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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THDBSDAY, 3rd Oct., 1872: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S,, V.P., in the Chair.

.Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of Capt. J. R. WARD, R.N., the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to the Life-boat Stations at Girvan, Ballantrae, Port Logan,Whithorn, Kirkcudbright, Scarborough, Lowestoft, and Pakefield.

Also the Report of Capt. D. ROBERTSON, R.N., the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Rhosneigir, Cemaes, West Hartlepool.

Seaham, and Sunderland.

Reported the receipt of the following special Contributions since the last Meeting :— ' OUT-PENSIONER " Life-boat Fund, per £. s. d.

Major BROCKHAN, additional. . . 10 0 0 harvest Thank-offerings from Rype, and Chalvington, Sussex, per Rev. R.

S. SUTTON, M.A 5 19 11 Commander C. G. JONES, R.N., and some Blue Jackets and Marines of the Cricket Club of H.M.S. Pert. . 500 Amount of collection made after a Ser- mon in the Free Church of England, Lynmouth, Devon, on 15th Sept., per Rev. FREDERICK NEWMAN, D.D. . 4 10 0 Portion of Harvest Thank-offering at Newton parish church, Sudbury, Suffolk, on 12th Sept., per Rev. C.

SMITH 2 10 0 — To be severally thanked.

Reported that the late V. R. LLOYD, Esq., of Clifton, had bequeathed a reversionary Legacy of 50/. to the Institution, duty free.

Mr. LEWIS, the Secretary, reported that he had, during the months of August and September, visited some of the Life-boat Stations on the coasts of Devon and Cornwall. He found them in excellent order, and the crews continued to express the utmost confidence in their boats.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the new Life-boats for Scarborough and Rhos- neigir, demonstrations having taken place at both stations on the occasion of the inauguration of the Life-boats.

Decided th%t various works be carried out at the Plymouth, Winterton, and North Deal Life- boat Stations, at an expense of 522. 4s.

The Committee expressed their deep regret at the death of Lady COTTON SHEPPARD, who had been a most liberal supporter of the Life-boat cause.

Reported that the Kingsbridge Court of the Ancient Order of Foresters had kindly presented to the Salcombe Branch of the Institution the sum of 257., being the proceeds of a fete held by them in the park of WILLIAM ROOPE ILBERT, Esq., at Bowringsleigh, near Kingsbridge, where the Life- boat was exhibited.— To be thanked.

Decided to appropriate the Morte Bay Life-boat Station to the legacy bequeathed to the Institu- tion by the late ROBERT ATTON, Esq., of Taunton, for the purpose of providing a Life-boat, to be named the] Grace Woodbury, and stationed on the Devonshire coast.

Read letter from Mr. C. S. MERRIMAN, of New York, of the 6th Sept., calling attention to his patent "Waterproof Dress and Life Preserver.— To be acknowledged, Voted the thanks of the Institution to W. H.

HOLMES, Esq., and J. J. HEAD, Esq., in acknow- ledgment of their past valuable co-operation as the Honorary Secretaries, respectively, of the Hayle and Cardigan Branches of the Institution.

Paid 1,0242. 19». 8d for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 91. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Sid- mouth Life-boat in putting off, while it was blowing a gale from the south, on the 5th Sept., and saving 8 men from the brig Frederick Wil- liam, of Guernsey, which was in distress off Sid- mouth.

Also 11. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Broad- stairs Life-boat in going out, during moderate weather, with the view of rendering assistance to the barque Alida, of Drammen, which had gone on the South Calliper Sands, on the 10th Sept.

Fortunately, however, the services of the Life- boat were not called into requisition.

The Bude, Swansea, Fraserburgh, New Brigh- ton, and Porthcawl Life-boats had also been got j Out in readiness to render assistance to different distressed vessels; but ultimately the services of the Life-boats were not required. The expenses thus incurred amounted to 47?. 15«. Sd.

Reported the services of the Newbiggin Life-boat, in putting off, during a very heavy gale from the S.W., on the 28th Sept., and bringing ashore from the schooner Perseverance, bound from Sunderland to Leith, a man whose skull had been fractured by a blow received from the handle of the wind- lass, and who proved to be dead when they reached the land. The Life-boat afterwards put «ff and succeeded in taking the vessel safely into Shields.

Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. ROBERT HUGHES, the Honorary Secretary of its Rhyl Branch; and the thanks of the Society and II. to a lad named EDWARD JONES, for rescuing from the water, and afterwards re- suscitating, a gentleman named LINDSAY HALL, who was in imminent danger of being drowned while bathing at Rhyl, on the 2nd July.

Also the thanks of the Institution to Mr.

GEORGE LE HUNTE, jun., and 10s. each to four men who, with himself, formed the crews of two boats named the Witch and Kate, for saving the crew of 3 men from the fishing boat Lily, which was cap- sized during the Wexford Regatta,-while it-was blowing hard from the S.E., on the 5th Sept.

THURSDAY, 7th Nov.: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair. ' Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to the Pembrey, Porthcawl, and Burnham Life-boat Stations.

Also the Report of the-Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his visits to Tynemouth, North and South Shields, Sunderland, Newbiggin, Blyth, Whitburn, Cullercoats, Alnmouth, Hauxley, Boul- mer, North Sunderland, Berwick-on-Tweed, Holy Island, Dunbar, Leeds, Huddeisfield, Bradford, Whitehaven, and Matlock Bath.

Reported the receipt of the following special Contributions since the last Meeting:— £. £• Ct.

Mrs. ANNE GOMONDE, additional • . 20 0 0 Contents of Contribution-boxes at Well Street Sailors' Home, per Capt.

WEBB, R.N., additional .... 16 19 5 Rev. C. E. FEW, M.A., additional amount collected by him on behalf of the Lee Shore Life-boat Fund. . 1212 0 W. B. M., " A Thank-offering" . . 500 — To be severally thanked.

Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— & s d The late EDWARD FIKBANK, Esq., of Uplyme, Devon, payable after the death of his -widow .... 1000 0 0 The late Mrs. JANE SMITH, of Cold- stream, N.B 50 0 0 Reported the receipt of 680/., from " A Lady," to defray the cost of the Newquay (Cardigan) Life-boat establishment, the boat being named the Nelson.— To be thanked.

Also 500J. from the Rev. T. KEBLE, of Bisley Vicarage, Stroud, theamount having been set apart by some members of his family, now deceased, to defray the cost of a Life-boat.—To be thanked, and to suggest that the boat might be.named the John Kebte, after the well-known author of The Christian Year. [ The family, iu responding to the suggestion, fully approved of it.] Decided that the deep sympathy of the Com- mittee be conveyed to Lady WAI.KER, on the occasion of the decease of her husband, Sir WILLIAM WAIKER, H.C.S., who had been a Member of the Committee, and a valuable co- adjutor of the Institution.

Also to the family of the late WittiAM TEO, Esq., of Appledore, North Devon, who had been a very liberal supporter and zealous coadjutor of the Life-boat work in his district.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to the Rev.

HENRY ROOKE, M. A., J. L. STEWART, Esq., and Mr.

D. MCMILLAN, in acknowledgment of their past valuable co-operation, in the management of the Wicklow and Cantyre Branches of the Society.

Reported the transmission to its station of the new large Life-boat for Pakefield, near Lowestoft, also a new carriage for the Southport Life-boat.

Read letter from the Chief Harbour Master at Melbourne, of the 10th Sept., asking for informa- tion as to the work of the Institution, and adding that they now had on that coast five very efficient stations supplied with Life-boats, and the rocket and mortar apparatus.—Decided that this request be complied with.

Decided also that various works be carried out at the Porthcawl and Cemaes Life-boat Stations, at an expense of 89/. 5s.

Paid 1019J. 2s. Sd. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 12J. 2s. to pay the expenses of the Pen- mon Life-boat in putting off, during a fresh breeze from the N.W., and bringing safely ashore from Puffin Island 6 persons belonging to the barque Quern of the Fleet, bound from Carnarvon to Liverpool, which had stranded on that island on the 3rd Oct.

