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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 2nd Jan., 1873: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Head and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and "Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of Capt. J. R. WARD, R.N., the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to the Life-boat Stations at Brixham, Plymouth, Salcombe, Teignmouth, Exmouth, and Sidmouth.

Also the Report of Capt. D. ROBERTSON, R. N., the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats to the Institu- tion, on his recent visits to Queenstown, Roche's Point, Courtmacsherry, Ballycotton, Youghal, Ardmore, Dungarvan, Waterford, Duncannon, Tramore, Dunmore, Carnsore, Wexford, and Dublin.

[The Special Contributions and Legacies re- ceived by the Institution during the month of December, are given in the Annual Report, published on the 1st May, 1873.] Produced an Extract from the Will of the late Miss J. S. RICHARDSON, of Philpot Street, Com- mercial Road, E., in which she bequeathed a legacy of 25J. to the Society.

Decided to station a new Life-boat at Ply- mouth, in place of the boat at present at that Port, which had been seriously injured on a recent occasion while engaged in saving the crews of two distressed vessels.

Also that the Life-boat Clemency, presented to the Institution by J. G. HUBBARD, Esq., and the Hon.

Mrs. HUBBARD, in memory of their late son, Mr. FRANCIS EDWARD HUBBARD, formerly a Midship- man in the Royal Navy, be appropriated to this Station.

Decided also, on the application of the Local Committee, and on the recommendation of the Inspector of Life-boats, to replace the present Newquay (Cornwall) Life-boat by a larger and more powerful boat.

Voted the Thanks of the Institution to the following Gentlemen, in acknowledgment of their past valuable co-operation as the Honorary Secretaries, respectively, of the undermentioned Branches of the Society:—Rev. J. HODGES, Bally- cotton ; Capt. H. H. O'BRIEN, Queenstown; Rev. J. RICHARDS, Bull Bay; and Capt. J. ELYARD, Broadstairs.

The Committee expressed deep regret at the death of THOMAS CRESSWELL, Esq., of Hud- dersfield, who had rendered important service to the Institution, in collecting the cost of the " Huddersfield" Life-boat, stationed at Has- borough, Norfolk.

Head letter from R. B. FORBES, Esq., Chairman of the Humane Society of Massachusetts, U. S., forwarding a pamphlet he had written " On Life- boats, Projectiles, and other means for Saving Life."— To be thanked.

Read and approved of the Annual Financial Statement of the Institution to the 31st Dec., 1872, and ordered that the same, and the account- books, be sent to the Auditor.

Ordered, that some copies of Admiral RYDER'S pamphlet, " On Cork Life-belts and Mattresses," be purchased and distributed.

Paidl,110Z. 14s. Id. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 3911. 13s. lOd. to pay the expenses of various Life-boats of the Institution, in going off during heavy gales of wind, and saving the crews, consisting of 111 persons, of the following wrecked vessels:— Barque Eleanor, vessel and . . 6 men saved.

Schooner Excel, of Milford . . 5 „ Brigantine Eliza, of Blyth . . 4 „ Brig Fearful, of Sunderland . . 8 „ Ship Slralsund, of Stralsund . . 15 „ Barque Jane, of Rochester. . 2 „ Brigantine Hector, of Sunderland . 4 „ Brig Hero, of Scarborough . . 6 ,, Barque Euphemia, of Maryport . 2 „ Brig Commander Sotting, of Grimstadt' 9 „ Schooner Swift, of Wexford . . 5 „ Brig Henriette, of Memel ... 9 „ Dandy Caroline Phillips, of Port Isaac 3 „ Screw steamer Sorrento, of Shields . 22 „ Barque Emmeline, of Bordeaux .11 „ In addition, the Ramsgate Life-boat had saved 2 men from the barque Jenny Lind, of Aland, and the Great Yarmouth, Caister, Exmouth, and Rye Life-boats had saved the following vessels and their crews:—, Schooner Isabella Grainger, of Whitby .... Vessel and G men saved.

Brig Rtisco Castle, of London „ 7 „ Brig Pallion, of Sunderland „ 8 „ Brig Lady Douglas, of London „ 6 „ Schooner Flora, of Exeter. „ 6 ,, Brig Orient, of Stenton, remained alongside.

[The particulars of these various Life-boat ser- vices will be found detailed in the last Annual Report of the Institution.] Voted 3551. 12s. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats stationed at Yarmouth, Ballycotton, Ballywalter, Porthleven, Margate, Theddlethorpe, Montrose, Dungeness, Selsey, Rye, Winchelsea, Thorpeness, Chapman's Pool, Swansea, Lowestoft, Holyhead, Mullion, Mundesley, Padstow, Kings- downe, Wexford, Broadstairs, Walmer, Haux- ley, Holy Island, Penarth, Groomsport, Peterhead and Fowey, in either assembling the crews, or putting off in reply to signals of distress from various vessels, which did not ultimately require the services of the Life-boats.

