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Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society

ON the 23rd May last, H.R.H. the DUKE OF EDINBURGH presided at the Anniversary Meeting of this Society, at the Mansion House. His Royal Highness was sup- ported on the occasion by the LORD MAYOR, the DUKE or MARLBOROUGH (Pre- sident of the Society), Admiral the EARL OF LAUDERDALE, Admiral Sir WILLIAM H. HALL, K.C.B., Admiral BUCKLE, C.B., and many other gentlemen.

The DUKE OF EDINBURGH, on taking the Chair, said that he appealed to them on behalf of the Society for the Belief of Mariners in Distress, an institution which extends its active benevolence to 'those whose fate it has been to be cast by ship- wreck upon our shores, whether our countrymen or foreigners. Its Committee meet every Friday, in London, to relieve the widows and orphans of the lost, not only at the time of their death, but by small annual payments. There were thus 9,601 persons relieved last year. One remarkable feature in the Society is, that it is not only supported by the contribu- tions of the charitable, but largely by the subscriptions of seamen themselves, 48,000 of whom pay three shillings a year as its members. His Royal Highness then drew attention to the Royal Alfred Aged Merchant Seamen's Institution, established, through the medium of the Society, at Belvedere-on-Thames, for the reception of destitute aged Merchant Seamen.

During the past year the Society had lost its valuable and able Secretary, Mr. Francis Lean, R.N., who was a true friend of the sailor. He lived, however, to see the Society attain to its present high state of prosperity.

The Report, which was a very favour- able one, was read by Captain W. H. SYMONS, R.N., the Secretary. In it the Committee called attention to the fact of the fearful destruction of our Shipping during the past winter. Seventeen lega- cies, in sums varying from 191. 19s. to 5,0001, were announced, also various do- nations, including HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, 25Z. annual; H.R.H the DUKE of EDINBURGH, 501.; H.E.H. the DUCHESS OF CAMBRIDGE, 20Z.; the EX-EMPRESS OF THE FRENCH, 20Z.; the DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH, 311. 10s.; LADY LAWLEY, 105?.; H. D. Y.

(third donation), 1000Z.; Colonel and Mrs. G-ASCOIGNE, 1001.; the EARL OF DURHAM, 60Z., &c., &c.

Resolutions were ably moved and se- conded, by the LORD MAYOR, the DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH, LORD LAUDERDALE, LORD WM. LENNOX, Eev. JAMES FLEMING, and others, including a complimentary vote of thanks to his Royal Highness, which he graciously acknowledged, and the Meeting, which was a most successful one, was brought to a close.