M. M.

Bailey, Jas., Boatman, DeaL Baillie, Lieut. Henry, B.N.

Baillie, Lieut. H., E.X, Caister.

Bain, A lex. ..Seaman, Skerries.

Hake, Lieut., li.X, f.G". MAT 1, 1876.] LIST OF GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS. 479 Baker, Lt. G. a, B.N., P. Gd. Callaway.W., Seaman, Lyme. Cummins, Mr. J,, Coxswain ' Finlay, G., O. Gd., Larobay. Baker, Lt.W. H., R.N , C'. GO. Campbell, James, Leestone. of the Arklow Life-boat. Kinlay, William, Montrose. Baker, Mr. T., C'.U4,, Brooke. Campbell, Miss J., Drogheda. Cunningham, Mr. J,, New- ' Fish, Chas., Coxswain of the Banyard, Mr. John, C'. Gd., | Campbell, Mr. Angus, Cutter j castle. ; Ramsgate Life-boat. Hornsea. Prmcess Kwtol. Curnow, Mr. Paul, Coxswain ' Fish, John, Soutnwotd. Barlach, Mr. Henry, M. M. Candlish, J., Coxswain of the of the St. Ives Life-boat. , Fisher, Mr. S., Horseferry-rd. Barnard, A., C1. Gd. (2) i LyUwn Life-boat. Curteis, Mr. W., C'. Gd. i Fisher, Mrs., North Feroe Barnes, George, Christahurcb. Canned, T., Isle of Man. Curtis, Steph,, Christchurch. Islands. Barrett, Mr. J., C1. Gd., , Carnerry, Patrick, Wexfort. Fitzjames, Mr., K.N, Eu- Carnsore. (2) l Carbis, Thos., Coxswain of Pabine, Lieut.. R.N. C1 Gd. phrates Expedition. Barrett, W., C1. Ga., Bal- the Penzance Life-boat. (2) Pand, M. H., Esq., Hauxtey. Fitzpatrlcfc, X, O. Gd., Malin briggan ;' Carey, H., Esq., Shrove Head. (2 ' Head. Barrett, W., jun., ditto. j Carr,C.S.,Gunner li.C. Sylvia. Dark, Mr. William, M. M., Flann, Wm., Portland. Barron, R. N"., Esq., Dun- Carr,John, 0,Gd., UuMttanus. Padstow. Fleming, George, Gorleston. garvan. Carrington, Mr. J., Master of Darling, Wm., Light-house ' Fletcher, T.,Ci.Gd., Rosslare. Barry, Lt. G., R.N., Kinsale. Steam-tug Liverpool, of keeper, Fern Islands. Flyna, P., O. G*., Kilrush. Bate, Samuel, Second Cox- Harwich, swain of Padsto* Life-boat. Carrlngton, Lieut.. B.N. Parting, Grace, hi« daughter. Foley, Mr., M. M.

Darragh, H., C'. Gd., Innis Foley, Mr. J., Port Talbof, Bates. Mr. Thos., O. G4. Carrington, W. H., Esq., Bufln. ' Forbes, Mr. A., Peterhead. Batist, ,/., C'. Gd. Pymcburch. Douglas. Pavies, Vice-Aamiral G. (i)* Formby, Joseph, Formby. Beatson,G. B.M.,Esq.,C'.Gcl. Carter, Mr. J., C1, Gd Bal- Davies, Capt. Thomas, R.N. j Forward, Mr. T. R., Com- Beaucterk, The late Lord briggan.

Casey, M.,Newcastle, Ireland. Pavies, George, Hoylake.

Pjivison, W., Sunderland. mauder E. C. Sylvia.* Foster, J., O., Ga.. Aldboro'. Charles. Castel, G. Boatman, Broad- Dawaon Mr. T. HartlenonL i Found. Mr. W.. M.M. Beck, Robert, Point of Ayr. slairs. i rfc,v o r.. Seaman. Middles- ': Powell, John. Seaman. Beddoe, 1)., Fishgnard. Cay, Capt. R. B., R.N. C'. Ga. borough. Fowler, Mr. James, M. M. Bedwell, Mr. Wm., M. M., Chaddock, J., O. Gd, Stone- Pay, Mr. Thomas, Bideford. Fox, Mr. John, Fleetwood. Freswick, N.B. haven. lleaue, Mr. Henry, C'. Gd. i Foy", Thomas, Rossglass. Begj;, Mr., M. M.

Bennett, Capt. C. C., R.N * Chaplin, Mr., M. M.

Clmppett, Mr. T., BidefOTd. Delpierre, Jean A., Boulogne.

Deut, J., Newbiggin. Prankish, T.H., Bridlington.

Franklin, Lt. &., B.N., Hove, Berriman, Mr. James, M.M.

Bevan, Mr. John, M.M. 6'nappell, Capt. W., Bideford.

Chard J.. Boatman. Thorpe. Desmond, John, i.imerick.

T)e St. Croix, Mr. F., Jersey.* Franklyn, Lieut. «., R.N.