The Ramsgate and Tenby Life-boats had also been taken out with the view of rendering assist- ance to distressed vessels, but their services were not ultimately required.

Voted the Silver Medal to Mr. ROBERT LEASK, jun., and the Thanks of the Institution to his young son, for putting off in a boat, in squally weather, on the 28th Nov., 1872, and saving two out of three persons, whose boat had been cap- sized off Stromness, N.B. One of the persons thus rescued unfortunately died soon after reach- ing the shore, from the effects of the exposure in the water.

Also 51. to five men for putting off in a boat, and rescuing, on the third attempt, 4 persons from the fishing-smack Volant, of Plymouth, which became a total wreck at Queen Anne's Point, off Plymouth, during a S.S.W. gale, on the 7th Nov.

Also 21. to some men who proceeded by land to the vicinity of the wreck, in the hopes of succour- ing the crew.

Also 51. to ten men for putting off in the Deal galley Arrow, and saving 3 men from the barque Jenny Lind, of Finland, which was wrecked on the Goodwin Sands, during a gale from E.S.E., on the 14th Dec.

Also 51. to five men for putting off in two boats, and rescuing 3 men from a boat which was swamped off Garth Ferry, Anglesey, on the 6th Nov.

Also 51. to six men for going off in a fishing- boat, and saving 11 persons from the barque • Gyrene, of Sunderland, which was wrecked at Rattray Head, on the Scotch coast, on the 21st Nov.

THURSDAY, 6th Feb.: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to the Brighstone, Brooke, Lyme Regis, Plymouth, Looe, Polkerris, Meva- gissey, Portloe, Falmouth, and Porthoustock Life- boat Stations.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Dublin, Cour- town, Cahore, Wexford, Arklow, Greystones, Wicklow, Greencastle, Portrush, Ballywalter, Groomsport, Belfast, Newcastle, Tyrella, Dun- dalk, Giles' Quay, and Drogheda.

[The special Contributions and Legacies re- ceived by the Institution during the mouth of January, are given in the Annual Report, pub- lished on the 1st May, 1873.] Produced an extract from the Will of the late Miss ELIZABETH HOUSTOON DOUGLAS, of Eaton Place, in which she bequeathed a legacy of 2501., free of duty, to the Institution.

Decided, on the recommendation of the Assist- ant-Inspector of Life-boats, to replace the Arklow Life-boat by a new one; and that the Life-boat be named the Out Pensioner, in recog- nition of the liberality of the Out Pensioners of the United Kingdom, who had presented to the Institution the sum of 480/. to defray the cost of a Life-boat.

Also that the Thanks of the Institution be pre- sented to Major J. A. BBOCKMAN, of Manchester, through whose indefatigable exertions this amount had been raised.

Also decided, at the urgent request of the crew, to place a new Life-boat at Thorpe, Suffolk, in lieu of the boat then on that station.

Voted the Thanks of the Institution to the Rev.

THOMAS RENWICK, F. J. BLAKE, Esq., and JOHN MCDONALD, Esq., in acknowledgment of their past valuable co-operation as the Honorary Secre- taries of the Brighstone Grange, Norfolk, and Buckie Branches of the Society.

Read letter from Mr. HUGH JONES, of Newing- ton, of the 8th Jan., calling attention to his plan of life-belt.— To be acknowledged.

 Also, from THOMAS LLOYD, Esq., of Leghorn, of the 6th Dec. and 7th Jan., stating that a Committee had been formed with the view of organising a Life-boat Society at that place, and asking for some information relating to the work of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION of Eng- land for their guidance.—Decided that this request be cordially complied with.

Decided that various works be carried out at the Ballycotton, Salcombe, and Exmouth Life- boat Stations, at an expense of 661. 17s. 4 1 Reported that SAMUEL LOVELOCK, Esq., the Auditor, had examined the accounts of the Insti- tution for the past year, and had found the same correct. He also expressed his great satisfaction at the manner in which the accounts of the In- stitution are kept.

Paid 2,320Z. 11«. 3d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

The Silver Medal of the Institution was voted to NICHOLAS B. DOWNING, Esq., banker, and Capt. HOWORTH, B.N., Inspecting Commander of Coast-guard, at Penzance, the Second Service Clasp and 51. to Mr. WILLIAM BLACKMORE, Chief Officer of Coast-guard, and double the ordinary reward to the crew of the Penzance Life-boat, 661. 5s. in all, in acknowledgment of their gallant and determined conduct on the occasion of the following services rendered by that boat in saving twelve lives from different wrecks. The thanks of the Institution were also voted to Mr. DOWN- ING, jun., and to Messrs. MARRACK and BETTY ANY, clerks in Mr. DOWNING'S bank, for their cordial and untiring exertions on the same occasions.

