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Mersey, of Liverpool

On the 5th June, the schooner Mersey, of Liverpool, went on the South Bishop Rock and sank. Signals of distress were made by the light- keepers, whereupon the Life-boat Augusta proceeded out, and brought the vessel's crew of 4 men safely ashore. This Life- boat was presented to the Institution by the Earl of Dartmouth and his tenantry, and this was the third time she had been the means of saving life.

On the occasion of the Earl of DART- MOUTH'S son, Viscount LEWISHAM, coming of age, reference was made at the festivities to this Life-boat, in an Address presented to his Lordship, when Lord Dartmouth made the following remarks concerning the gift of the boat and its services:— " They had alluded to the Life-boat he had I promoted. He used this word promoted advisedly, | for all that he did was to scatter the seed, which, I falling on a good and fruitful soil, the means necessary for providing the Augusta Life-boat I were speedily obtained, and already the boat had done the noble work of saving 13 lives. He thanked them heartily for what they did on that occasion, and he might tell them of a fact of which probably they were not aware. When Lady DARTMOUTH and he had completed the twenty- , fifth year of their married life—a day generally ! known as the 'silver wedding'—on the 9th of June last year, one of the most gratifying things connected with that day, besides the congratula- tions of their friends, was a telegram which they received from St. David's, announcing the fact that the Augusta had saved four lives.".