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On the 19th March, the Ramsgate Steamer and Life-boat, and the Broadstairs Life-boat Samuel Morrison Collins, saved the crew of 8 men from the brig Defender, of Sunderland, which was wrecked on the N.W. spit of the Goodwin Sands during a fresh gale from the N.E., and in a very heavy sea. The Broadstairs Life-boat was the first to arrive at the scene of the wreck, but in running towards the vessel she was struck on the broadside by a tremendous sea, which in a second threw her on her beam-ends to the momentary consternation of her crew. She, however, behaved nobly, and elicited from the brave fellows their hearty approval.

She was full of water, but that was soon discharged. By this time she had been driven to leeward of the wreck, and the anchor had to be dropped, prior to a fresh attempt being made to go along- side. Meantime the Ramsgate Life-boat had been towed to windward, both tug and boat shipping much water, and the paddle-box of the steamer being damaged by the heavy seas. That Life- boat was then slipped, sail was made, and when she neared the vessel the anchor was let go, and she veered down abreast of her, when a line being thrown on board, she was hauled alongside between the heavy seas that were breaking over the wreck. In doing this much risk was in- curred ; the boat, indeed, having her stern damaged through being dashed against the side of the brig. With much difficulty the master and 7 of the crew were saved by the Ramsgate Life-boat; there was 1 man left, and he got into the ship's boat, and slipped down to the Broadstairs Life- boat and was saved.