The first of these services of the Penzance Life- boat was during a heavy gale of wind from the south, and a high sea in Mount's Bay, on the 26th Jan., when the brig Otto, of Moss, Norway, was driven ashore at Eastern Green, in Penzance Bay. The alarm having been given, prepara- tions were immediately made to launch the Life- boat stationed at Penzance. The launch having* been successfully accomplished, nobly and per- severingly did the Life-boat contend with the heavy seas that roll into Mount's Bay during southerly gales, and ultimately she succeeded in reaching the wreck, and in saving the whole crew of foreigners, numbering 8 men.

The second service was on the 2nd February, and, like the other, it was of a very gallant character. When the seas were running very high, a French vessel, La Marie Emilie, of 1,"Orient, was seen to go ashore, with the seas rolling over her. At once the Life-boat proceeded to the wreck, but she was twice driven back by, the heavy rollers. The dangerous position of the boat was now really fearful, having had seven of her oars broken. Still her crew persevered, not- withstanding that the boat was actually hurled by the rollers twice on the wreck itself. On the third attempt, the Life-boat succeeded, amidst the greatest danger, in saving the whole of the ship- wrecked Frenchmen, 4 in number.

The Silver Medal was also voted to Mr. CHAS. MARTIN, Chief Officer of H.M. Coast-guard at St. Ives, and to Mr. JAMES MURPHY, of the same place, together with the sum of 551. 15*. to the crew of the Life-boat on that station, for their brave and persevering services on the morning of the 2nd February, when the schooners Rambler and Mary Ann, and the brig Francis, which vessels had brought up in St. Ives Bay the pre- vious night, drove ashore near the harbour. A strong gale from the E.N.E. was blowing at the time, accompanied by a heavy sea. After great trouble, on account of its being dead low water, the Life-boat was launched, and proceeded to the wrecks. The first time the boat was driven ashore at Forthminster Beach. At once another volunteer crew was mustered, and the boat was again launched, and this time she was successful in saving the crew of 5 men of the schooner Mary Ann, together with another man who had been washed from the other schooner. 2 of the crew of the Rambler had been washed overboard and drowned before the boat could reach them.

The Life-boat, however, succeeded on a third trip in rescuing the remaining man, and having returned to the shore with that man, a fourth crew was organised, who made a gallant but unsuccessful attempt in the Life-boat to rescue the brig's crew. The men in her being quite exhausted, a fifth crew was obtained, there being fortunately a sufficient number of men at hand, and the Life-boat, though with great difficulty, being once more launched, was then enabled to save the 6 men on board the brig, making alto- gether 13 lives she saved in these most gallant services. When the Life-boat failed in the first instance, a message was despatched to Hayle, the adjoining station, for that Life-boat, and in three quarters of an hour from the receipt of the message, the boat was got to St. Ives, by which time, however, she was not needed, the other Life-boat there having rendered the required service.

The thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, were also voted to Capt. T. B. HARRY and T. B. WILLIAMS, jun., Esq., the treasurer and hon. secretary of the St. Ives Branch of the Society, in acknowledgment of their valuable co-operation on the above-named occasions.

Voted a model of the Life-boat of the Insti- tution to Capt. DAVID ROBERTSON, R.N., its Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, in acknowledg- ment of his general services in the Life-boats of the Society, and particularly for his gallant exertions in the Dundalk and Drogheda Life- boats on the following occasions:— The schooner Isabella, of Portmadoc, was run- ning for Dundalk Bar, while it was blowing hard from the S.E., with a considerable sea, on the 29th January. It being half ebb at the time, there was not water enough for the vessel, which struck and remained fast; and the crew, with the exception of the master, left in their own boat, and got safely ashore. Captain ROBERTSON, who happened to be at Dundalk on his tour of inspection, thought it advisable, as the weather was getting worse, to launch the Life-boat. Ac- cordingly he collected the crew, and went off in the boat, it being now quite dark. After pulling some hours against the heavy sea without find- ing the vessel, they returned to the shore near midnight, all on board being thoroughly drenched, and very cold. The next morning it was found that the captain of the schooner, who was the only person left on board, had got the vessel safely into the river, notwithstanding that her rudder and stern-post were damaged. Expense of this service, 15/. 10s. Again, while at Bal- briggan, on the 2nd February, Captain ROBERTSON observed a vessel in the offing in distress, and as he could see that she must go on shore about Bettystown or Laytown, he at once proceeded to the Society's Life-boat Station at the south of the Boyne, near Drogheda, and having launched the Life-boat, the crew of 5 men were saved from the schooner Wilson qf Whitehoven. Expense of service, ISl. 14s. 6d.

The Second Service Clasp of the Institution and 10?. were also voted to Mr. WILLIAM ROCK- LIFFE, late Coxswain of the Southport Life-boat, in acknowledgment of his long and gallant ser- vices in saving life in the Life-boat.


Voted also 141. 16s. to pay the expenses of the Arbroath Life-boat in patting off during a strong gale from the S.W., and in a heavy sea, on the 18th January, and rescuing the. crew of 4 men of the schooner James, of that port, which had gone on the rocks about half a mile eastward of Arbroath Lighthouse.