Also 161. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Portrush Life-boat in going off while it was blowing a N.N. W. gale on the 3rd Oct., and earing 7 men from the brigantine Amanda, of Coleraine, which had stranded near the White Rock.

Also 12Z. 18s. to pay the expenses of the Thurso Life-boat in rescuing 14 persons from the biigaa- tine Mary Holland, of Liverpool, and the brig Eliza, of Belfast, both of which vessels were in distress in Scrabster Roads, on the 4th Oct.

Also 31/. Is. to pay the expenses of the Orme's Head Life-boat in saving 8 persons from the flat Swallow, of Runoorn, and the flat Peter, of Liver- pool, on the 10th and 16th Oct.

Also 151 15s. to pay the expenses of the Holy Island No. 1 Life-boat in putting off during a very heavy gale, and rescuing 3 persons from the sloop Elizabeth, of Sunderland, which had gone ashore on the Partin Steel Rocks on the IIth Oct.

Also 161. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Walmer Life-boat in going off during a southerly gale, and saving 4 men from the schooner Hero, of London, which became a total wreck on the Goodwin Sands on the 16th Oct.

Also 1H. 6s. to pay the expenses of the Rye Life-boat in putting off while it was blowing from the S.S.W. on the 24th Oct., and rescuing 3 , persons from the barge Urgent, of Rochester, which sunk off Jury's Gap.

Also 212. 5s. Gd. to pay the expenses of the Dungeness Life-boat in going off on the 25th Oct., and saving 4 men from the ketch Zebre, of Jersey, which was in distress off New Romney.

Also 151. to pay the expenses of the Penarth Life-boat in putting off during a W.S.W. gale on the 1st Nov., and remaining alongside the barques Muyna Charta and Janlyrd, which had been in collision in Cardiff Roads.

Reported the services of the Newquay (Car- digan) Life-boat in putting off during a strong gale from the E.N.E. on the 16th Oct., andlen- dering assistance to the ship Antigua, of Greenock, which was in a distressed condition off Newquay.

Also the services of the Caister No. 1 Life-boat 5n assisting to save the ship St. Jolimner, of Dantzic, and her crew of 18 men, which vessel had stranded on the Middle Cross Sand during a fresh breeze from the south on the 18th Oct.

The same Life-heat also succeeded on the 5th Nov. in saving the schooner Grace, of Whitstable, which had stranded on the South Cross Sand.

Also the services of the Palling No. Life-boat in helping to save the barque Lily, of South Shields, which had gone on the Hasborough Sands on the 24th Oct.

Also the services of the Dungarvan Life-boat in rendering'vahiabie assistance to the brigantine Richard Thompson, of Belfast, which had stranded on Dungarvan Bar during a fresh breeze from the S.S.W. on the 24th Oct.

Also the services of the Pembrey Life-boat in going off while it was blowing heavily from the •westward, and saving the distressed brig Alfred, of Littlehampton, and her crew of 7 men.

Voted 1591. 8s. 4cf. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Arklow, "Wicklow, Cardigan, Bude, Orme's Head, Dunbar, Rhyl, Wexford, Montrose, Kirkcudbright, Winchelsea, PooVbeg, Mullion, Rye, Walmer, and Kingsdowne, in either as- sembling the crews or putting off in reply to signals of distress from different distressed vessels which, fortunately, did not ultimately require the services of the Life-boats. The Ramsgate and Caister Life-boats had also been out with the view of rendering assistance to distressed vessels.

Also 71.10s. to 15 men belonging to Hasborough, for putting off in a yawl and bringing ashore from the Hasborough Lightship the crew of 11 men from the barque Eyrend, of Manda], which was wrecked off that coast during a W.N.W. wind on the 23rd Oct.

Also 51. to some Whitby men for saving, by means of ropes and lifebuoys, 6 persons from the brigantine Lucy, of Great Yarmouth, which had gone on the rocks at Whitby during a N .14 .E. ' gale on the llth Oct.

Also 22. to 2 men "belonging to the schooner Traveller, of Yarmouth, for saving 5 persons from a coast-guard boat which had capsized off Skegness, on the Lincolnshire coast, on the 16th July.

Also 2Z. to JOHN CAMPBEM, of Bushmills, Co.

