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Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society

THE Thirty-third Annual Meeting of this excellent Society was held at the Cannon Street Hotel, on the 15th May last. In the absence of the President, His Grace the DUKE OF MABLBOROUGH, the Chair was taken by Admiral the Hon. ARTHUR DUNCOMBE.

The CHAIRMAN, after having remarked upon the importance of the Society, and commended its objects to the public, called upon the Secretary, FRANCIS LEAN, Esq., R.N., to read the Report, which was of a very satisfactory tenor.

It stated that in the last twenty-seven years the income of the Society had increased 500/. per cent., and that the relief afforded to the objects of the Charity—viz.,shipwrecked persons and widows and orphans of our merchant seamen had increased 1,0001. per cent. During the past year the Society had relieved 5,004 shipwrecked persons, natives and foreigners of thirteen different nations, and 4,294 Widows and Orphans of Fishermen and Mariners, making a total since the formation of the Society, in 1839, of 213,035. 47,917 Mariners voluntarily subscribe 3s. each per annum to the Society, and its income last year had been 28,3651.

in connection with which certain large donors were mentioned—viz., HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN, 25/. (annual); Mrs. CHOLMLEY, 100/.; The DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE, 50/.; CHARLES BAKING YOUNG, ESQ., 1001.; DUKE OF CLEVELAND, K.G., 501.; H.D.Y. (2nd donation), 1,000 .; WILLIAM STUART, Esq., V.P., 5.000/.; " Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping Society," 105A; JOHN CLARK, Esq. (Dundee), 50/.; Mrs. DANBY VERNON HARCOURT, 50/.; Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, 50/., and Trustees of WILLIAM THORN- GATE, Esq., per HENRY COMPIGSE, Esq., 70/.

(annual). Several Legacies had also been an-nounced during the past year.

j In the Report the Committee referred to the efforts of the Society in granting rewards for saving life on the high seas and on the coasts of I the British Colonies, and drew attention to the Royal Alfred Aged Merchant Seamen's Institution, established through the medium of the i Society at Belvedere-on-Thames, for the reception of destitute aged Merchant Seamen.

The Report also drew attention to the little quarterly periodical of the Society called The Shipwrecked Mariner, and concluded by stating | that 9,298 persons suffering from the perils of the j deep during the past year, through the blessing of God and the benevolence of the supporters I of the Society, had their sufferings materially I alleviated.

Various resolutions having been moved and seconded, the Meeting separated after the usual vote of thanks to the Chairman.