Freeman, Henry, Whitby. Bingnum, Mr. Wm., flrif- Crtesnutt, George, Skegoess. De St. Croix, Mr. J., Jersey.* Freeman, John, Seaman. inullett. Chittenden, E., Broadstairs, De St. Croix, Mr. P., Jersey.* Freeman, James, Helston Bishop, Mr. S., O. CX, Cais- Clark, George, Seaman. Devereux, M., Master Pilot, Freemantle, Capt. C. W., t«sr. Clark, Lieut. Joseph, R.N".* Rosslare. (3) R.N.* Black, A., C'. Gd., Strangford. Claybum, 'I'., Scarbwo.'. (2) Dillon, Jas., C'. Gd., Arklow. Freeney, John, Killiney. Blackmore, Mr. Wm., Chief Clayton, Lt., R. V., C . G-». Dobsun, T., Coxsivain of the French, Mr. Charles, C'. Ga. OfficerO. G Pemance. (2) Blair.Lt. Horatio, R.N.,Ct.Gd. UeaveMr.R.,M.M.,Wivenhoe.

Cloke, W., Pilot, Mevagissey. Donna Nook Life-boat Donfcin, A., Cullercoats. (2.) Fulton, Mr. Bobert, E.N.

Furlong, A., Fishgnard. Blajnpied, Mr. C., Jersey. Cobb, Rev. C., M.A., IJym- Donovan, Dennis, ?. G1. (2) Blance, John, Shetland. church.* Donovan, J., C'.G*1. Boatman. Galbralth, Mrs. E., Whitney. Blissendon, William M. Cockrora, W., H.M.S. Ragle. Pooley, Lt. P.. R.N, O. G«. Gale, Mr.W.,M.M., Barking. Blois. Capt. J. R., R.N.* Bolitho, Simon, Ct. Gd., Bude.

Bongourd,fL, Pilot, Guernsey. Coffey,P.,Tramore,Wiiteribrd Colby, Nathaniel, Coxswain of the Pakefield Life-boat. Douglas, AVexanuer, O. Gd.

Dower, Capt. A., Dungarvan.

Powning, Sicholas B., Esq. Gallagher, P., Co. Down.

George, Philip, Coxswain of Caister Life-boat. Bouner,G.,Ct.Gd , Collieston. Cole, J., Seaman, Wivenhoe. Drayson, D., C1. Gd., Ather- Gerrard, Mr. B., Pilot, Fleet- Bouchard, John, St. Martin's, Collard, Mr. S., Pilot. fleld. wood. Jersey.

Bowen, Lieut. C. H., R.S.* Collins, Mr. .T., Master of the American ship fioscitts.* Puffy, M., Mullaghmore.

Punn, Mr. William, M. M. Giles, Mr. W. M.M.., Padstow.

Gillespie, Andrew, Gunner. Boyd, Henry, C1. Gd. Collision, Mr, R., M.M, Durban, John, Walmer. Gilmer, Mr. Wm., Duudalk. Boyd, Mrs. Gapttin, B.y. Collopy, J., C'.Gd.,Portboawi. Dyer, JB-, Seaman, Wivenhoe. Gilson, Lt. T. A., K.N., C*. Q*. Boyle,Lieut. Hon. R. F., R.N. Combs, Lt. M., R.N. Dyer, B., Seaman, H'ivenhoe Gimar, Mr. E., Master of the Brice, W., C'. Gd., Greencastle.

Bridle, Mr. W.. M. M., Lyme.

Brine, Thos., Esq., Douglas. Coneys, Mr. Anthony, Clifden.

Connick, Mr. J., Dundalk.

Cooper, Mr. Hugh, C'. G''., Dyer, Lt. H. McNeill, K.N.

Dyer, Mr. John, Stratton, French brig Le tf&rnum.

Gin, N. Francois, Boulogne.

Gleeson, R, F., Wexford. Brinksmead, Mr. W., M. M., BMeford. Cromaine Point.

Coppin, Lt. F., R.S., C*. Gd. Earle, Lt. E. C., K.N., Eva* Glover, Mr. J., M.M., Gun- fleet Sand. Brittain, Lieut. G. S., R.N..

?. G i. (2)" Corbert, W., Coxswain of the Awdmore Life-boat. . Eastaway,R.,Boatnun,C'. ia. Pnij. ™ Mr w MM Eddy, R., Pilot at Plymouth. jf nE Britton, Mr. J., Master of tne American Ship Rochester.* Broad, W., Esq., Falraouth.* Brooks, A., C1. Gd.Dungeut'S8.

Brown, Henry, Newbiggiu.

Brown, James, Dunbar. Corbet, P., Pilot, Guernsey.

Corbett.W., Ksq., s eoT Mau.

Cork, W., C'. Gd.,Fort George.

Corkhlll, vv., Coxswain of tue Padstow Life-boat. (2) Cornish, Lt. J., R.S., Bovis. Edington, Mr. Chas., C1. Gd.

h]dwards, Mr. P., Montro e.

Ellfa, Henry, C'. Gd., Bude.

filphinstone, Geo., Pundalk.

Else, Lieut., R N., Fowey.* Gordon, Mr. John, Secorid Coxswain of the Tyrella Life-boat.

Goss, Capt. T., R.N., O. G".