Antrim, for swimming out and saving 2 men from a boat which had capsized at Port Braddon, on the Irish Coast, during a N.E. wind on the 6th Sept.

Also l. to WIIJ.IAM DAWSON and another man, for putting off in a boat and rescuing 2 men from a, fishing-boat which had capsized off Garliestown, N.B., during a fresh breeze from the N.W. on the 3rd Oct.

Also I/, to two men belonging to Bucks, North Devon, for putting off in a small punt, and rescuing a man whose boat had capsized off' that place while it was blowing from the N.W. on the 7th Oct. Thursday, 5th Dec.: THOMAS CSAPMAN, Esq., JP.B.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Keward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats on his recentvisits to the Rye, Valentia, and Queenstown Life-boat Establishments.

Reported the receipt of the following special Contributions since the last Meeting:— The Dowager-Marchioness of WEST- £. «. z, MTNSIER ....... . 100 0 0 Trustees of the late THOMAS Boys, Esq., per G. H. WHITE, Esq., additional . 50 0 0 Lady VIVIAN, further on behalf of her Life-boat Fund 50 0 0 N. R., further on behalf of his Life- boat Fund 50 0 0 Newport (Monmonth) Histrionic Club, per W. 3. Dix, Esq., additional . 36 17 t Portion of the residue of the Estate of the late J. J. TAHCRED, Esq., of Pevrville, Co. Dublin . . . . 350 0 0 •— To tie severally thanked, Reported the receipt of 2,500?., being the legacy bequeathed to the Institution by the late Mrs.

DUKPAS DJTOMMOSD, of Kensington, a liberal annual subscriber to the Institution. The legacy is to be applied in the formation and support of a Life-boat to be named the Henry JJvndas, and stationed on the coast of England or Wales.

Also that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £. s. d.

The late Mr. JOHN DOUGLAS of Boston, Lincolnshire,' Comedian, residue of his estate (after death of his wife).

The late Miss SARAH RAW of South Shields, for the Tyne Life-boats . . 50 f) ft Paid 2,344!. 18s. 2d. for sundry charges on Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 17/. 17s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Cleelhorpes Life-boat in rescuing 2 men. fro'm the barque Queen Victoria, of Lynn, on the 10th November.

Also 201. 11s. to pay the expenses of the Bishguard No. 1 Life-boat in saving the crews, consisting of 11 men, of the smacks John and Grace, of Milford, Mary, of Cardigan, and Com- merce, Lioti, and Ellen Omen, of Cardigan, on the 10th Nov.

Also 342. 6s. to pay the expenses of the Scar- borough Life-boat in rescuing 20 persons from the brig Palestine, of Whitby, the brig E. J. J)., of Nantes, and from a boat from the Hamburgh steamer Allemania.

Also 18?. 18«. to pay the expenses of the Greencastle Life-boat in bringing ashore 2 men from the barque L. G. Bigtow, of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, on the llth Nov.

Also 16?. 10s. to pay the expenses of the North Sunderland Life-boat in rescuing the crew of 6 men from the schooner Don, of Jersey, on the 10th Nov. Subsequently the crew of the Life-boat again went off and succeeded in taking the vessel into harbour.

Also 11. 7s. 6 i. to pay the expenses of the Wells Life-boat in taking to Wells the crew of 10 men from the lugger Northumberland, of Ham- burg, who had been compelled to leave their vessel during a northerly gale on the llth Nov.

« Also 251. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Lowestoft No. 1 Life-boat in going out on the 13th Nov., and rescuing the crew of 10 men from , the brig JEiperftte, of Drobak.

| - Also 13J. 2s. to pay the expenses of the Plymouth Life-boat in saving 9 persons from the brigantine Laurel, of London, on the 23rd Nov.

Also 32i. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Whitbnrn Life-boat in going off twice and saving 15 persons from the barque Canada Belle, of Whitby, on the 23rd Nov.

' Also 247. 7s. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the Abersoch Life-boat in rescuing the crew of 4 men of the schooner Maria, of Aberystwith, on the 23rd Nov.

