Slasher, of Liverpool, Ship Bolton Abbey & Schooner Vanguard
On the 10th Jan. the steam-tug Slasher, of Liver- pool, while on her way to that port with the ship Bolton Abbey in tow, fell in, about daybreak, with the schooner Van- guard, of Carnarvon, which had been in collision with a foreign barque, and was in a disabled state. She accordingly took her in tow also, and it was decided to make for Falmouth; but the weather being thick the master of the steamer was anxious for a pilot, and he therefore hoisted signals, which brought out the Lizard Life-boat to his assistance. Finding that only a pilot was needed, one of the crew of the Life-boat was placed on board the steamer, and the boat returned to its station. The three vessels, piloted by the Life-boat man, were afterwards taken into Falmouth Harbour in safety.