(2)* Gouah. J.. Fisherman. Water- Brown, Thos. OessweH. Costello, M., Esq., Ro slare. Elton, Lt. W. H., R.N., C*. GA. f "d Browne, Mr. P. R. M. (2)* Brnnton, Lt. J., E.N.,0'. Gd. Coul, Alexandnr, Montrose.

Coul, Charles. Montrose. IVTA ATS riiuGws- - - - (2)* Cowin, J., Isle of Man.

Buck,W. G, JSsq.,B.N.,C«.G'i. 1 Cox, Lt. H., R.N., C1. G». (2)* "Buckett, James, Coxswain of ; Cox, Joseph, Coxswain of ttie Er gSS Deal. 'IfrMW *' Essell, Lieut. Wm. F., R.N.* X™ 2' ?.; ,"jf' "i ;, Brigusfcone Grange Life- i Appledore Life-boat. (3) boat. Cox, J., Jan., Second Cox- Evans, Capu Thomas. ; ?? ~.

Evans, Mr. J., M, M., Fish- | 6TjS* 'Ueut g R /2 « Badd; James, Esq., Tramore. swain of the Appledore F f "V •«,» Th p v Gram, Mr. w'., Coxswain of Bulkeley. J. B., Coxswain of Life-boat. Evans, Lieut. Thomaa,R.N. , the Margate Life-boat. Teignmouth Life boat. Cox, W., Kimlore. JijVana, i., sen., ptew tingii- r«-Q-.Qa Mr r TW iw r*nr . /•. % i wraves, Jur. j., ai. at., car- Bnlley, Lieut. J., R.N. (4V* Craggs, J., 0. Ga., Pevonport. ton, (2) VI Bumby,Mr.J..O.U 1.,CIovelly. Cragie, J., Coxswain of the Evans, T., jun., New Brigb- ! e'. ™ rt Y? .r I Gray, A., C, Ga., tort George, Bunt, Mr. John, C'. G*. Soutnwold Life-bout. Burnard, Mr. T., Bidelord. (2) Cronne, Dennis, Ballycotton. Evans, Win., New Brighton. Q ' Mr Geo}dBrid'u1nOton Burne, J., C(. Grf., Penzance. • Cropper, Peter, Liverpool. Evans, Wm, Pilot, Neath. Gray' Mr J M M. Pete'r- Bums, John, Sen., Shields. Crosby, Nicholas, Oundatk. Evison, Lt. J. C., K.N., C1. G . ne td Burney, Mr. R.. O. G ., Banff. Crosswell, Mr, T., Fowey. ! Gray, E. W. P., Esq., Dublin Bitty, Ld. Viscount, P.C..M. P. Crouch, J., Boatman, Broad- ; Farmer, David, Hayling. Gregory, J., C'. Gd., St. An- Butcher, James, Lowsstoft. stairs. Farrin, Mr. G., H.M.S. jljax. drew's. Butcher. Rich., Lowestoft. Crouch, R., Boatman, Broad- Fellowes,Capt. T. H. B., K.N. Grey, George, Hartlepool. Byrne, Mr. Lawrence, C'. Gd. stairs. Festing, Lient., R.N. Griffith, David, Bsaumaris. Crowdcn, Mr. J., Chief-Officer Festiag, Colonel Sir F. W., Griffith, Robert, Anglesey. OOifll, D. F. S., Esq., M.D., of C'. G«i. at Mucbals, N.B. C.B., K.C.M.G., R.M.A. Griffiths, Mr. B., M. M., Port- Berwick. Cubitt, Mr. W , Barton. (2) F/eW, Lieut. Wm. Geo., R.S. madoc. Cain, Wra., Me of Man. Calmer, Mr., C'. G*., I*igh. Field, Mr. W.,Milford Haven, j Griffiths, G., Pilot, Anglesey. 480 THE LIFE-BOAT, [MAY 1, 1876. Griffiths, T., O.G", Mulbay. Hynes, B., C , Gd., Gal way. Lavington, A. Thos, R/N. May.Mr. A.C..H.M.S. Ko*er. Gruer, Wm., C'. G", Lossie- Lazoix, Lieut, of the French May, W. R., C'. G", Bos- mouta. lies, The late Mr. John, Marine at Dieppe. castle. Guy, Mr. Philip, Bideford. Scarborough. Leasfc, Mr. Robert, jun., Ire- Meams, Wm., CoxRwain of Inkster, Mr. Peter, M. M, land, near Stromness. Montrose o. 1 Life- boat. Halse, Mr. R., O. Gd, Ard. Shetland. l Leese, Charles, Gunner, R.A. Mearns, Wm. Jun, Coxswain more. : L« Geyt, Miss A. B, Bath. Mootrose No. 2 Life-boat. Hamilton, Mr. Geo., ?. G«. James, Lieut. Horatio, K.N.* Leggett, Edw, Gunner. Mearns, Mr. R, jun, M. M, Hamilton, H. A, Esq. (3)* James, Lieut. Wm., R.N.* : Leigh, Lt. T., R.N., C'. G4. Montrose. Hamono, Mr. A, M. M. Japp, Robert, Montrose, (3)** Metherell, Lt. R. R, R.N, Hanning, N, C1. G4, 1 lingle. Jarman, Isaac, late Coxswain ; Leslie, Mr. J, M. M, Stone- C'. GO* Hansell, P. S, Broadstairs. ofRamsgateLiie-boat (2) haven, N.B. Mewae, A., Boatoun, Lowes- Hansford, John, Weymouth, Jeffers, Rich, C1. Gd, Dingle. Lett, Lt. S. J, R.N, C". G".» toft. Harrington, Mr. Jas, Brid- Jefferson, P., Newbiggin. (2) Levett, Mr. N, late Coxswain Middleton, John, Boatman, llngton Quay. Jellard, Mr. John, M. M.* ol the St. Ives Life-boat. Deal. Harrington, T, C1. Gd. Jenkins,L, Pilot,Port Talbot. Lewis, K.Seaman, Barmonth. Milburn, John, Shields. Harris, F, Esq., inspecting Jenkins. Mr. W, Fishguard. 1 Lewis, Mr. G, C1. G*., New- Mllbnvn, Wm., Islr of Man. Offlcer, C*. Gd, Sealifld Jennings, Mr. Wm, M. M, i port, Pembroke. Miller, J, ?. Gd., Devonport. Harrison, Jacob, Shields. Harwich. : Lewis, J, Seaman, Harwich. Miller, W, Boatman, Ram»- Hayden, Mr. F, Sandown, Jennings, W, O. G4, Looe. Lewis, Mr. Thos, Dnndalk. pate. Isle of Wight. Jesse, Commander R, R.N. Lewis, W, Seaman. (2) Milligan, Mr. G, Yarmouth. Heal, J., Fisherman, Ather- Jinks, Mr. B, Chief Offlcer of Lewis, W., Aberystwith. Mills, C., C'. O ., CliMfD. 8-ld Coast Guard, Cardigan. . Ley, J., Pilot, Mevagissev. Minter, 0, Boatman, Deal. Heard, liich, Esq., O. Gd.