Also 101. to pay the expenses of the Southwold No. 2 Life-boat iu going off and saving th« mas- ter and crew of 7 men of the brig Belle Ide, of Shoreham, which vessel had stranded on the Sizewell Bank, on the 19th January, and had afterwards driven off and gone down in deep water. The men had taken to their boat, and were in much danger, a heavy sea running at the time. They were distant about half a mile from the Life-boat Station when the Life-boat reached them.

Also 12Z. 4s. to pay the expenses of the Holy- head Life-boat in going out, during a whole gale from the S., on the 25th January, and rescuing the crew of 3 men from the schooner Catherine, of Amlwch, which had gone ashore on the break- water at that place.

Also 8?. 4s. to pay the expenses of the Hornsea Life-boat in putting off through a heavy sea, and saving 15 men from the barque Milton Lachhart, of North Shields, which had gone ashore, about two miles north of Hornsea, on the 25th January.

Also 9/. 15s. to pay the expenses of the Bud- don Ness Life-boat in going out during a heavy gale from the S.E., on the 26th January, and rescuing 3 men from the schooner No. 4 of Arundel, which was totally wrecked on the Abertay Sands.

Also 251. 10s. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the two Drogheda Lite-boats in putting off while it was blowing heavily from the S.S.E., and rescuing 4 men from the schooner James, of Carnarvon, which went ashore on the North Bull, on the 28th January, Also 14J. to pay the expenses of the Yarmouth surf Life-boat in putting off during a gale from the E.S.E., and rescuing 9 men from the Russian schooner Maria Nathalin, which had stranded off Yarmouth on the 2nd February.

Also 9/. 4s. to pay the expenses of the Seaton Carew Life-boat in going out while it was blow- ing a gale from the E., on the 3rd February, and saving 7 men from the Norwegian schooner Second of May, which was wrecked off Seaton Carew.

Reported the services of the Ramsgate Life- boat in putting off during blowing weather, and bringing safely into harbour the barque Ystroom, of Amsterdam, and her crew of 14 men, which vessel had gone on the Goodwin Sands on the 27th January.

Also the services of the Caister No. 1 Life- boat in putting off during a fresh breeze from the S.W., on the 6th January, and bringing ashore 5 of the crew of the S.S. Druid, of Sun- derland, who had been scalded by the bursting of that vessel's boiler, and one of whom unfortu- nately died before being landed.

Also the services of the Milfbrd Life-boat in going off while it was blowing from the S.S. W., with a heavy sea, on the 25th January, and saving the distressed brig Ercole, of Naples, and her crew of 11 men.

Also the services of the Fowey Life-boat, in putting off, during a heavy gale from S.E., on the 1st February, and bringing safely into harbour the distressed schooner Hawk, of Chepstow, and her crew of 4 men.

Also the services of the Walmer Life-boat, in going out while it was blowing a gale from S. to S.S.E., on the 2nd February, and assisting the Norwegian barque Sarpiberg, off the Goodwin Sands, and into harbour.

Voted 26M. 4s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats stationed at Rhosneigir, Kessingland, Gorleston, Lyme Regis, Holyhead, Theddlethorpe.

Exmouth, Poolbeg, Brighstone Grange, Thorpe- ness, Porthcawl, Cahore, Looe, Aldborough, Mullion, Douglas, Duncannon, Kingstown, Broughty Ferry, Teignmouth, Broadstairs, Wey- mouth, Abersoch, Kingsdowne, Caister, Meva- gissey, and Drogheda, in either assembling the crews or putting off in reply to signals of distress from various vessels, which fortunately did not ultimately require the services of the Life-boats.

The Anstruther, Clovelly, Caister No. 2, and Yonghal Life-boats, had also been got out in readi- ness to go off to -different distressed vessels, but their services were not ultimately called into requisition.

Voted 19/. to H. HALT, one of the crew of the Lowestoft No. 1 Life-boat, who had one of his legs broken on the occasion of that boat saying the crew of 10 men from the brig Expedite, of Drobak, on the 13th Nov., 1872. A considerable amount had also been raised for HALL in Lowes- toft and its neighbourhood.

Voted also the Silver Medal of the Institution and 51. to Mr. RICHARD JOHNS, Hate of the brigantine John fearce, of Fowey, in acknow- ledgment of his gallant conduct in the ship's boat, in saving 13 persons" from the cutter Mystery, of Weston-super-Mare, which, during a heavy W.S.W.:gale, stranded at the entrance to Cardiff Harbour on the 8th Dec.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. JAMES T. HART, Chief Officer of H.M. Coast-guard at Newgate, Kent, and 61. to six Coast-guard men who had put off with him in their boat and saved the crew of 5 men from the wrecked schooner Union, of Plymouth, which had gone on the Longnose Rocks, near Margate, on the 20th Dec.

