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Summary of the Year's Work

THE work of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, in saving life from Shipwreck in the year 1872, may thus be briefly summarised:— Lives saved.

By Life-boats 569 By Shore-boats and other means, for -whose services the Institution granted rewards . . • .170 Total 739 The Preservation of Life to which the Institution has devoted itself for nearly half a century, has been considered in all ages as an act deserving of every meed of gratitude and encouragement. The highest and humblest are often made widows and orphans by the violence of the storm, as was too frequently seen during the fearful gales of last December. To-day it is the great captain in Ms proud war- ship, who goes, down with five hundred men into the ocean's bosom. To-morrow it is the poor woman, with her children round her—who, on the desolate beach, mourns for the manly heart that will return no more—for the night has been stormy—and the fishermen have all been " drowned." It .only remains for us at the commencement of the year, to pray that it may not be so stormy as the past year; and to appeal to the public at large for their continuous support to the Life-boat Institution, which is so merciful and patriotic in its design, and which is so constantly giving practical proofs of its successful working in saving life from Shipwreck.