Heath. Mr. Joshua, Coxswain Joachim, Capl, R.N. (4) Jobson, Lt, C, R.N. (2;*» Liffen, Thomas, Lowestoft.

Likely, Henry, Limerick. Mitchel, J., Pilot, Goernsfy.

Mitchell, C, Port Isaic. ('!) of vhe Fowey Life-boac, John, Mr. W, Breaksea. Lindsay, Lieut. Jas, R.N.* Mittin, Philip, Wexford. Heavy, P, Constable, Knock. Johns, Mr. Richard, Meva- Lingard, Lieut. J., R.N., Moar Mav-Stout H. Burra. Hein, Mr. F. J, Russian, gissey. Whitby* Monger Mr. Thomas, Cox- M. M. Johns, Rich:, Seaman, Fowey. Lithaby, P, C1. G". Boatman. swain of Tenby Life-boat. Henin, P., Boulogne-snr-Mer. Johns, R. 0, Coxswain of tue Llewellyn, Mr. David, C'. G4. Moody, Samuel, Skegness. Hennesssy, J., C'. Gd.

Henry, Lieut., R.N., ?. Gd. Tramore Life-boat. (3) Johns, Mr. W, M. M, Pad- Llewellyn, M, Fishguard.

Llewellyn, Martha, ditto. Moody, Samuel, Coxswain of Skegness Life-boat. (2) Henslow, Lt, R.N, O. Gd. stow. Lloyd, O., O G*.. Lnlwortb. Moore, Gunner Jas, Coast Kenwood, T, O. G*, Fow.ey. Johnson Lieut. W. W. P. Lloyd, Lt. S, R.N, C1. Gd* Brigade. Royal Artillery. Herbert, The Hon. Auberon. R.N.* Lose, Mr. John, C. O.,O. Gd, Moreno, Mr, Master of the Herrington, B, Southwold. Johnson, Wm,, Yarmouth. Swanage. Austrian Barque Eva. (2) Johnston, Mr. B, M. M. Louchet, L. P. A. B, Anthie. Morgan, John, Thurso, N.B. Hick, Mr. M, Scarborough.

Hicks, Barnard, Scilly. Jones, Capt. C. Gray , B, N. (2) Jones, Mr, C . Gd, Wicklow. Longhor, Eves, Monknash.

L' ve, Private Robert, 63rd Morgan, Lt. R, E.N, C". (3d .

Morgan, Mr. T., R.C, Stork. Hicks, Geo, C . Oa., Tyrella. Jones, Mr., C'. Ga., Swords Regiment. Morris, Capt. J. Row, R.N.* Hicks, Samuel, Seaman. District. Lovell, Patrick, Belmollett. Morris, R.. Seaman,Holyhead. Higgs, S., jun, Esq., Pen- Jones, Mr. E., M. M, Port- Lndlow, Mr. 1, Master of the Morris, Mr. W. E, Port zance. (2) madoc. American sbip, ow »ou(fe * Madoc. Higgins, W., Second Cox- Jones, Henry, Penzance. Lusk, Mr. A, Raeberry. N.B. Morrison, Lt., R.N, C*. G". swain of the Penzauoe Life- Jones, J, Pilot, Porthcawl. Lyons, Lieut. Wm, R.N. (2) Morrison, W, Ballywalter. boat. Jones, Owen, Anglesey. Morrison, Mr. Silvester, X Highland, Owen, Anglesey. Jones, Lt. R, R.N, C*. Gd. Macalister, Mr. Root, Wick. Gd, Sennen Cove. Hlldebrand, H, Esq. Clifden. (3)" Macdonald, George, 0. Gd. Mortley, Mr, C1. G'.. Pad- (2) Jones, Mr. T., M. M,, Port Mackell, Mr. Patrick, (?. 0". stow. Hill, Mr. J., Coxswain, New- Talbot. Mackintosh, Mr. Alex, M.M. Moss, J, Bontmao, WaJmer, castle, Dnndrnm, Life-boat. Jones, Mr. T,M, M., Cardiff. MacMahon, Lieut. H, M. M, Mudd, Wm., Harwich. Hill, Mr. W., Mate.

