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Two Fishing Boats

After a severe storm which was experienced here on the 24th August had somewhat abated, about 200 of the fishing-boats put to sea, but at nightfall a gale of much violence came on from the N.N.W., and those of the crews who had not cast their nets, at once made for the harbour, which they with great difficulty succeeded in reach- ing; others, however, trusting to an abate- ment of the storm, kept hanging on their nets until about two o'clock in the morn- ing, when the severity of the wind so much increased as to necessitate their cutting the nets adrift and seeking the harbour for safety. Many others had no alternative but to bring up in the bay; and about six o'clock the Life-boat ffavelock was launched, and proceeded to two of the boats which had drifted too near the shore, and had hoisted signals of distress.

The crews of both the boats, consisting of 11 men, were happily rescued by the Life-boat, and brought safely to the har- bour..