Ateo 1l. 7».to v*Sttve expenses of the New-castle (Dundrum) Life-boat in rescuing, on the 26th Nov., 8 men from the barque Juliana, of Riga.

Also 15/. to pay the expenses of the Lyme Regis Life-boat in saving the crew of 14 men from the barque Cossibelaunus, of North Shields, on the 26th Nov.

Also "II. 14s. to pay the expenses of the Swansea Life-boat in rescuing 14 men from the brig Faladino, of Messina, on the 26th NOT.

Also 61. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Tenby Life-boat in putting off, on the 26th Nov., and remaining alongside the distressed schooner Aden, of Liverpool, until she was safely anchored.

Reported the services of the Ramsgate Life- boat in putting off, on the 14th Nov., and rescuing the brig Marguerite, of Cherbourg, and her crew of 8 men, when she went on the Goodwin Sands.

Also the services of the Caister No. 2 Life-boat in saving the distressed schooner Mediatieur, of Nantes, and her crew of 6 men, on the 15th Nov.

Also the services of the New Brighton (tubular) Life-boat in assisting, on the 16th Nov., to save the barque Vale of Nith and her crew of 21 men.

Also the services of the Port Isaac Life-boat in rescuing the distressed fishing luggers Castle and J. T. K., of that place, and their crews of 8 men, on the 20th Nov.

Also the services of the Arklow Life-boat in putting off, on the 29th Nov., and rendering valu- able assistance to the stranded brigantine fanny Palmer, of Youghal.

Voted 288J. 1 Is. to pay the expenses of the Life- boats stationed at Whithorn, Padstow, Cadgwith, North Deal, Montrose, "Wells, Palling, Hasbo- rough, Pakefield, Hunstanton, Teignmouth, Kes- singland, Caister, Newbiggin, Fraserburgh, Holy- head, Tenby, New Brighton, Mullion, Penarth, Swansea, Piel, Irvine, Castletown, Wicklow, and Peterhead, in either assembling the crews or put- ting off, in reply to signals of distress from various vessels, which subsequently did not re- quire the aid of the Life-boats.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution, a copy of the Vote inscribed on vellum, and 51. each to Mr. CHABIES BI.AMPIED, farmer,Mr. EJUASWHIT- LET, farmer, and JOHN BOUCHARD, labourer, of St.

Martin's, Jersey, in acknowledgment of their gal- lant and determined services in putting off twice in a sma/! boat during a heavy gale from ihe west- ward, and proceeding a long distance to the ship Isabella jfforthcote, of Christiania, which had gone on the Ecrehos Rocks off the Jersey coast, on the 2nd Nov. The three brave men were enabled in the two trips, under the most perilous circum- stances, to save the whole of the crew, 18 in number. The shipwrecked men were landed on a rock, where they were carefully tended in a hut by a poor man named CHARLES PIXEL and his wife, who were most generous and hospitable to them. A reward of 51. was voted by the Institu- tion to the Pnrets for those kind services.

Also 51. to the crew of the lugger Champion, of Ramsgate, for saving, in their small boat, 7 men from the brig Ariel, of Shoreham, which had been wrecked on the Goodwin Sands during a strong W.S.'W. breeze, on the 2nd Nov.

Also 51. to four men for rescuing, in the galley punt Leader, 1 man from the barque Hiawatha, which was wrecked on the Goodwin Sands while it was blowing a gale from the N .E.,on the 3th Kov.

Also SI. to four men for putting off in a coast- guard galley and rescuing the crew of 4 men from the lighter Jane, of Belfast, which became a total wreck near Whitehouse, co. Antrim, during a S.W. gale on the 6th Nov.

Also 12. to two men belonging to Penarth for saving, by means of their punt, a man belonging to the smack Ann, of Bristol, which sunk on the East Flats, off Cardiff, while it was blowing hard from the W.S.W. on the 23d Nov.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, and I/, to Mr. J. SEGRUE, I/, each to RI- CHARD MAUNDER and RICHARD K.KRWJK, and 21. to four other raen for bringing safely ashore from the Mewstone, 2 men and a boy who had taken refuge on that rock on the 24th Oct..