Hillary, Sir A. Wm, Bart.

Hillary, Sir Wm, Bt. (4)««»* Jones, Mr. Thos, Holybead.

Joy, Mr. George, M. M* Juniper, Wm., Mundesley. East Clare Militia.

Macnamara, Lt. T, R.N., O. Gd.* Mulligan, James, Sligo.

Murphy, James, C1. Gd., St.

Ives, Cornwall. Hills, W, late Coxswain of the Padstow Life-boat. (2) Kavanagh, Peter, Coxswain McArdle, Thomas, Dundalk.

McCarthy, J, C». Gd, Dun- Murphy, Mr. Adam, Cox- swain I'yrella Lite-boat. Hipplewhite, Mr. T, M. M, of the Arklow Life-boat. drum. Murray, A, (X G*., Elie. Warkworth. Kearon, Capt. Edw, Arklow. McCarthy, Jas, C1. Gd., Kil- Hodgson, J., Carver, Sunder- Kelly, Lieut. E, R.N. rush. Selson, Mr. W, R.N., O. G*. land. Kelly, J. M, Appledore. McCombie, Mr. Thomas, Newnbam, Lt. N., R.N, C1. Hoed, Mr. F. P., M. M, ship Kendall, W, C«. Gd, Ather- Second Officer of Steamer P Itemom&ne.* fleld. Priwcm Alexandra. Newsom, Mr. W, M M. Hogben, J, late Coxswain of Kennedy, lnspecting-Lt. A., McCulloch, K., C«. Gd, Elie. Harwich. Ramsgate Life-boat. R.N,0.Gd. Ballyheige, (2) (2) Nichol, Mr. J, M.M, Mint- Hogg, Mr. William, C'. Gd. Kennedy, E, C*. G4, Dun- McDonald, Mr. Wm, Irvine. trose. Holborn, S, Broadstairs.

Holland, Lieut. John, R.N. fanaghy.

Kennedy, Mr. H, Belfast. McGenis,G, barque Albany.

McGladery, Lt. J, H.N, Nicholas, Matt, Coxswain of the Srnnen Cove l.iie-ooat. Holman, Lient. T., R.N. Kennedy, Master J, Belfast. C'.GO. Nicholson, M, Knock. Hood, R., Coxswain of the Seaton Carew Life-boat. Kerley, T., ?. Gd, Penzance.

Kerrnish, Mr. John, C1. Gd. McKenzie, J, O.G«., Galway.

McKinnon, Mr. J, M. M, Nicolle, Mr. Philip, Jersey.

Norcock, Capt. G. L, R.Pf. Hood, Mr. W, Seaton Carew.

Hook, R, Coxwain of Lowes- Kidd, D, Fisherman, Dundee.

Klncb, H,. Newcastle. Greenock.

McMillan, J, Kantyre. Norris, Benj, Boatman, Deal. ' Norris, Mr. James, M. M. toft Lifeboat. (2) Hongbton, H, Hartlepool. King, Mr. T, M.M, Harwich.

King, Lt. S, R.N, Soutbend. McNamee, P , C'. Gd, Dun- manns. Norris, Martin, R.N.R. ' Nott, Capt. E. B., (2) Howe, R., y.(ia., Ballygerig. Kisbee, Com. Thos, R.N. McNaughten, Neil, O. Gd. Howell, Mr. J., Port Talbot.

Howorth, Capt. Wm., R.N. Knight, J. T, C'. G4., Sun- derland. McQueen, Alex, Seaman.

Maddick, Mr. H, M. M. O'Neil, Patrick, Scilly.

Orr, Mr. Uobt, Irvme, N.B, Hughes, E., Sen,, Cwmerran. Manby, Capt. G. W.» O'Sullivan, Mr. M, Bere. Hughes, G, Pilot, Guernsey. Lake, Mr. A, Chief Officer of Mann, Lieut., R.N, C1. Gd. O'Sulllvan. D, C". G«, Bally- Hughes, Mr. John, Liverpool. C1. Ga, Wick, N.B. Mariole, J. Baptiste, French castle, Hughes, T, Pilot, Holybead.

Hughes, Mr. W, Fisherman, Lambert, Jobn, Harwich.

Lambeth, Benj, Harwich. Pilot.

Mark, Wm., O. Gd., Dingle. Owen, Capt. Wm, Holyhead.