Also 21. to four Coast-guard men stationed at Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire, for putting off in a boat and rescuing the crew of 3 men from the wrecked brigantine Octavia, of Lynn, which had gone ashore on the Theddlethorpe Middle Sand during a S.W. wind, and in a heavy sea, on the 2nd Jan.

Also 31. to eleven men for going off in boats, and saving 3 men from a boat belonging to the brig Maria, of Whitehaven, which had been capsized off Tenby whilst returning from the shore to that vessel during a strong W.N.W. breeze on the 21st Jan.

Also 21. to the crew of four men of the No. 5 pilot cutter, of Poole, for saving 7 men from the brig Supply, of South Shields, who had taken to their boat on the brig striking on the Hook -Sand off Poole, while it was blowing strongly from the E.S.E., on the 14th Dec.

Also 11. to three men for saving, in a galley punt, a man who had fallen overboard from the barque Dauntless, of Liverpool, when near the Gull Light- ship on the 2lst Jan.

Also 11. to two men for putting off in a boat and rescuing a man whose boat had been upset by a sudden squall off Nesting, N.B., on the 5th Dec.

THURSDAY, 6th March. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats, AUGUST 1,1873.] THE LIFE-BOAT.

543 on his recent visits to Mullion, Cadgwith, Lizard, Porthleven, Penzance, Sennen, St. Ives, and Dun- wich.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Drogheda, Bal- briggan, Skerries, Dublin, Howth, Rogerstown Poolbeg, and Kingstown.

[The Special Contributions and Legacies re- ceived during"the month of February are given in the Annual .Report, published on the 1st May last.] Reported that the late JOHN FERNI.EY, Esq., of Southport, had bequeathed a legacy of 5002. to the Institution to defray the cost of a Life-boat, to be named the Elizabeth Fernley.

Decided, on the application of the local resi- dents, and on the recommendation of the In- spector of Life-boats, to form a Life-boat Station at Dunwich, on the coast of Suffolk, where wrecks occasionally take place.

Also to name the Life-boat the John Keble, after the well-known author of " The Christian Tear," the Institution having received the munifi- cent donation of 5002. from the Rev. T. KEBCE, of Bisley Vicarage, Stroud, that amount having been set apart by some members of his family, now deceased, to defray the cost of a Life-boat.

Decided also, on the recommendation of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, to form a Life- boat Establishment at Kogerstown, Co. Dublin.

Although wrecks were not very frequent in the locality, it was thought that a Life-boat would occasionally be of service there.

The expense of this new Life-boat Station has been presented to the Institution by THOMAS PEAKE, Esq., of Newcastle-under-Lyne, and at his request the boat has been named The Tileries, Tunetall (Good be to Erin and to all).

Decided that various works be carried out at the Plymouth, Boulmer, and Arklow Life-boat Stations, at an expense of 3122. 10».

Reported the transmission to their station of the Newquay (Cornwall) new Life-boat and carriage. The Bristol and Exeter and South Devon and Cornwall Railway Companies had kindly allowed the new and old Life-boats and carriages' to be conveyed, free of charge, over their lines between Bristol and Grampound Road.

— To be thanked.

Decided that the deep sympathy of the Com- mittee be conveyed to the families of the late Admiral ROBEKT CRAIGIE, of Dawlish, ST.

GEORGE SMITH, Esq., of Drogheda, the Rev.

.E. D. KNIGHT, of Bridgend, and Capt. H. H.

O'BKYEN, of Queenstown, on the occasion of the lamented decease of those gentlemen, who had rendered important service in their several dis- tricts on behalf of the Life-boat cause.

Reported that various papers relating to the work of the Institution, had been supplied to JOHN P. TATE, Esq., of Fenchurch Street, for the guidance of a Life-boat Society, which was being formed in Italy.—Approved.

Read letter from the Secretary of the Russian Life-boat Association, expressing the thanks of his Committee for the assistance rendered by the Institution to their Inspector, Capt. NEBOLSIN, when he visited England for the purpose of making himself acquainted with the work of the NATIONAL LTFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to the Rev.

CHARLES PARSONS, M.A., in acknowledgment of his past valuable co-operation as the Honorary Secretary of the Penarth Branch of the Society.

Also to Mr. EDWARD MAXWELL, of Her Ma- jesty's Customs, Greenock, for his kind services in raising annually a large sum in aid of the funds of the Institution.

Approved of a draft of the Annual Report to be submitted to the forthcoming Annual Meeting of the Society.

Read letters from Monsieur 'H. DCPOUY, of Bordeaux, Mr. H. T. RICHARDSON, of Bala, and Mr. J. R. TARDIF, of Guernsey, calling attention to their respective plans for saving life from Ship- wreck.— To be acknowledged.