Owen, Mr. William, M. M.* B'ttenween, N.B.

Humphreys, Mr. D, Liver- Landells, Mr. Thos, Milford.

Lane, Lt, R.N, Dartmouth. Marsh, Capt. D, R.N, C'.

Gd.« Owen, Richard, Anglesey. pool. Lansan, Mr. Michael, First Marshall, Capt. J, Bideford. Palmer, G, Esq., M.P. (2)** Hurry, Mr. Stephen, M. M. Officer of Steamer Princess Marshall, Mr. John, Jun., Parker, Mr. Edwin, O. G4, Huss, Mr, T., HJUS. Haver. Alexandra. Second Coxswain of the Motfaecombe. Hutcbinson, Mr. H, O. G4. Langton, Lieut. T. W, R.N, Seaham Life-boat. Parker, Mr J, Mate, Flam- Hutchison, Lt, Kingstown. C'. Gd. Martin, Mr. Cbas, C1. Gd., borough Head. Hutchison, Lieut. W, R.N.* Large, Mr. J., Master Gun- St. Ives, Cornwall. Parker. Mr. Wm, M.M. Hyde, James, Scilly. | ner, R.A. Mason, J, 0. Gd., Elie. Parrott Mr R C* G4 Hynds, Mr. John, Dimdalk. Larkin, Thomas, Seaman. Matthews, Lt. R. B, R.N.* Tenby. (2) MAT 1, 1876.] LIST OF GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS. 481 Parry, Lieut., R.N .* Rioch, U., C1. G"., ColUcslon. ' Stap, Mr. K., C*. Gd., Dunbar. Usher, Mr. J., Bridlington. Parry, Mr. Henry, Anglesey. Ritchie, Mr., Sanda. Stark, LI. P., R.N., C'-G . ('2)« Parry, Mr. B., M. M., Port- Rivers, 1'., C1. Ud., Lydd. Starke, Mr. J., C'.Ga., Queens- Van Houten, Mr. W., Rotter- tnadoc. Roberts, Mr. John, Clogwyn. towo. ' dam. (2) Parsons, Ueut. Tbos., R.H. Roberts, Mr. R,, Carnarvon. Steane, Lt. J., R.N., Rye* vicary, Lt. W., R.N., Ather- Parsons. Lieut. Rich., H.M. Roberts, 0., Pilot, Anglesey. Stephens, A., Tramore. fleld.' 35tb Regiment. Robertson, Rear-Admiral D. Stephenson, Mr. B., Coxswain Vondy, 1., Isle of Man. (3) Parsons, U.W., R.N.,0. Gd. Robertson, Lieut. R., R.X.* of the Boulmer Lite-boat. Partridge, Cant, W. L., E.N., C«. Gd.

Pascoe, Peter, Port&leven.

Paul, Thos., 0. Gd., Bude.

Pafnter, Oapt. Richard.

Peake, Admiral T. L.* Peake, James, Esq., H.M. Robertson, Lt. J. H. M., R.N.

Robins, Mr. J. Gunn, C1. Ga.

Riblnson, Mr. J., Aberdeen.

Robinson, IJeal., R.!f.

Robinson, T., Wflltbr.

Rockcllffe, W., Southport.

Roderick, E., C«. Gd., Dun- Steel, Mr. C., C'. Gd.« Stewart, W., C'.G''., Ardmore.

Storr, J., Whitby.

Stone, J., C". Gd., Boscastle.

Stragnell, Lt., R.N.

Straban, Mr, H., Pilot.

Strains, Mr. J., O. G«. Waddy, Dr., Chnrchtown.

Wade, Mr., M. M., Padsiow.

Wake, Mr. Baldwin Arden, Mid. H.M.S. forester.

Wales, «., Broadstaire.

W»les, J., ditto, ditto.

Walker, Lieut., R.N, Dockyard, Devonport * Pearce, Rich., Esq., Penzance.

Pearse, Sax., Pilot, Portheawl.

Pearse, T., Pilot Porthcawl.

Peart, Jo&a, Matitrose.

Pedder, Lt. W., R.N., 0. Gd. manus.

Roderick, J.S., Esq.. Ardmore.

Rodgers, J., Royal C'torfer.* Roe,R.,Esq., J. P., Lynmonth.

Rose.W., Boatman, Lowestoft.

Ross, Capt. Sir Thos., R.N.* Streader, Mr»W. T, H.M.

Customs, Suoreham.

Strong, Mr. Fran. F. M.

Stuart, Lt. .J., R.N., C'. Gd.

Stuart, Lt. T., R.N-.C'.G'i. 2) Stubbs, C., Seaman. Walker, Mr. J, Brigg.

Walker, Mr. W. Lewis, Beaa- maris. (3) Wallace, Mr. J., M. M.

Walsh, J., Esq., Lloyd's Peebles, Mr. John, Irvine, Peebles, Mr.T., M.M., Irvine.

Peirson, S. H.,C'.Gd., Bally- gerig.

Pepper.J., CM}4., Lvmington. Ross, R., C'. GO., Curracioe.

Ross, R., O. G"., Dunmore.

Rossiter, T., Wexford.

Rothery, Lieut. J., R.N.

Rowe, W., O. Gd., Dingle. Stnbbs, H., Atheriield.

Staggins, Mr. W., Second Coxswain of TeUnmouth Life-boat.

Sullivan, J., Seaman, New- Walsh, Mr. Martin, M. M.* Ward, J., R. C. Sylvia.

Ward, Rear- Admiral J. R.

Warder, D. T., C'. G-1., Sal- Perkins, Jas., 0. G*., Bade.

Perrott, Sir Edward G. L., Bart., V.P.* Bowe, W., Scllly.

Rowe, W., Seaman, Helston.

Rowlands, Mr. T., M. M., haven.

Sumner, Mr. E., Formby.* Superville, Mr., M. M, Boar- Warn, W., sen., Atherfleld.

Warn, W-.jun., ditto.

Warren Lt C D. R N Petrie, Ellen, Shetland.

MiillipsJ., Newcastle, Iremd. Newport, Pembnifee.

Rowlands, Mr.SV., Coxswain, deaux.

Snrry, W., Penzance. Wasey, Capt. J5. F.N K,, R. N .

ftr] Picard. Mr. P., French M. M.

PiYcher, MT. SWpten, Cox- swain of the Tramore Life- bow.

Pillar, W., Gunner, H.M.S.

Eogk, Holyhead Life-boat. (2) Ruddock, J., Boatman, Filey.

Russell, B., Esq., J.P., Lime- rick.

Rulter, Mr, J., Scarborough.

Rymer, Lt. D., R.N., C'. Gd.« Suthi-rland, D., C'. G11., Kater- line.

Sutler, Mr. J., M. M.

Sutton, Mr. C., Port Talbot, M. M.

Swarbrick, Mr. W., M. M. W/ Waters, Wm., Southwold.

Watt, A., Montrose.

Watts, L'ent. W. S., R.N.* Watts, Mr. Charles, M. M.

Watte, Mr. William, M. M.

Waugh, E. C*. Gd., Wexford. Piooaotb, T., Pilot, Exmontb.

Pitt, E., C'. «d., Athertteld.

Ptaoeroy, H., C'. Gd,, Mcva- gissey. Salmon, C., Fisherman, Gor- leston.

Sanderson, Lieut. J. P., R.N., Symmes, Lt. H. A. S., R.N., Ct. G«.* Synge,TheRev.A.,Balbriggan Weblln, J.,' C«! Gd!, Tramore.

Wedge, W., O. G"., Salcombe.

Weekes, Wm. Wail, Seaman.

Welsh Mr M M M Porter, William, Seaman, Powell, Mr. John, M. M.

Pratt, Lt. Jas., R..N ., ». Ga.

Prattent, Lieut. Jnha, BIN.* Preston, MT.,W.G*., Newton.

Prewel, E., C*. Gd., KUrash.

Pricft, Ttw., Beaumarts.

Pride, C., C*. Gd.,Chrlstchurch.

Prior, Lt. T. H., H.S., 0, Gd. C'. G"., Bridge of Don.

San,ls,Mr.R.,.M.M., Bahamas.

Sarony, Mr. 0., Scarborough.

Sauvage, Mr,, French Fish- ing-boat Zsabette.

Sawtell, Mr. Edwin, 0. Ga.

Scarlett, K., Harwich.

Scott, Mr. G. S., SeeOunm.

Scott, Mr. J , M. M. Tait, Grace, Shetland.

Talbot, C. R. M., Esq., M.P.

Taylor, J., C1. Gd., Dundrum Bay.

Taylor, Mr. W.,C. O.,O.Gd., Dunny Cove. (3) Tegg, Mr.T., M.M., Cornwall.

Tevrett, T., Constable, Knock.

Thomas,J.,C .Gd.. Atherfleld. Westbrook Ueut.., R.N.

Wharrier, Mr. William, En- gineer of Ramsgate Har- bour Steam-tugs.

Wheeler, C., Atherfleld.

Wheeler, J., ditto. (2) Wheeler, R., ditto.

Wheeler, W., Pilot, Grave- Prosser, Mr. H., C'. G«.

Purdy, H., C'. «d., Tyrella.

Puxley, H., Esq., Dunboy.

Pyffi, LtK. £, K. N., Waitby.» Selly, W. H., C«. G«., Pen- zaiice, (2) Sergeant, Lt. J.,R.N.,Ct.G'i.

Sewell, U.H.F., R.N., C'.6 i.* Sewell, Master John, Belfast. Thomas, J., C*. Gd., Rocken, Isle or Wight.

Thomas, R. J., Coxswain of New Brighton Life-boat.

Thompson, D., Tnurso, N.B. White, Jas., Coxswain of the Fishguari Life-boat. (2) White, Joseph, Portland.

White, J. Kearney, Esq., rt /Jd /tn «B*ainR Mr.B. E., C'.Gd.(2)* Quayle, Capt. E, Isle of Man.

W ftnigley, MT. W. T., ?.« •.


Qavite, G., Esq., Douglas.

Raft Wai,, WhiOmrn.

Randall, Lt. H., R.N., 0. Gd., 2p* Handle, Mr. J., Bristol.

Rawstone, Lt, R.N, C'. Gd.