Paid 2,3342. 19s. 2rf. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution to Mr. JAMES BOCKETT, the Coxswain, and 402. Is.

to the crew of the Brighstone Grange Life-boat, in acknowledgment of their gallant services in putting off three times during a heavy gale from the S.E. on the 3rd Feb., and saving 20 men from the steamer Woodham, of Christiana, which was wrecked at Chilton Chine, Isle of Wight.

Also 151. 13s. to pay the expenses of the Cahore Life-boat, in going off in reply to signals of dis- tress shown by the distressed barque Edwin Bassett, of Sunderland, during a strong wind and in a heavy sea on the 4th Feb., and bringing 2 of the crew safely to land; also a despatch from the Blackwater Light Ship for the Trinity Board.

Also 152. 10«. Gd. to pay the expenses of the Abersoch Life-boat, in putting off while it was blowing a S.W. gale on the 25th Feb., and saving the crew of 3 mien from the sunken sloop Pros- perity, of Portmadoc. That vessel had gone down about one o'clock in the morning, and the crew took to the rigging, but their perilous position was not known until four hours afterwards, when their cries for help were heard. The Life-boat men at once rushed from their beds to the Life- boat, and were fortunately enabled to save the shipwrecked crew. It was very cold at the time, and the heavy seas filled the boat three times.

Reported that the Lizard and Cadgwith Life- boats had rendered important services to the barque Fomalhault, of Griefswald, Prussia, which was in a very dangerous position near the cliff at Pentraeth, Cornwall, on the 4th March. The vessel and the crew of 11 men were ultimately taken in safety to Penzance Roads, with the as- sistance of the Life-boats. An expense of 182. 9s.

was incurred by the Institution in those ser- vices.

Also that the Scarborough Life-boat had pro- ceeded to the assistance of a fishing-coble, which was in much danger of being swamped by the broken seas at the entrance to the harbour on the 8th Feb. Having taken off the fishermen, the Life-boat took their boat in tow and brought it, and the 6 men on board, safely to shore.

Voted 1392. 14s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats stationed at Blakeney, Fowey, Hayle, Aberystwith, Newquay (Cardigan), Greystones, Caister, Palling, North Deal, Broughty Ferry, Mullion, Appledore, and Holyhead, in either as- sembling the crews, or putting off in reply to signals of distress from various vessels, which did not ultimately require the aid of the Life- boats.

The crew of the Penarth Life-boat had also assembled on two occasions with the view of going off to distressed vessels, but their services were not required.

Voted 51. to some men belonging to Porthdin- llaen, North Wales, for going along the rocks, and assisting to save the crew of 5 men of the schooner Mincarto, of Truro, which had gone ashore off that place, during a very heavy gale from the E.S.E., on the 2nd Feb.

FKIDAY, 21st March.—The "Annual General Meeting of the friends and supporters of the 544 THE LIFE-BOAT.

[AUGUST 1, 1873.

ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION too k place this day at the Egyptian Hall, in the Mansion House, with the kind permission of the Right Hon. Sir SYDNEY H. WATERLOW, Lord Mayor of London, who occupied the chair on the occasion.

The CHAIRMAN having opened the Meeting with some suitable observations on the great nnd national character of the operations of the Institution, its officers for the current year were chosen.

The Secretary then read the Annual Report.

The Meeting was then addressed by the Right Hon. the EARL OF COURTOWN; Sir HABCOUKT JOHNSTONS, Bart., M.P.; ARTHUR PENDAHVES VIVIAN, Esq., M.P.; NICHOLAS B. DOWNING, Esq.; T. B. SMITHIES, Esq.; Rear-Admiral RICHARDS, C.B., Hydrographer of the Admiralty; Baron GUPIN, Vice-President of the French Shipwreck Society; THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P.; Sir EDWARD G. L. PERROTT, Bart., V.f.; SAMUEL PLIMSOLL, Esq., M.P.; and the Rev. CHARLES E.


Various Resolutions were moved, seconded, and carried unanimously, pledging the Meeting to renewed exertions on behalf of the benevolent and national objects of the Institution.

The Report and Resolutions will be found in the May number of the " Life-boat Journal." THURSDAY, 3rd April: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.U.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspond- ence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Elected the Members of the Sub-Committees for the ensuing year.

Read and approved the report of the Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Plymouth, Hayle, and Newquay (Cornwall).

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to New Brighton, Liverpool, Penarth, Porthcawl, Swansea, Llanclly, Ferryside, Pembrey, and Tenby.

[The Special Contributions and Legacies re- ceived during the month of March are given in the Annual Report of the Institution, published on the 1st May last.] Produced an extract from the will of the late Miss M. A. HAMILTON, of Harrogate, in which she bequeathed a legacy of 200/., free of duty, to the Institution.

Decided to place another Life-boat at the Lizard, in place of the boat at present on that station, which had been seriously injured on the occasion of its recent service.

Reported that the new Life-boat which had just been placed by the Institution at Newquay (Corn- wall) had recently been taken out for exercise, and had given much satisfaction to its crew.

Ordered that various works be carried out at the Brixham, Kingsdowne, and Ballycotton Life- boat Stations, at an expense of 4621.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to Lieut.

GEORGE R. VYVYAN, R.N.R., in acknowledgment of his long and valuable co-operation in soliciting contributions from the passengers and crews on board the Cape Royal Mail Steamers in aid of the funds of the Society.

The Committee expressed their deep regret at the lamented decease of the late FRANCIS LEAN, Esq., R.N., who, for many years past, had been the able Secretary of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Society.

Paid 841Z. 14s. 9d. for sundry charges on vari- ous Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 221. 17«. to pay the expenses of the Brighstone Grange Life-boat in putting off through a heavy sea, on the 4th March, and pick- ing up a boat containing the master, mate, and 3 other persons belonging to the steamer Quail, which had gone ashore at the back of the Isle of Wight.

Also 67. 4s. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the Bull Bay Life-boat in going off, on the 3rd March, to the assistance of 2 sailors belonging to the schooner George IV,, of Amlwch, who had been driven out to sea in their boat, and could not regain the shore. The Life-boat was enabled, after an absence of five hours, to iring the boat and men safely to land.

Also 8/. 2s. to pay the expense of the Bude Life-boat in putting off on the 6th March, and saving 3 men belonging to the Dutch galliot Anna Gaiina, while the heavy seas were making a complete breach over the vessel, which went ashore near the entrance to Bude Harbour, and afterwards became a total wreck.

Also 61. 18s. to pay the expenses of the Cardigan Life-boat in going out, during squally weather, and rescuing 7 men from the schooner Dollart, of Detzum, Hanover, which was in a dangerous position inside Commeas Head on the 7th March.

Also 28/. to pay the expenses of the Lowestoft Life-boats in putting off while it was blowing strongly from the N.E., and saving the master and crew of 6 men from the schooner Celine, of Gravelines, which was wrecked on the Holme Sand, off the Suffolk coast, on the 18th March.

Also 331. 8s. to pay the expenses of the Mar- gate Life-boat, in going off on the 18th and 20th March, while it was blowing strongly from the N.E., and, after being out in very severe weather for seven hours each time, bringing safely to land 7 of the crew of the brig Demetrius, of Sunder- land, which was wrecked on the Long Sands, -and 12 persons belonging to the Norwegian barque Noordster, which had also struck on the same sands. The Life-boat had to encounter very heavy seas in the performance of these services.

Reported the services of the Porthoustock Life- boat, in putting off during a S.E. wind on the 27th March, and taking to a place of safety the Danish brig Alexander and her crew, when that vessel was in a distressed condition near the Manacles Rocks, on the Cornish coast.

Voted 111. 18s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Greeneastle, Chichester Harbour, and Courtown Life-boats, in either assembling the crews, or putting off in reply to signals of distress from different vessels, which did not ultimately re- quire the aid of the Life-boats.

The Ramsgate Life-boat had also gone out on two occasions, with the view of rendering assist- ance to distressed vessels, but her services were not called ihto requisition.

Voted 25/. to some Winterton beachmen, for putting off in their own Life-boat, and rescuing 30 men from the barque Uuby, of Sunderland, which was wrecked on the Hasborough Sands during a N.N.E. gale and in a heavy sea, on the 12th March.

Also 3/. 10s. to seven men for saving 4 other men from a pilot-boat which was capsized off Clogher Head, on the Irish coast, in a heavy sea, on the 25th Jan.

THURSDAY, 1st May: His Grace the DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, P.O., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.


545 Head letter from the Secretary of the Dover Branch, of the 24th April, stating that His ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ARTHUR, having expressed a ' wish to see the Life-boat on that station launched, she had been taken out for exercise on the pre- vious day, the PRINCE going off in the boat.

Afterwards he expressed his great satisfaction at the whole proceedings. Col. FirzKor CLAYTON, an active Member of the Committee of Manage- ment of the Institution, was present on the occa- sion, and explained to His ROYAL HIGHNESS the qualities of the Life-boat.

Read and approved the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Padstow, Port Isaac, Bude, Bideford, and Clovelly.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Milford, Solva, St. David's, Fishguard, Cardigan, Newquay, Aberystwith, Aberdovey, Barmouth, Dyffrin, Portmadoc, Abersoch, Porthdinllaen, Llanddwyn, Penmon, Rhosneigir, Rhoscolyn, and Holy head.

Reported the receipt of the following special Contributions since the last Meeting:— £. t. a..