Ray, J., Boatman, Tenby.

Raye, Lieut H. K, R. M.

Read, Lieut. J., B.N., O. Gd.

Reade, W. M., Kaq., Tramore.

Re&tiag, Mr. Paniel, Master of Kamsgate Har. stm. tugs. Shankey, R., O. Gd., Dundallt.

W Shannon, P., C'. G ., Kilrush.

Sharrock, J. P., C'. G3., Bos- castle.

Shaw, Lt. C., R.Sf ., C". Gd.

Shea, D., Coxswain of the Padstow Life-boat. (3) Shea, D., O. G4., Portbcawl.

Sbieldon, Robt, Redcar.

Simpson, Mr. James, late Mate of Ramsgate Harbour Stearatugs.

Sims, J., C1. Gd., Dungeness.

Sims, Lt. And., R.N. (2) Sinclair. Mr. B., Thnrso, N.B.

Sinnott, R., O. Gd., Mallagh- more. Thompson, Mr. G., Annalong.

Thompson, Mr. R. Klrkpat- rtcfcC. 0., C'.G1. (3)» Thompson, W., Apprentice, Smack Riti y of Hull.

Thorp, Mr. T., Newcastle. • Tindall, Mr. Smith, M. M., Scarborough.

Tindall, The late W., Esq., Scarborough.

Toole, Capt. W., Curracioe.

Toomey, J., Kingstown.

Town, J., C'. G«., Folkestone.

(2) Town, J., C'. Gd., Castle- gregory.

Tredwcn, Mr. R., Padstow.

Tregldgo, Mr. W. H., ?. Gd., (j , Vf0. {&) Whitley, Mr. Elias, St Mar- tin's, Jersey.

Wilkie, Mr. C., M. M., Her- mitage-street.

Wlllcox, J., C1. Gd, Lydd.

Williams, Mr.D., Aberdovey.

Williams, Mr. J., Swansea, Williams, Owen, Cemlyn.

Williams, Rev. Owen Lloyd.

Williams, Rev. J.,Anglesey.» Williamsjtf r.J., Bldetbrd. 1) Williams, Mr.J.M., Padstow.

Williamson, Mr. R., M.M. (2) Williamson, Robert, Thurso.

Williamson, W., Pilot, Wick.


Wilson, Mr. J., M. M., Liver- Bedford, }., CoUereoats.

Rees, Mr. A., Port Talbot. Smallridge, Mr. J. H., Cox- swain Brauntot) Life-boat. Newqu&y. (3) Trent, J., Fisherman, Ather- Wilson, Ralph, Holy Island.

Wilson T EsQ M P * Rees, Mt. '1'. M, St David's.

Rees, Mr. W., Fishguard.

Reeve, Mr. J., Swaasea.

Regan, D., C* «d., Kiimore.

Renowdeo, J., 0. Gd., Dingle, fitehsnte, Mr. E., M. M. Smith,F.,Boatman,Lowestoft.

Smith, J., ShWos.

Smith, Mr. J., Thurso.

Smith, Mr. Owen, Bideford.

Smith, Peter, C1. Gd., Lydd.

Smith, T., C'. «d., Billina. fleld.

TresHian, Mr. R.

Tripboofc, Mr. R., R. C.

Hamilton, Dum worldly.

Trott, T., Boatman, Deal.

Tnckfield, Mr. T., Bzdeford. Wilson.T., Pilot,HoiyisIand.


Wishart, J., Wick, N.B.

Wood, Mr. T. L., C«. Gd. (2) Woodham, Lt.. R.N., Banff. Richards, Mr. T., M. M.

Richards, James, Penzance.

Richards, Henry, Penzance.

Richardson, Mr. A., M. M.

Richardson, W., Esq., Cole- wdne. Smith, Mr. W., Aldborough.

Smyth, H., O. Ga., Kilmore, Snell, Lt. G., B.N., C1. Gd.* Somerville, L J. N..*? .

(2)* Soutacy, Lt., R.N., C'. G". Tudor, Capt. J..R.N., Wlck.(2-| Tully, W., Newcastle, [bar.

Tnrnbull,R.Jlsherman,Dun- Tnrner, Lt. C., R.N.

Turpm, Mr. J., ?. Gd., Sal- combe. (rordley, S., Harwich.

Wright, John, Seaman.

Wright, Mr. J., M. M.

Wyatt, G ., Seaman, Harwich.

Wyl*?, Lt. S., R.. ., C«. G*.

Wyrill, H., Boat", Scarboro'. Kiiige, CS»pt. G. A. E, R.N. Spark, Mr. A., M. M. Tott, E., ?. Gd., Dunmanus. RMgs, Me. J., Mate of R.C. Spragga, J., Seaman, Hay ting. Tttva«he, Mr. M. M. French. Young, A.,Ct.G*.,Shorenam. Kite. Stables, R., Holyhead. Young, A. H., 0. Gd., Blatch- Ridge, Mr. J., 0. G*., Cadg- Stannard,Mr.F., M.M., South- Urell, Mr. Joseph, C. 0., C1. ington. witb. 1 wold. Gd, Hope Cove. Young, Lt. T., R.N., 0. G i..