Shipwrecked Mariners' Society, per Capt. W. H. SYMONS, R.N.: amounts collected from its beneficiary Mem- bers by the Honorary Agents, addi- tional 106 2 6 Miss J. E. HERRING, "In memory of departed friends."—To be added to the amount of Miss ELIZA NEALE'S Legacy, for the purchase of a Life- boat, to be named the Pendock jVeafe, and placed on the Cornish coast, additional 100 0 0 The late JOHN ROBINSON, Esq., of Skipton 50 0 0 Miss LAURA VERRALL, per HUGH GOR- BINGE, Esq 50 0 0 THOMAS BRADBERRY, Esq., additional. 50 0 0 Bristol Histrionic Club, in aid of the support of its Life-boat stationed at Lossiemouth, additional .... 42 0 0 Rev. E. GARDINER, additional . . . 30 0 0 Proceeds of concert at Woburn, Bed- fordshire, on Easter Tuesday, per Rev. R. G. BULKELEY 11 18 0 Worshipful Company of Ironmongers, per S. A. BECK, Esq., additional . 10 10 0 Proceeds of an Amateur Entertain- ment by the Members of the Three St. Paul's Dramatic Club, per E. H.

HOWELL, Esq 821 — To be severally thanked.

Produced an extract from the Will of the late RICHARD SANUBACH, Esq., of Southport, in which he bequeathed a legacy of 50/. to the Institution.

Reported the transmission to its station of the new Life-boat for the Lizard. The Bristol and Exeter, and South Devon and Cornwall Railway Companies had kindly granted free conveyances to the new and old Life-boats between Bristol and Penryn.— To be thanked.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to JAMES GRIEVE, Esq., and Mr. T. J. KILBERRY, in ac- knowledgment of their past kind co-operation as the Honorary Secretaries, respectively, of the Weymouth and Wicklow Branches of the Society.

The Committee expressed their regret at the decease of Mr. S. B. TAYLOR, who had been, for many years, the active Secretary and Collector of the Dublin Branch of the Institution.

Ordered that different worts be carried out at the Bacton and St. David's Life-boat Stations, at an expense of 79J.

Reported that an Exhibition of inventions for saving life at sea had been held at the London Tavern, from the 15th to the 21st April, and had been very largely attended. The Institution was represented at the Exhibition by some models of its Lifeboat, and various other articles.

Paid 1,140Z. lls. Id. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, and a copy of the Vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr.

JAMES WHITE, Coxswain of the Fishguard Life- boat, in acknowledgment of his gallant services in that boat on various occasions, in assisting to save 50 lives from various wrecks.

Also the Second Service Clasp to Mr. ROBERT HOOK, Coxwswain of the Lowestoft Life-boats, in testimony of his general brave services in saving life from shipwreck, and particularly on the occasion of the large Life-boat saving the crew of 10 men from the wrecked brig Expe- dite, of Drobak, on the 13th Nov., 1872.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. JAMES CLEMENS, late Coxswain of the Newquay (Cornwall) Life-boat, in acknow- ledgment of his services in that capacity.

Also 261. 16s. to pay the expenses of the Appledore No. 1. Life-boat, in putting off, while it was blowing freshly from theN.N.W., on the 4th April, to the assistance of the crews of three vessels, the schooners Express, of Barnstaple, and Annie Brooks and Mary Ann, of Bidefbrd, which had rnn ashore on the north tail of Bideford Bar.

With some difficulty, on account of the heavy sea, and the strong run of the tide, the Life-boat was enabled to save the crews, numbering 12 men, of all the vessels. The crew of the last-named schooner were, at much risk, taken from the rigging, while the seas were breaking over the ship.

Also 13/. 12s. to pay the expenses of the Lytham Life-boat, in going off, on the 27th and 29th April, to the assistance of the schooner Caledonia, of Boston, and the lugger Emmanuel, of Nantes, both of which had struck on the Horse Bank. In the first case the Life-boat remained by the schooner until she got off the Bank; but in the other case the lugger became a total wreck, and her crew of 6 men were saved by the Life-boat.

Also 47/. 1 Is. to pay the expenses of the Braun- ton, Margate, and North Deal Life-boats, in going off in reply to signals of distress from dif- ferent vessels, which did not ultimately require the services of the Life-boats.

The Ramsgate and Broadstairs Life-boats had also put off with the view of rendering assistance to distressed vessels; but their services were not eventually needed.

Voted 25J. to JOHN McGuiNESS, second Cox- .

swain of the Greencastle Life-boat, in considera- tion of the injuries received by him on the occa- sion of the Life-boat bringing ashore 2 persons from the barque L. G. Biglow, of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, OH the llth N.OV., 1872.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, and II. to Mr. WILLIAM TATEM, mate of the schooner Eliza Jane, of Bideford, in acknow- ledgment of his praiseworthy services in saving a man whose boat had been capsized off Boscastle Pier, in a heavy sea, on the 27th March.

Also 6?. 10s. to thirteen men for putting off in two boats, during a strong S.E. wind, and rescu- ing 3 persons, whose boat had capsized near Boffin Island, on the Irish coast, on the 5th Nov., 1872.

Also 51. in aid of a local subscription, raised to reward ten Exmouth men for putting off in boats and saving 2 pilots, whose boat had been cap- sized off that place on the 30th March..